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Messages - SherriPie

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General Discussion / Re: Internal Battle to Stay the Course
« on: December 28, 2012, 04:51:05 PM »
I have to tell you that I love FTS. Yes we have daily temptations but the cool thing about FTS is when you're maintaining you have to up your carb intake, and every once in a while you can have those things that you're craving. I try to once a month let myself eat whatever I want. The funny thing is it usually doesn't taste nearly as good as I remember it tasting. But with FTS, I can allow myself that day and then just go right back to FTS for the rest of the month and not worry about it anymore. I haven't had any cravings or problems from it, although depending on what I eat the carbs can make me sick. Which just reinforces why I love FTS.

General Discussion / Re: Okay guys, I need help!
« on: December 28, 2012, 04:45:37 PM »
Stephanie I have been wondering about you for months. I am so very sorry to hear about your Mom, big hugs to you.
I'm glad you're back with us though, and back on FTS. We've missed you!

General Discussion / Re: Mind to Body Catch Up
« on: December 04, 2012, 10:18:48 AM »

To this day, I sometimes unconsciously wander into the big and tall section rather than the "regular" men's section.
I giggle when I realize I'm in the wrong place. ;D

After so many years of being really big, it takes a long time to adjust.
Or maybe it's just "senior moments" getting the better of me. :D ;D :D


I still do that to this day and when I'm out shopping I automatically go to the plus size section. I also hold up clothes that are my size and are certain they aren't going to fit, head to the changing room and they do and am always surprised. I sometimes wonder if that feelings will go away.

General Discussion / Re: Eating Out Is ALWAYS Easy :)
« on: December 04, 2012, 10:15:00 AM »
Gosh those are cute pictures. You know I eat out all the time and I's easy and fun...and you don't have to cook it.  ;D ;D

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: three weeks update
« on: December 04, 2012, 10:10:16 AM »
Way to go Jetfan!!!  ;D ;D

General Questions / Re: favorite low carb grocery store snacks
« on: December 04, 2012, 10:07:51 AM »
In my opinion, there are two important milestones in the FTS journey.

The first is getting going.  Deciding to "try" low carb living.

The second is finding peace in the process and understanding that FTS is a lifestyle. 

Notice that reaching your goal weight is not on the list.  My personal revelation that I was never abandoining low carb living was a bigger event than reaching goal.

That's what I tell everyone too. This is a lifestyle, not a diet. Much like a vegan is vigilant with what they eat, we FTS'ers stay true to our lifestyle and it all works out.

I just wanted to post this so if someone like me is lurking and thinking about it...I want them to start now. I can't even imagine how different my life would be if I didn't try FTS. You all know I have tried EVERYTHING. This lifestyle works, it's not always easy and yes sometimes you want to throw that scale across the room, but it does work. So if you are thinking about, just do it..stop waiting...clear out those cabinets and become who you were meant to be. Start today..why wait!

General Discussion / If you're on the fence about FTS...check this out...
« on: November 16, 2012, 10:16:38 AM »
Yesterday I sat up the screen saver on my computer to pull random pictures out of my picture folders. I have pictures in there from the last ten years or more. Some I haven't seen in ages but I have really been enjoying seeing all the old images. What I hadn't expected was to see pictures of me and actually notice such a difference. It'll be three years in March that I started my FTS journey and I have been maintaining now for over a year.

Anyway, I saw this picture come up yesterday of my cutiepie husband and I. It was very rare for me to let someone take a picture of me, let alone one that was almost full length. It is probably around five years old or so but what got me was how much heavier I was. When you are that size you never realize that you are that size. Then a picture came up of me that my husband took at Christmas last year and I couldn't believe the difference between the two.

So I thought...if you're on the fence about starting this lifestyle, if you're not sure and don't know if it will work...these pictures might just convince you. If I wouldn't have started FTS I would be in the exact same place as I was in the first picture.

We are about to start a new about starting it with a new you!!

General Discussion / Re: 200 Pounds gone FOREVER
« on: November 16, 2012, 09:55:01 AM »
Thanks Zenababy for all the nice compliments. Really 230 and 55 pounds are the same. We all have a goal and sometimes it can seem like forever to get those last three pounds off. If you really follow this program and stay on it, you'll never be worried about being skinny again. Remember though, it's a lifestyle, not a diet. We all have to choose to stay on it and keep it up.

Welcome to FTS!  :)

Sides and Snacks / Re: Low Carb Jellied Cranberry Sauce from TooSweet
« on: November 15, 2012, 08:48:37 AM »
How many drops of the fat to skinny sweetener would I use instead of the xylitol?

General Discussion / Thanksgiving
« on: November 14, 2012, 09:44:13 AM »
That time of year is upon us...Thanksgiving! I was just sitting here putting together my menu for this year. I have family coming to our house so I am going to make it FTS friendly but also add a few regular staples that have been requested. This year we are having a Turducken wrapped in bacon and only 1 carb per four ounces. I just wondered what anyone else might be having special that I could include in my FTS friendly dinner. 

Scott you ran 10 miles, I'm still so impress that you can do that! You're amazing!! I'm sure next weigh in you will have a big drop. But if you can run TEN MILES and not be dying you should be so proud of yourself! Way to go!

Turtle club members always cross the finish line and stay in the game. That's a great place to be Morgan. Congrats on tweaking it all and losing again. As Doug says, it's basic math. If you aren't losing then sugar is getting you somewhere. Easy to say but when that plateau hits and you can't get that darn evil scale to is the worst! You've got this....congratulations on getting it working again. :)

Sides and Snacks / Re: Re: Here are some of my favorite snacks!
« on: November 13, 2012, 09:17:19 AM »
I notice I exam everyones shopping carts now when I am in the stores to see how much damage they are doing to themselves. It is truly amazing the lack of education/willingness of some folks when it comes to healthy eating. I just want to get on a microphone and share my wealth of little bit of knowledge ::)

Oh my gosh Stephanie me too! I used to be "Queen of the Frozen Foods" and now when I see the other carts with all that junk in them it make me cringe. Do you ever have the urge to tell people what's in the junk they are eating? I still have a tendency to drop one of Doug's FTS cards in a unmanned cart full of junk. LOL

General Discussion / Re: Hello everyone
« on: November 13, 2012, 09:14:03 AM »
Welcome livinfla to the site. How is your week going? Each day will get easier and easier. Soon all cravings will be history!

I just realized...there are a lot of us on here living in Florida.  ;D

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