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Stalled weight-loss Why?

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Doug Varrieur:
I recently recieved this e mail from a reader;

It has been about a week now and I have already lost 10lbs! I'm so happy! I started at 230! I cannot wait to lose my first 50lbs! I'm only 16 and 6'1. I have struggled with my weight since I was a child and I was embarrassed when my mom caught me reading your book at barnes and noble because it was sort of like a cry for help with my weight! But she offered to buy it for me and I was still embarrassed but happy:D I am the only FAT person in the family:( Thank you sooo much for writing it!
Asia M.

Hi Doug! I'm having a major Dilemma! I have been doing everything correctly but my weight loss has stopped! It has only been 2 weeks! What is wrong with me? Please help! I'm no where near skinny!

Doug Varrieur:
Asia, take a's OK  :) You've dropped 10 pounds in two weeks and your body is adjusting to the change. Stick to the plan and STAY AWAY from sugar and carbs. Soon your weight will start to drop off again.  By the way....congratulations on the ten pounds gone!

Doug Varrieur:
As you lose weight plateaus are normal. The biggest mistake people make is thinking they are at the end of their weight loss. I realize we are all in a hurry to get skinny however your body needs to adjust itself as you drop. It's important to review your food intake during these plateaus, especially in the area of condiments. Make sure you're not taking in any sugar and your portion sizes are reasonable.

Don't forget, this is NOT A DIET. This is a lifestyle change....don't be in a hurry and don't fret...the weight will continue to drop off as long as you stay away from sugar and carbs.

I also have had my 10-pound weight loss and my weight is staying about the same now.  I feel like my body is readjusting, but I still feel skinnier everyday and for this reason it keeps me going.  I feel I am getting skinnier from the inside out.   ;) It took me years to put this weight on so I am going to relax and enjoy my weight loss because I feel better daily.  I think if we weigh ourselves biweekly this also helps.

Doug Varrieur:
Lori, you are 100% correct.... The scale can be your friend or your enemy. I've had readers who drove themselves crazy by weighing in twice a day! Every two weeks is a good timeframe.


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