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Topics - sandrarbsn

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Ran out of room on previous post!
« on: May 02, 2012, 08:10:47 PM »
Do I need to detox again due to using Splenda?  Would this help with my stall?

General Discussion / FTS Sweetner vs Splenda and other sweetners
« on: May 02, 2012, 08:08:44 PM »
Hi guys,
Guess what, 2 weeks and no weight loss.  Feeling alittle frustrated about losing 2 pounds to gain back 2 pounds.  This has been going on for 2 weeks now!! I'm stuck at the same 9-11 lb weight loss in 2 months! 

 I just saw Doug's posting in the dessert forum about Splenda having carbs.  I think I read that Splenda can cause a stall in some people as well as sugar alcohols.  I have a question.  Can the fTS sweetner be used for baking?  I saw where Umpa uses xylitol for baking, stevia for coffee.  What is the FTS sweetner used for?  Can it be used to replace Splenda?  I make these mini cheesecake muffins that are 3 carbs each.  I eat these in the morning for breakfast with 1/2 cup of fresh berries.  I'm concerned that these "delicious little treats" are sabbotaging me!  Can I convert the Splenda and use another sweetner to find out if indeed the Splenda is the culprit? 

I'm desperately seeking an answer.  I have increased my water intake.  I know I need to do a better job of keeping track of the number of carbs I consume throughout the day.  I realized the other day that I was enjoying almonds for a snack but my portion was off.  I've since elminated the almonds.
Please HELP!!!!!!


Lean On My Shoulder / Just checking in
« on: April 24, 2012, 09:49:44 AM »
Hi everyone!  I haven't posted in a couple of weeks.  I've been away from home for the last week.  Just wanted to report that I was able to maintain my new lifestyle and came home a pound lighter!!  So exciting.  Also, I've lost about 13 inches overall.  I had to buy a size smaller in clothing before I went on my trip!!!  This was so truly do melt away!

My husband is down a total of 20 pounds now and I'm down 11 total.  It's going way slower for me than it is him.  He looks so good and he's feeling great!!!

Two of my friends that I went on vacation with bought the FTS book and will be checking out the website.

Thanks again Doug, I will be forever grateful to you!


General Discussion / Thyroid issues and low carbing
« on: April 02, 2012, 08:30:41 PM »
I have a question regarding low carbing and hypothyroidism.  I read on the internet where low carb diets can cause your thyroid to slow down.  I was just wondering if anyone else on this site has had this issue.  My husband is flying by me by leaps and bounds.  I'm still at the same weight I was at last week.  Pretty frustrating!  :-\

General Discussion / Feeling Amazing!!! Down 7 pds!!
« on: March 24, 2012, 11:21:06 AM »
Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm feeling amazing!!!  I've got this energy that I haven't experienced in quite a few years!!!  I took a 3 mile walk, made a SF Key Lime Pie for my hubby, cleaned the kitchen, mopped the living room, cleaned the whole house actually, did laundry and now getting ready to go grocery shopping!!!  I just can't get over's like I'm on speed or something (have never used but imagine this is how it would feel)  ;D

Today is day 8 on the FTS plan.  I've had the symptoms I previously posted off and on for the last week.  Last night however I experienced new symptoms that sort of shocked me.  I woke up from having a nightmare and was shivering.  This morning I felt drained and sort of like I had the flu again.  Did any of you experience this?  It has me concerned.

General Discussion / New to the FTS family
« on: March 14, 2012, 05:29:12 PM »
My husband and I started the FTS eating plan today!!!!  Bought the book last night and was amazed at wht I didn't know about hidden sugars and how it affects weight loss!  Can't wait to get through the sugar withdrawal.  I'm having headaches today BUT I'm determined to stay the course!!! ::)

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