Fat To Skinny

Common Questions, Ask Questions Here, Find Answers Here => Weight Loss Stalled! WHY? => Topic started by: Mimzy on June 22, 2011, 02:10:52 AM

Title: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: Mimzy on June 22, 2011, 02:10:52 AM
Hi everyone, it has been awhile since I have posted but I have lived the FTS lifestyle 100%.  I am getting depressed...okay so I am depressed.  My weight loss (http://www.fattoskinny.com/) has been at a stand still for quite awhile.  I have been very active but nothing is happening.  I had thought by now I would have reached my goal or at least been real close.  I feel like I have as much weight to lose now as when I first started.  You know the feeling I am talking about?  Like you have this goal but it is so far away you feel like you will never get there.  I have gotten many people started on the lifestyle and I am very supportive to them, but I feel very alone.  I am sure that sounds goofy but it is how I feel.  My husband makes comments that he can't wait until I am done with this, he doesn't seem to get that I intend to pretty much eat the same as I do now when I reach my goal.  I am sorry, I guess I just had to have a pity party and have no where else to vent.  This is not my normal demeanor so please don't judge me by this post.  I just needed to express how I am feeling.
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: joagain on June 22, 2011, 06:45:33 AM
Mimzy I knew you been missing on the forum. I know how you feel  I see everyone losing 5-10-15 lbs a month and I look at my loss and think I should have been at my goal . But I am not and neither are you . I have said this before I started FTS to lose weight (http://www.fattoskinny.com/) like everyone else did thinking 30 pounds in 30 days well that was not in the cards for me and alot of other people . But boy oh boy do I feel better then I did last Sept . I will always eat this way now .

 It still doent stop the feeling you are having I still get them and just cuss alittle and then go about my FTS day we are smaller and healthier then we were when we started.

 The sad thing is so many people when they get Dougs book and start FTS and  they dont lose a pound a day like it says they will not stick with it ,they never get to see the true benifts from living FTS by staying on it for  months . Tell your hubby you will never stop doing htis this is the way you are going to eat .

 Mimzy its ok to have pity parties ,I have sometimes just know that people dont like to come to them . LOL Keep your chin up !!!!
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: shawn116 on June 22, 2011, 07:36:09 AM
Well said Jo

Mimzy I so know how you feel.  My loss is going sooooo slow and I think that my hubs is just waiting for me to snap out of this "fad" that I am in...LOL  To bad for him.  I wish he knew how much better he would feel if he would just try it.  Hang in there.  Don't worry about the pity party..... we all have to throw one every once in a while....  ;)   You are not alone... we are here to listen any time  :)
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: SherriPie on June 22, 2011, 08:13:42 AM
It is so hard when your weight loss (http://www.fattoskinny.com/) stalls and you are doing the exact same thing as before. Mine does that about every three months, and it drives me crazy. BTW, beating up on the scale really doesn't help change the numbers. :)

What I have done in the past to jump start my weighloss is lower my carb intake. Try just doing 12 carbs a day for a week. Take all sugar alcohols and "extras" out and just go back to the basics for one week. I found last time that some meat I was eating daily said no carbs but must have had a ton. When I removed it, I started loosing again. So by extras I mean anything that hasn't proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it will help you lose weight (http://www.fattoskinny.com/). Be mindful of your portion sizes and after a week you should see that scale moving all over the place (without beating it). 

Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: Rena on June 22, 2011, 10:32:48 AM
Everyone here has good advice, Mimzy. I've stalled out pretty bad too. I don't think I lost anything for the entire month of March. As soon as I started really tracking my food, I began losing again. I wasn't writing everything down before, but it's really helped me.

And I know what you mean about your husband saying he'll be glad when you're done. Mine had that same thinking when he started and just wanted to "get it over with" and get to his goal. He got lazy and put some weight back on, so now he's seeing how it works and how he'll have to make a better effort to make this a lifestyle change if he wants to stay at a certain weight.

Just keep doing what you're doing. If I were to give any advice, I'd recommend you track your food intake. I use FatSecret and it really helps me keep track of everything that goes in my mouth. Not only that, but it adds up all those little hidden carbs so they don't have a chance to sneak up on you.

Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: skychant on June 22, 2011, 02:40:45 PM
Look at the positive.  You are only 13 pounds away from your goal.  You most definately will be there by Autumn if you stick with the program.  Just think this is your year to have the body of your dreams and it is right there within your grasp.  Everybody gets down, just know that you are not alone and that you can share your feelings here and not be judged.  Drink plenty of water and make sure to get in plenty of fiber.  13 pounds will be gone before you know it.
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: mouseissue on June 22, 2011, 02:50:47 PM
Hi folks! :)

Not that I'm trying to quash venting. But I see an underlying theme here.

For our entire lives, we've been bombarded with diet messages like "Lose 30 pounds in 30 days!" or "Lose 10 pounds by next week!".
When you add the frustration we've all experienced with "low fat" and fad diets, it's no wonder we want our excess weight to disappear and disappear right NOW!!!

All these messages have left us with expectations that are not realistic!

The largest part of the FTS lifestyle involves learning how our bodies respond to what we eat and drink.

Some of us will lose quickly just by staying under 20 net carbs a day and watching portion sizes.
Others will find that they are very sensitive to sweeteners and will need to seriously restrict (or avoid) them.
And still others will have to eat even fewer carbs to experience weight loss (http://www.fattoskinny.com/).
And the list goes on...

No two of us are alike.
What it takes and how long it takes to see pounds shed will vary a great deal from one person to the next.

The key here is to understand that we've committed to a lifestyle that's proven to improve our health and cause us to shed our excess weight and keep it off for the rest of our lives.
It's our responsibility to make sure our friends and loved ones understand this.

But remember, they've been subjected to those same "diet" message that we've been.
Be patient with them. But keep reminding them that our future eating patterns will be very much like they are right now from now on.
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: mouseissue on June 22, 2011, 02:51:52 PM
Look at the positive.  You are only 13 pounds away from your goal.  You most definately will be there by Autumn if you stick with the program.  Just think this is your year to have the body of your dreams and it is right there within your grasp.  Everybody gets down, just know that you are not alone and that you can share your feelings here and not be judged.  Drink plenty of water and make sure to get in plenty of fiber.  13 pounds will be gone before you know it.

That's excellent advice, skychant! :) :) :)
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: Alex Cruz on June 22, 2011, 03:50:07 PM
Well said Tony... I lose slowly but surely.. In my house, my hubby and Jr still eat want they want but they know to respect my thoughts and actually are very supportive... Remember that this is for you and you only...

Mimzy, it will come off.. I have had my share of pity party so by all means, we are here for you.. Its ok to not feel so perky as long as you dont let it dictate you forever..

I did what Sherrie said and that has jumpstarted my weight loss (http://www.fattoskinny.com/) again.. I lost 1 lbs this week by reducing it to 15 carbs... Best of luck
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: Amber on June 22, 2011, 10:37:54 PM
Rena, I downloaded the FatSecret on my phone. Do you enter net carbs manually? or is there an area to show fiber?
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: Rena on June 23, 2011, 08:24:33 AM
Rena, I downloaded the FatSecret on my phone. Do you enter net carbs manually? or is there an area to show fiber?

I use mine on a laptop and it automatically subtracts the fiber from the carbs. I'm not sure about the phone version. Rick has that, so I'll ask him when I talk to him again.
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: shawn116 on June 23, 2011, 08:59:44 AM
I use mine on a laptop and it automatically subtracts the fiber from the carbs.

Rena this one sounds better than the one I use.  I've been using Everyday health, but it gets confusing sometimes with the carb counts.  I will have to try that one  :)  Maybe a little less thinking would do me some good...LOL   ;) ;)
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: Amber on June 23, 2011, 09:37:40 AM
I got it to show NET CARBS!  It was in the setting where you select the 4 items you want displayed.  It is great having it on my phone.  I can enter it right away or check carbs at restaurants.  :)
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: jen1975 on June 23, 2011, 10:07:42 PM
Mimzy, keep your chin up...  you are sticking to it and doing great!  Weight sucks and not SEEING it disappear sucks.  But you have to look at everything - how's your health?  Have you/ are you still losing inches? 

Tony - I agree with you...BUT - one thing I have to say with FTS.  Doug, I do wish you could lose the "fast and easy" part.  It does feed into the concept of weight just "dropping off" everyone!  If you do FTS and stick to it, the weight will come off.  Once you get the FTS lifestyle down, it is EASIER.  But "fast" - it just doesn't apply to everyone!!  I know I have learned the hard way that it's gonna take a while.  It didn't attach to my butt overnight and it won't disappear overnight.  But, for newbies; yeah - it's kinda telling them the weight will just drip off of them in no time flat!!  Just my opinion; but ever since I first started FTS I have felt that way about the title!!  In fact, I was very hesitant about even reading it because I figured it was just another gimmick. (And lord knows, I have tried enough gimmicks!!) 
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: joagain on June 24, 2011, 07:09:28 AM
Jen I agree with you  everyone sees Fast And Easy and 30 pounds in 30 days . It happens for some but for most it does not . In the book Doug does say everyone loses at a different rate but you buy the book based on the outside . I think no I know that had I not emailed Doug and he told me about the forum I would not have stuck to the FTS way of living .

Because when I did not lose 14 pounds in 14 days I was p##@# off ,saying the same thing to myself once again either this is a gimmick or I am loser  I have no willpower once again everyone can lose but me blah blah blah .

For most iit will not happen Fast  it maybe easy after detox but for most not fast enough !!!!

But with all that said  I LOVE FTS ,this is my new way of eating no matter if I lose 1 pound a month ,a pound a week  or a pound a day (I wished ) LOL. Because FTS IS THE BOMB !!!!!!!
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: snobles on June 24, 2011, 09:30:18 AM
@ Sherri, first off, I saw your before and after pictures and all I gotta say, is WOW!!! You go girl! You are truely an inspiration! and I would have never thought of lessening the carb intake? What a novel idea! and Tony you are correct! All those fad diets! I sooo wish Doug would make a commercial!! To show the world how mislead they are by the commercials! It's rediculous! Most of the time, people are soo hard to persuade to go Fat To Skinny! Why is that? We've been trying to get my sister n law on the forum, and she's addicted to sugar, and so are her kids. I just hate like you said Sherri I feel like I know the secret to life, and it kills me that people won't accept the truth! They want a quick fix! A pill, a diet, it doesn't matter as long as it fixes it now! What took years to put on, won't magic itself off over night!
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: SherriPie on June 24, 2011, 12:25:10 PM
I know exactly what you mean. Time goes so fast, so I just am now telling peeps to give it 30 days. Just thirty small days in your whole life and if it doesn't change your world then it's not for you. We all know after 30 days of doing FTS you feel so great and have lost so much there is no going back. We need to go on a talk show and see if we can make peeps listen. Too bad Oprah's off the air, we could get that girl skinny. LOL Could you just see Doug as Oprah's personal eating coach. That would be fun!

Oprah if you're reading this...give Doug a call.
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: umpa on June 24, 2011, 01:32:40 PM
Yeah Oprah,Have your peeps call dougs peeps!Wait thats me! Call me oprah! :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: Rena on June 24, 2011, 02:20:41 PM
Yeah Oprah,Have your peeps call dougs peeps!Wait thats me! Call me oprah! :D :D :D :D


I'm not an Oprah fan, but her weight going up and down so much has to be taking a toll on her.
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: mouseissue on June 24, 2011, 04:53:00 PM
Oprah could really use FTS!!!

Watching her weight go up and down like a yo-yo has been sad to watch. :'(
I've been there and done that!!!

Let's pray that she learns about our low carb lifestyle before type II diabetes catches her!
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: shawn116 on June 24, 2011, 05:46:50 PM
Yeah Oprah,Have your peeps call dougs peeps!Wait thats me! Call me oprah!

Umpa you are to funny  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: snobles on June 24, 2011, 07:55:05 PM
Don't know why Doug hasn't been on Oprah, before now?? I'm tellin yall Doug needs his OWN talk show!!!
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: Doug Varrieur on June 25, 2011, 09:06:35 AM
This is the Television Show that we are marketing to the networks, watch the "sizzle reel" below  8)

FAT TO SKINNY Reality Show! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-xK3vG2KSE#ws)
Title: Re: Definetly feeling bummed
Post by: Doug Varrieur on June 25, 2011, 09:28:47 AM
Hi Mimzy, I moved your topic here because all your answers are here, on this board. I want you to go back and review the other posts in the topics listed. It's all about numbers Mimzy, fuel in fuel out.

If you're gaining weight you're eating more sugar than you're burning. If you're not losing weight but not gaining weight you're burning what you're taking in...no more no less. If you're losing weight then you're burning all your sugar PLUS additional stored sugar (FAT) for fuel.

You have three choices if you wish to continue losing weight.

Door#1- Reduce sugar until the scale starts to drop.

Door#2- Leave your carb intake the same and increase activity until the scale starts to drop.

Door#3- Reduce sugar AND increase activity. The scale will drop faster

It's as simple as that, make some moves...pick a door and your plateau will break. Of course portion sizes should always be followed.

I know it can be frustrating when you plateau but trust me the above advice if followed will get you moving again. I've spoken to thousands of readers who have dropped 30 pounds in the first months and many others who have only dropped half that amount in a month. The difference is always the same. The people who drop the most weight fast have a much lower carb intake than the people who drop the weight slower. It's important for you to recognize it's all about the science.

The 20 carb rule is for "most" people but some people including myself and maybe you are very sensitive to sugar. Most days I stay less than 15 carbs. It's time for a review of your intake including your portion sizes.