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Topics - derkaderka

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Wow, I always start out my posts by talking about how I don't stay too active on here, but I try lol.  I just don't always post because I want to get in a few more lbs lol.  As you can see by my ticker I'm down 125 lbs.  That is me weighing myself right now at night so I might have to update it again in the morning haha.  Things are going great, though I have been in a slump because I went months without ever breaking my FTS lifestyle then at thanksgiving I gave in.  Then I got back on track and then about every 10 days I would "relapse" up until a few weeks ago.  I would maintain my weight, and by that I mean I would gain a few back then lose them and then "relapse again".  I am back on course now and even signing up tomorrow for our works version of "The biggest loser" which has a hefty cash prize that I plan on winning!  I never would have thought in my life that I would ever be able to say I've lost 125 lbs and that I'm by far not done.

People see me at work that haven't seen me in a while and always tell me how I look like a different person or that they didn't recognize me.  I love every second of it!  I am loving life and life is going to love me for longer whether it likes it or not haha.

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Before and after
« on: October 25, 2011, 10:54:58 PM »
I posted this in the topic labeled for the before and after but I figured I would post it here as well.

Me on the left at a Christmas Party with my friend JW sporting a nice 'stache and then me again on the right 2 weeks ago after walking in the park.

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / DerkaDerka from WV
« on: October 25, 2011, 01:59:49 PM »
I know I don't stay active that much on here.  I have to tell you though, I'm 102 lbs down in a little over 6 months.  I want to stay more active on here but its hard with my work to sit down at a computer.  I'm actually at work right now.  I will have to find some pictures,  I want to lose about another 100 lbs so I'm still chugging on!!!!  I only slipped up one time.  and that was just a few weeks ago.  I got right back on it.  more to post later

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Dropping off
« on: July 14, 2011, 01:57:14 PM »
I haven't been on here in a while because of work and just being busy.  But I'm still living the FTS way!  I'm down 39 lbs and I even started some light walking.  Walking around a mile and a half 3-4 days a week.  I'm loving it!! People at work are asking me about it and I'm turning their heads towards the FTS lifestyle.  I can't wait to see myself a year from now and see my life!

Woke up this morning, couldn't help myself.  I promised myself I would only weigh in on Fridays, but the scale looked so lonely.  So, I weighed in...426...I did a little happy dance and high fived myself.  Thats 31 lbs I'm down right now and still rocking it out.  Also the FTS lifestyle is working wonders on my cooking.  I'm making some of the most delicious meals, way better than anything I would have been eating on a diet or even stuff loaded with sugar.

People at work are complimenting me even, and that is the best feeling.  I need to keep scanning the menus section , but where I work so much I usually have to settle for the things that are a little quicker than most since there are times I work 20 hours a day and come back in 7 hours later.

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / West Virginia Derka derka
« on: June 08, 2011, 01:34:00 PM »
The only way I knew my starting weight was from a scale at work due to me being so large.  I even bought a scale that reads up to 445 lbs and never have been able to weigh myself on it.  Well this is my third week on this program and when I woke up yesterday I decided to step on it again thinking I was going to have another failed weigh in, but nope I step on it and I can see my weight.  I about cried haha, not because I'm so big but because I have lose weight and can now read my weight.  I was upwards of around 457 lbs.  Now I'm down to 439, and I feel great and I'm totally motivated.  I'm not starving, I'm eating right and its not hard.  I love this program and everything that it is doing for me.  I have to say that this book is one of the best things I've ever bought in my life and I can't wait a few months from now, and watching peoples faces as this weight continues to melt off.

Lean On My Shoulder / Just a couple of questions
« on: May 26, 2011, 10:34:24 PM »
I recently bought the book and I'm not that far into it but I need some assistance here.  First, (I probably just haven't got to this point in the book yet, but as of right now its hard with work) how many carbs do I need to take in to begin with and what about portion control because at times I'm still hungry.  I'm a big guy, ranging around 400 lbs probably and I have tried all kinds of things, I counted calories but still remained hungry and all that stuff.  If I could get some assistance I'm going to throw myself into this program and make it work.  I'm 28 and ready to get healthy.

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