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Topics - ausgirl

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General Discussion / The wonders of a store bought BBQ chicken
« on: February 24, 2011, 07:14:31 PM »
Last night (after a hard day at my new job), I had some errands to run after work (one of which was a trip to the supermarket) and so didn't get home till 6.30.  While at the supermarket I picked up a ready-made BBQ chicken.  I checked the carbs - 0, thankfully.

Last night, I had some with some leftover cauliflower and broccoli with cheese sauce.

Today I had it in a warmed tortilla (3 carbs - Mama Lupa's tortilla, I find them the best), made a chicken salad with some mayo and put had with some lettuce for lunch .

Did not getting home till late again(!), I just made a quesadilla with cheese, chicken and some salsa (1 carb per tbsp) and sour cream (2 carbs per tbsp) on the side......SCRUMPTIOUS!

There is some leftover chicken salad (I made extra at lunchtime) for my lunch tomorrow....

Im so singing the praises of a store bought chicken right now!

Breakfast Recipes / Pancakes (with almond meal/flour
« on: February 23, 2011, 07:55:35 AM »
I just had the most delicious breakfast!
I tried a similar recipe last week and although nice, they were a little dense and thick.  I found another and tweaked it this morning - was delicious!

5 tbsp almond flour (I used Bob Mills (I think its called) and its more like almond meal?)
1 tbsp cream *
1 tbsp water
1 egg
1/2 tsp baking powder
3 pkts Xylitol **
generous splash vanilla extract ***
2 tbsp oil (I used canola)

I mixed all the wet ingredients and added it to the almond flour and baking powder.

They were quite runny, but I just cooked two at a time.

The original recipe said it made 2 large pancakes - I actually made 5.

My calculations are around 3.5 for the flour and 1 for my egg - 4.5 total

They were so good with no sugar maple syrup and a little butter!

*(the original called for sour cream, but I used cream - way better and 0 carbs)
** (the original called for a couple of pinches Splenda)
*** (the original used DaVinci French Vanilla Syrup  but I didn't have that)

I also think they only used a pinch or so of Splenda because they used the Syrup which I didn't have, so I just increased the Xylitol.

The last time I had these, I was not hungry until dinner time!


Sides and Snacks / Cheese Puffs "Cheatos"
« on: February 21, 2011, 05:02:14 PM »
OMG I found this recipe and just tried making these - OMG were they ever good!

I added a little onion powder for a bit of flavour and didn't use the frozen cheese, just a 1/2 mixture of shredded Kraft parmesan (which I chopped finely with scissors) and the other half some grated packaged parmesan!

Let me know if you try them - this so satisfies my need for some cheesy crunch!

Ask Umpa / Xylitol packets or Maltitol liquid?
« on: February 21, 2011, 10:41:33 AM »
Hi Umpa,

I went to the local Nutrition House (health food store) where they have finally got some low carb goodies.

After my disaster with the mug chocolate cake (using Stevia - was gross), I thought I'd buy some Xylitol.  They only had it in powder form or individual packages. 

They also had liquid maltitol.  I thought that would be better for baking, but I wasn't sure if I'd read somewhere that it wasn't good to use liquid maltitol.

I bought the Xylitol instead - $7.99!!!!!!! for 50 packets, but not having a sweet tooth helps, so I don't intend to make too many goodies with it.

Can you use the maltitol or did I make the right choice?


General Discussion / eggplant parmagiana
« on: February 19, 2011, 05:29:15 PM »
I have just experimented making an eggplant parmagiana.
Everyone else in the family is having evil spaghetti with the sauce I made, however I made a separate something for myself.
If it tastes good, I'll post a recipe...the proof will be in the eating!
I can't wait, it smells so good!

General Discussion / Carbs in multivitamins? - Doug please help!
« on: February 19, 2011, 11:46:23 AM »
Hi Doug,

In another thread - what did you have for breakfast - it has come up that there are carbs in multi-vitamins!!!!

I just read my ingredients, no sign of carbs, but the non-medicinal ingredients said SUGAR!

I also take a Vitamin B 100 complex, but that didn't mention anything about sugar in the ingredients, still didn't have a carb count though!

How do we know if its not listed?

I just cut and paste what I had said in that thread, but Tony (mouseissue) suggested I re-post in a new topic cos he is interested in the answer too!

Meal Plans / Ausgirl Meal Plan February 15 and 16
« on: February 17, 2011, 07:53:32 PM »
I haven't been on much, so I felt I should actually write down my meals for the last couple of days

I type quicker than I write, so here goes

Feb 15:

B - Slice of Owensmath's crustless quiche/breakfast thingy (with bacon, green onion, red pepper, broccoli and zucchini, eggs and cheese and heavy cream) 4 carbs
L - ham roll ups with monterey jack with jalapeno cheese - 0 carbs
Snack - slice of the same cheese on a GG crispbread - 2 carbs
D - can of salmon mixed with 0 carb mayo (hellmans) on 2 GG crispbreads - 4 carbs
Total 10 carbs

Feb 16
B - slice of breakfast quiche - 4 carbs
L - chicken salad (made with home cooked chicken breast and mayo) on lettuce leaf wraps - .5 carbs? (had 3 of them in total)
S - 2 ham roll ups as above - carbs
D - cauliflower and cheese soup (made with chicken stock 8 carbs for whole carton), heavy cream and shredded old cheddar cheese, onion and garlic.     Garlic 1, onion 5, cauliflower 8? + 8 for stock = 22- made 4 big servings so around 4.5 carbs per serve?
Even if I've underestimated, I'm still under 10 for the day!
Note to self - next time, leave out the onion and add another clove of garlic...less carbs!
Have lost 5.5lbs so far, I think I'm finally getting it!

I had to get some blood work done a week or so ago and I got a call today from the Doc's office - not urgent, but he wants me to come in to discuss my cholesterol.  Uh-oh, looks like I might have high cholesterol?

I have searched through the many posts and I can see that I can continue on with the FTS lifestyle - but how do I tell my Doctor exactly what I'm doing?  This might be a stupid question, but I'm in Canada and I'm not too sure there's as many of us that have read the book here as there are in the States.

I'm just wondering if he's going to tell me I have to give up cheese, butter, cream (not that I use a lot of cream), but you see where I'm coming from?  There all the things that I'm sure I've heard people say in the past that they had to give it up when told their cholesterol was high?

HELP!  Any suggestions?

I have been following the FTS way since last Tuesday (almost a week) now.
In the first 4 days I lost a total of 5 I know I had a couple of glasses of "hooch" as Doug calls it on the weekend (dinner party, few friends over), but stuck to my low carb way of eating.  I am a little constipated (sorry, too much info I know, but I have to tell you what I'm experiencing) and tonight I am back to only a loss of 1lb!!!!!  Admittedly, I weighed myself in the morning the other times, but tonight I weighed myself because I can't help myself......REALLY?  Come on
Slow and steady wins the race, I know, I was just enjoying myself when it was coming off so fast early on!  I am so good at drinking water, maybe not so much over this weekend, but absolutely during the week.  Maybe its just my body sorting itself out.
My plan was to get on the treadmill (that has been gathering dust in the basement) and I've managed to get on there 3 times in the last week ....not sure if that makes any difference?
Just wondered what everyone's thoughts on this were....thanks.

General Discussion / Maltitol/Malitol question
« on: February 14, 2011, 05:29:10 PM »
Hi everyone,
I found a lovely recipe for "pancakes" online, will post later, and I had them this morning for breakfast with a Joseph's Sugar Free Maple Syrup.

The Low Carb Grocery said it was 0 carbs and when I looked at the ingredients it said 9g carbs, maltitol 9 carbs = 0 net carbs.

Is maltitol ok to have?

I did a search on it and found that a few of you have had it and have had stomach problems.....which I have encountered

Meal Plans / Ausgirl Meal Plan Feb 9
« on: February 12, 2011, 01:06:33 PM »
B -handful of mushrooms, sauteed with bacon and 1 sausage round,
    2 eggs, shredded cheese - 3.5c
L 2 slices ham and 2 slices swiss cheese (roll-ups) - 0
  coffee and almond milk .5? c
D Quarter chicken breast and caeasar salad (Swiss Chalet - no croutons) (approx. 4carbs)

Total approx 8 carbs for the day

Hi everyone
I've hit the ground running on my new lifestyle, but unfortunately (even though he knows he should be following my lead) my husband hasn't quite got to the point that I have and begun living the FTS lifestyle.
I am not letting his evil ways sway me at all, I just wanted some tips on how I can convince him to become sugar/carb free.
He needs to lose weight, his cholesterol is high, but he LOVES chocolate and bread, and as a Canadian, is a typical (why would you cook from scratch when there's so many easier options out there).
I have always been a cook from scratch girl, and I do all the cooking, so he is actually eating what I eat at dinner time (if I have a cooked meal), however because he works shift work, takes sandwiches etc. to eat while at work.
I purchased an Atkins DVD for $1 not so long ago, and we watched it together and he was pretty gung-ho to start, but always just goes the easy option.  I'm not stressing about it, because this is my health, my body and I'm ready to do something about it.  I'm making positive changes and introducing him to it too, its just the other meals in the day that I worry about.  He had a visit with his 13 year old daughter last night - they had McDonalds (I told them to eat it there, I don't care for it anyway, but did not want to be around it) and I had my (yukky! lol) pasta....
Any advice would be appreciated on how you might have got through to your "other halves"!

Meal Plans / Ausgirl Meal Plan Feb 10
« on: February 10, 2011, 07:21:43 PM »
B - 2 eggs, 2 bacon, 6 sliced mushrooms, two slices swiss cheese - 2.5 carbs
L - 2 slices ham, 2 slices cheese, 1 gg crispbread - 2 carbs

D (tried something new - don't think I'll have it again)
 Got some Miracle Noodles from the Low Carb Grocery place - had it with 1 cup canned tomatoes (with garlic and olive oil) and a can of tuna and some grated cheese - 15? (the tomatoes were 7 carbs for 1/2 cup) - I didn't eat all the tomatoes and the juice, but I thought I'd still better count it.

Not so great - was kinda watery and noodles tasteless - think I prefer the Wildwood? ones.  Anyway, I ate it cos I was hungry!
AND I was close to 20 - should have just stuck to some more GG and tuna or something - would have filled me just as much and would not have been so high in carbs.  Oh well, I wanted to try something different.  You live and you learn

Hmmmm, frustration is setting in....I'll give it another go!

General Discussion / Great news
« on: February 09, 2011, 09:54:24 PM »
While ordering some items from the Low Carb Grocery in Markham, I got talking to the girl there via email (shh don't tell my boss) and the health food store in my local mall is stocking a lot of their items!

Yay, hallelujah - no more shipping and no more having to order online

I'm a happy girl,

Just wanted to share!


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