Fat To Skinny

Recipe Exchange => Ask Umpa => Topic started by: maidmarian on January 24, 2013, 12:49:22 AM

Title: Lactose intolerance?
Post by: maidmarian on January 24, 2013, 12:49:22 AM
I love cheese and it's hard to resist, but dairy sort of wreaks havoc on my body...bloating and all.  There are soy and almond cheeses, are those carby?  I stay away from soy pretty much too.  What is a good substitute for dairy on FTS?
Title: Re: Lactose intolerance?
Post by: umpa on January 24, 2013, 08:57:31 AM
Is t portion control or dairy? Do other dairy items like whipping cream upset your belly? :)
Title: Re: Lactose intolerance?
Post by: Doug Varrieur on January 24, 2013, 09:00:30 AM
Here's a good link- http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/tc/lactose-intolerance-symptoms (http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/tc/lactose-intolerance-symptoms)
Title: Re: Lactose intolerance?
Post by: maidmarian on January 24, 2013, 04:18:14 PM
It's all dairy, Sherri and Doug, I have to cut it out, I feel fatter and fatter each day and bloated up.  I can't tolerate it.  I also can't tolerate any sweeteners except stevia and xylitol.  I have gained more and more weight eating the way I've been eating even in FTS.  I feel so sick, esp. from the SF candies, I am returning those to the store today.  For me, I will stay very low carb but MY BODY has to hae green smoothies with berries (mostly all greens in it) every day and I have to eat nuts and seeds.  I have to eat healthy, non-inflammatory foods.  I'm still working on this, but I can't eat the way I've been eating, I feel horrible.
Title: Re: Lactose intolerance?
Post by: umpa on January 25, 2013, 08:38:29 AM
The sugarfree candies and atkins bars are the worst thing on the market!!They are made with malitol which is a childrens laxative.They are not good for you.I make my own. You can't eat more than 1 without gas and diarrhea.  ;)
Title: Re: Lactose intolerance?
Post by: mouseissue on January 25, 2013, 12:47:19 PM
Hi, Marian! :)

In many, sweeteners (sugar alcohols) do effect the digestive tract (gas, bloat, etc.).

Order yourself a bottle of FTS Zero sweetener.

It won't make you feel sick. And it tastes wonderful! :)
Plus, it's made from sugar, and is 100% natural!

Title: Re: Lactose intolerance?
Post by: MarkMoxom on January 27, 2013, 09:39:49 PM
Hi maidmarian,

Oh yes I'm a confirmed cheese lover as well and once upon a time I also had a problem with dairy but I found out the problem that I had with dairy was not so much the dairy itself but that it was pasteurized dairy products.

Since having switched entirely to raw dairy as in raw or untreated milk, home made yogurts made from the same milk and nonpasteurized cheeses, that problem was greatly reduced. In addition, I also sorted out my stomach bacteria by taking a good a quality probiotics and also topping out on stomach enzymes again by taking enzymes for the stomach. Neither of those are expensive and once you've repopulated your digestive system with those bacteria and enzymes that it needs, you shouldn't find you have anymore problems. In addition, eating natural live fresh yogurt amongst other healthy probiotic food will help increase the population of those beneficial bacteria and at the same time discourage unhealthy bacteria from living in your intestinal system.

As a footnote to that, raw milk does contain all the enzymes we need to digest it. It's really only the pasteurization and processing procedures that kill those off making it hard to digest for some people. One thing I have noticed from myself is that providing I continue to eat a reasonable proportion of raw dairy foods with all the enzymes in them, the occasional portion of tasty though pasteurized cheese doesn't affect me anymore simply because my digestive tract now contains adequate quantities of the enzymes needed to assimilate lactose, galactose and of course calcium which is one of the reasons why we drink milk in the first place.

So the bottom line is I would suggest you at least try firstly putting your stomach bacteria and enzyme population in order and then once that is done switch to  raw milk products for a while just to see how you get on.

Hope that helps,

Title: Re: Lactose intolerance?
Post by: umpa on January 28, 2013, 08:48:12 AM
That makes perfect sense to me! Thanks for the info Mark ;) I will get this to my girlfriend she also loves cheese but it causes her issues :)
Title: Re: Lactose intolerance?
Post by: maidmarian on January 30, 2013, 03:09:45 PM
Yes, Mark, I agree, I have access to raw dairy here in Eugene, Oregon, pretty easily.  I have found that it's so, so expensive, that's the problem.  I do take strong probiotics (VSL3) daily and I take digestive enzymes daily too.

As for the zero sweetener, I thought it was all sucralose, which I stay away from.  Is it not made of that?

Thank you for the replies.
Title: Re: Lactose intolerance?
Post by: MarkMoxom on February 01, 2013, 03:59:02 AM
Yes, Mark, I agree, I have access to raw dairy here in Eugene, Oregon, pretty easily.  I have found that it's so, so expensive, that's the problem.  I do take strong probiotics (VSL3) daily and I take digestive enzymes daily too.

As for the zero sweetener, I thought it was all sucralose, which I stay away from.  Is it not made of that?

Thank you for the replies.

Hi maidmarian,

Good to see that you're taking probiotics and enzymes.

I’ve got two questions for you. Firstly, when you had raw dairy did it affect you the same way that pasteurized dairy did and secondly do you have the same reaction to either raw goat’s milk or sheep’s milk?

Please do let us know when you have a moment.


Title: Re: Lactose intolerance?
Post by: umpa on February 01, 2013, 08:36:46 AM
hiya mark how are you doing? :)
Title: Re: Lactose intolerance?
Post by: TabyTaby on June 10, 2013, 04:21:18 PM
Maidmarian, I know I am WAY late on this thread and it's getting kind of old, but I did this FTS diet the first time around as a vegan (eating no meat, no dairy, no egg products) and was VERY successful losing 66 pounds in 3 months. If you want to message me or ask anything if you think I can help let me know :) it is possible to skip out on the dairy totally, AND I too can't have any artificial sweeteners other than erythritol and stevia...xylitol causes me issues sometimes and I too can't have sucralose, although I'm about to give it yet another try. Let me know if I can help :)
Title: Re: Re: Lactose intolerance?
Post by: jay12 on July 08, 2013, 12:00:58 AM
My wife and I are both intolerant of sorbitol and maltitol too making us uncomfortable too.
Title: Re: Lactose intolerance?
Post by: umpa on July 08, 2013, 10:02:15 AM
me too  ;)