Lean On My Shoulder > Bear Den

I'm off blood pressure meds, and have increased my HDL!

(1/2) > >>

Had my second 3-month checkup after my phyical in March.  This time my blood pressure was pretty low while on meds (90/62).  The doctor told me to stop the BP meds and now I'm 114/74 with a 78 resting pulse rate!  ;D

I've also nearly doubled my HDL (good cholesterol) to 40 now officially putting me in the normal range for HDL!  ;D

This is all due to activity so again, if I can do this, anyone can.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  That's fantastic, Guy!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Yes that is great Guy !! I am going to get my blood work  Friday .

awesome  ;D ;D ;D ;D

How the bloodwork come out joagain?


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