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Title: Root Cellars / Canning / etc.
Post by: ereino on August 25, 2014, 01:35:47 PM
Who is in the habit of canning their harvest each year?  Twenty years ago we started making dill and also bread and butter pickles.  We started to purchase our pickles at a produce stand and still do.  Eventually, we will grow our own.  This year to canned a combination of the pickles and also some dilly beans. 

We have been discussing a root cellar at our primitive cabin site and wouldn't that be awesom.  We started to grow potatoes this year and even though they are high in sugar, we don't eat that many.  I would like to have a root cellar actually to grow cabbage.  What else can we put in the root cellar that would be FTS friendly?  I know I will can a lot of things, but will have to make a list of what my husband and I will eat.

What have you canned and what would you place in a root cellar, which would include canned goods and veggies. 

I have heard of people canning garlic mustard - the infamous invasive plant.  I would probably cann a lot of beans.  I think beets is also too high in sugar, but I have know of a lady who pickles sliced beets and they are wonderful.  But I have had to not indulge in these wonderful goodies of the ground.  Okay, onions and garlic wouldn't be a bad item to store in the cellar. 

This is really exciting.  Let me know of your experiences or thoughts on the subject.