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Messages - BettyBatter

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So Alicia... I was looking through some of your old posts (I'm not a creeper, I swear) and I saw your one about the omm pancakes? I bought all the stuff to make them in the morning! :) Do you know the nutritional info on them? I'll do anything to avoid math. ;)

Hi Tony, thanks for the welcome! I've tried to cut back on sugar before (I'm an Atkins dropout). Sugar is a big deal for me (pastry chef, former bakery owner)... giving it up won't be easy. I'm already feeling crabby and shaky, and this is my first day. I'm going to do some poking around at the grocery store to see what I can find to help wean me off sugar. I should wear a big sign warning people to give me a wide berth for the next couple of weeks. ;) Thanks again, I look forward to contributing here! :)

Hello Alicia! Yes... harrier lol, I don't have any pictures of me with my hair chopped yet! Thank you so much for being such an inspiration, I can't get over how great you look! Not that you didn't look great before, of course. ;) I kind of already knew most of what I read in the book, I just chose to ignore it. Shame on me! My overweight cat was recently diagnosed with diabetes and giving him insulin shots twice a day has really been making me think twice about what I put in my mouth (and his). The extra weight is the source of or at least related to all my angst these days, time to quit hiding from it! I'm off to HEB to pick up a few things so I'm not in panicky what-can-I-eat mode (lunch today). I was so happy to find that my favorite prefab tzatziki yogurt sauce is low carb! I'll try not to abuse the venting offer. ;) Thanks again!!

Thank you for the warm welcome.

I'm a wee bit nervous about he detox period you reference... I already feel a little wonky today. I'm going to just keep guzzling water though, maybe I'll drown it? ;) I do feel completely strung out on sugar, I crave it like mad from 2ish-5ish every day. Those will be the witching hours.

Since I didn't make it to the grocery store this morning, I'm just sticking to the allowed stuff that I already have in, and eating when I'm hungry. I think keeping it simple/repetitive at first will make things easier, I think I'm going to try to eat the same thing for breakfast/lunch for the first week or so until I feel more settled.

Thanks again. *fingers crossed*

General Discussion / Noob here, read the book and have a few questions...
« on: October 10, 2012, 11:47:36 AM »
Hi there, thanks for having me. :)

I finally got around to reading the book last night. I bought it months ago, after a friend recommended it... it sat on my nightstand for months *shame*. I bumped into her yesterday after not seeing her for a while, and she looked fabulous, having lost/kept off 50 lbs! She renewed my resolve to shed the extra 60lbs I've been hauling around, she pointed me here for support.

I have a couple of questions. I gather I'm supposed to eat when I'm hungry, greens and lean meats mainly, avoiding sugar. Or rather, SUGAR. ;) While I didn't see any specific plan laid out (did I doze on those pages?) I think I'm supposed to eat suggested serving sizes of lean meats/greens/dairy keeping carbs under 20g and eating more if I'm hungry? Is it that simple? Are there any sort of calorie intake guidelines for the day?

I read all there was to read about the artificial sweeteners... is it possible to stick with this without them? I'm one of those people that can spot a diet soda a mile away ... I really can't stand the taste/aftertaste of artificial sweetener anything, not even in gum. I'm not a soda junkie, but I will admit to the occasional Dr. Pepper. I put a teaspoon of sugar in my morning coffee. I think I'd rather go without/in moderation than go artificial?

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