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Doug Varrieur:
I Used To Be A FAT MAN! Not any more! Lose the SUGAR, Lose the FAT

I Used To Be A FAT MAN! Not any more!

           Well, that video from youtube is really interesting, and I learn a lot from. This time I reduce some of my meals, and I eat now less foods with sugar.

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wow! I also like the video. This video flow some message towards us. To be get rid off from sugar you must control on your daily food. If you get simply check up of blood you know weather you caught  from sugar or not. Usually sugar is known as heredity disease. This usually seen in those people who cross over forty. Victim of sugar patients are increasing day by day. It may happen because of unhealthy modes of life,being fun of sweets.

This video is great.  I never realized how much sugar I was consuming.  It's an eye opener. 

I cannot believe how much my mind and heart are seeing things the way they really are. Today, I looked over at a student who had some sort of fruity icy drink before school and I know that it was red and fruity. However, my brain literally turned it into an image of the student sucking sugar through the straw. I really saw the white crystals in my mind, and had to look twice at the cup. Then, when I was telling another teacher about what I saw, I caught myself saying, " was as though he was sucking poison...I mean sugar...through the straw!"
I am so glad that I am seeing the truth. I don't crave any of the junk anymore, and I am even grossed out by the smell of some foods that used to make me drool....


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