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Going without alcohol when everyone else is drinking

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Last night we went out to dinner with a large group and when I ordered water and everyone else was guzzling beer or margaritas (which was me several months ago) - someone asked me if I was "dieting".  Instead of going all crazy on them (the tone they used wasn't nice) - I simply said I was cutting back.  My hubby backed me up saying he was really proud of me for the discipline I've shown.  So then the topic goes to how their on Weight Watchers as they are eating chips, salsa and lots of things made with flour tortilals.  So to anyone who's been in this position - answer with a positive attitude and a simple "I'm cutting back" and leaving it at that can help end the conversation.  They'll notice the shrinking you and the conversation might turn to "what are you doing, you look great?!?!?!?!!?"

That's a wonderful way to handle situations like that, Sunshine! :) :) :)

Lengthy explanations often invite arguments (ESPECIALLY when booze is involved).
And like you said, as they see you shrink, they will be MUCH more open to why.

Well done!!! ;D ;D ;D


Ahh! Yes I think we have all been there !!! Kudos to you for remaining classy ☺️

Well done sunshine. As Steph said, we all been there.   I got tired of them trying to tell me I was ruining my health, going to have a heart attack, it was extreme, blah blah, blah.  I wasn't making a fuss, I wasn't trying to convert anyone, but they all seemed to think they knew what was best for me.  Oh and the well meaning friend who would announce to all and sundry and wait staff that I was doing  no-carb.  I mean it was no-ones business  but mine.

Good Job!  :)It's hard to be the odd duck, not participating in the festivities of drinking. I usually order a pitcher of beer for my friends and a pitcher of ice water for me! Most people are pretty supportive of the "designated driver". No need to even approach the subject of dieting......(that subject is up there with politics & religion!). Keep up the good work, good choices! ;D


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