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Ask Umpa / Biscuits and Sausage Gravy
« on: August 04, 2011, 11:33:42 PM »
Umpa-  I am craving biscuits and county gravy but know that I can't have them.  I see that you have made several comments about the two but I can't find a recipe on the forum for sausage gravy.  Do you have a recipe?  THANKS!

Sides and Snacks / Grilled Asparagus
« on: May 01, 2011, 01:45:55 PM »
Grilled Asparagus

I love grilled vegetables and have been using the grill a lot lately for my vegetables.  I tried this last week and it turned out great!  This is one serving.

Place 5 spears of fresh asparagus (2 carbs) onto a piece of aluminum foil.  Sprinkle with Montreal Steak Seasoning or any flavors that you like with vegetables.  Add a pat of butter or two and then close up the foil.  Place on a hot grill for about 10-15 minutes depending on the texture you prefer. 

Breakfast Recipes / Egg Frittata Muffins
« on: April 30, 2011, 10:38:34 AM »
I have been trying to come up with something that I could freeze and grab in the mornings as I head out the door so this morning I FINALLY tried an idea that had been floating around in my head!  I have been eating eggs about 3 days a weeks and I wanted something fast for those mornings that I turn off the alarm clock-- and there seem to be more of those as our school year comes to a close!  Here goes- please feel free to correct my calculations.

Egg Frittata Muffins

6 eggs (6 carbs)
1/2 cup almond milk (0.5 carbs)
Cheddar Cheese
Monterey Jack Cheese
1/2 cup zucchini (1.5 carbs)
Mushrooms - I had some sliced ones in the fridge so I grabbed about 8 good sized slices (<1 carb)
Turkey Pepperoni

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease or spray a 12-cup muffin tin.  Beat eggs, milk, salt and pepper together until it is a yellow color throughout.  Add shredded cheeses and chopped veggies and rough chopped pepperoni to the egg mixture and stir.  I used a 1/4 cup measuring cup to fill the muffin cups.  Bake for about 20-25 minutes until set.  Let them cool at least 5 minutes in the pan so that they will hold their shape.
I checked mine several times after 20 minutes and checked about every 2 minutes until they looked like I thought they should.   I calculate that each muffin is less than 1 carb each so I had no concerns about eating a couple for breakfast.  They were very light yet filling.

I think the possibilities are endless with this- you could add ANY vegetable that you have in the fridge and any spices that you prefer.  ENJOY!!

Ask Umpa / Lemonade
« on: April 18, 2011, 07:23:43 PM »
I am in need of a drink OTHER than water but not soft drinks.  I tried making lemonade but after making it I discovered that I was TOTALLY wrong on the carb count. (I thought lemon juice would be 0- that's what I get for thinking!)  Will you see if my math is correct?

I used 3 fresh lemons and squeezed them for their juice for a total of 12 (4 carbs each).   I sweetened it with less than 1/2 cup of xylitol and I added enough water to make 1/2 gallon (64 oz).  So if I have 8 oz servings that would be about 1.5 carbs per serving.  Is that correct?

Other question about juices-- I use Nellie and Joe's Key Lime juice and the package says 0 carbs.  Can I trust that or do all fruits have SOME amount of carbs.


Lean On My Shoulder / Struggling
« on: February 22, 2011, 11:43:08 AM »

I can already see that this change will work if I will stick with it.  My problem right now is self-control. At this point I am simply asking for prayer that I can resist temptation and not be the self sabotaging person I frequently become!  I am still having some detox issues SEVERAL weeks into this.  I continue to have headaches and muscle aches (not sure if this is detox or not).   I am trying several new/converted recipes each week so I am trying to rebuild my go-to meals.
  I am frustrated with myself that I have already stalled out with the weight loss but this week I have determined that I am not going to fall off the deep end and that I will be prepared for each day and I am not going to be so obsessed with the scale. I have been weighing every day and often get upset when I see the lack of results.
I am struggling with a lifetime of emotional eating.  In my family and at my church we celebrate everything with food. I also typically feed boredom, anger, happiness, sadness and any other emotion out there.  I am trying to come up with different activities for each of these.

Thanks for allowing me to vent and please pray for me on this journey!

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Just a Few Days
« on: February 02, 2011, 09:10:52 PM »
I really don't even know where to start!  I heard about FTS about a year ago from owensmath.  I read the book a couple of Saturdays ago and as I read the book I kept thinking "this guy must have met me and my family."  As I turned the pages I was also thinking "these are the same excuses, the same diets, the same scenarios that have played out in my life since I was in 4th grade."  I am working my way into this and trying a couple of new recipes at a time and have stayed below 20 net carbs fairly easily.   I have done a couple of things to help me when I am at the grocery store-- I created a list that I keep in my phone of the "good" things I can pick up at the store including brands to look for.  I also took pictures of the vegetable pages from the book so that I can quickly look up how many carbs in a half cup.  I have lost almost 1/2 pound a day since I started 11 days ago!  The only issues that I have had are some withdrawal headaches and some regrets that I didn't start this several months ago when I first heard about it! I am so excited and pray that this is the answer I've been searching for for years.

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