Recipe Exchange > Child Support (Kid friendly recipes)

Pepperoni's & Cheese

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My son who is 14 was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 4 years ago ,which means he is insulin dependent . But following this program he can lower his insulin and lose the few pounds that the insulin causes him to gain . I have made a few snacks that are no carb that he loves to eat . They are also easy to make so smaller kids can make them with just a little help. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do .

Pepperoni's & Cheese
 the little mini cubes of cheese
You put the pepperoni's on the plate then slice little slices of cheese and put on top of each of the pepperoni's put in microwave for 30-45 secs . We like to do it until the pepperoni's get a little crunchy .

Bacon Wraps
Cheese stick
Bacon slice
 Wrap the bacon around the cheese stick hold with a toothpick brown bacon in a pan with pam or on a indoor grill . You can use Turkey Bacon ,so there is not so much fat .



Ive been diabetic since I was two. What are his sugars like?

 Well I have kept his A1C at 6-6 1/2 up until this last year they say teenage years it will go up & down . His A1C was 8 this last time . When we left the hospital 4 years ago they told me to give him  75 carbs a meal I know now that is the reason he gained a little weight . Plus they sale more insulin . We have cut him down to 45/50 a meal now . & using less insulin. He is a kid & all the teenage food is carbs .
  His sugar since we cut down the carbs when he eats healthy carbs his sugar stays at 85-160 which is good for a stubborn teenager . ;D.
  When were you diagnosed and you do still have to take insulin dont you ?  I am just fat from being on low fat /high carb diets . My body justs does not take carbs well now I understand from Dougs Book. Me & my husband went on a diet I ate 45 carbs a meal he ate 75 carbs a meal . I dint lose a pound he lost 3-5 pounds a week . This is my first week on less then 20 carbs . I did lower before but this will be the first week going by Dougs book .

i was diagnosed at two and at 34 I have been on the insulin pump four years now. I love it.  NO MORE SHOTS!!

Hey beebs ,sorry I seen where you said you were 2 . Tyler does not want the pump at all ,he saids the shots are not that bad . He dont think he would like be attached 24/7 . Have you ever had bad lows at night ?


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