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Topics - momx04

Pages: 1 [2]
Meal Plans / 2 day meal Plan Momx04
« on: March 20, 2011, 11:04:53 AM »
Ok Doug,
here are 2 day of what I have eaten.  It is pretty much the same every day because I didn't have any cookbooks (until now) so mychoices have been limited. 

2 eggs
one slice ham (chopped)
a sprinkle of cheddar jack shredded cheese
1 pat of butter (for pan)
4 strips Oscar Meyer precooked bacon (0 carbs - serving size 4 slices
Coffee (black/no cream/no sugar)

one stick Mozzerella Cheese

4 slices deli turkey
1 small (3 net carbs) La Tortilla wrap
one stick mozzerella cheese
Diet Snapple Rapberry Iced Tea

1 Sugar Free Jello

1 Hard Boiled Egg


Cheeseburer (no bun)
one leaf lettuce
one cup of steamed broccoli (instead of fries) no butter
2 glasses of Cabernet  (Approx. 4 oz ea)

Raspberry mousse (it was Delicious!  thanks for the recipe)

Water intake: 
3 bottles of water pus 3 seltzer and two diet ice tea drinks
Probaby 3 cups of coffee throughout the day as well.

Scrambled Eggs (2 eggs)
4 srips bacon
Coffee black (2)

Cheeseburger  (provolone) No bun
2 tblspoons of ketchup
1 tsp mustard
2 Ultras
1/2 cub Steamed Broccoi (no butter)

2 maybe 3 cheese sticks

Chinese food!
3 Chicken wings (no sauce)
1 steak on a stick (no sauce)
One spare rib (probably had Aso sauce on was red)
2 Ultras

Raspberry mouse not measured

General Discussion / Getting discouraged...but staying the course
« on: March 16, 2011, 01:39:54 PM »
The scale hasn't changed in 2 weeks.  Can someone help me!  I must be eating something I don't know has tons of sugar because I am exercising (3 days per week...wish it could be more) and I drink enough water that the fish are jealous. 

I won't quit, but I'd like to see some results!

Thanks guys

Meal Plans / Momx04 Meal Plan 3/7/11
« on: March 07, 2011, 12:37:01 PM »
B - DD Sausage, Egg & Cheese on English (Fed English to the birds)    1  (might be 0 but  not sure)

S   2 Cheese Stix (Mozzarella) 2

L     4 pieces of turkey 1; Organic Mayo 0; Pickle 0 on a La Tortilla Factory Tortilla - 3 - total L=4

Not sure about dinner tonight, but probably salad with grilled chicken  = 2

Lots of Water!

Meal Plans / Momx04 meal pan 3/5/11
« on: March 05, 2011, 09:01:27 PM »
Breakfast -
Cheese Omelet 1 carb
Black Coffee 1 carb (counting it as 1 because I am confused if it is zero or 1)
Small sausage patty 0 carbs (UM)

One cheese stick = n1 carb
Gary's "No-gurt" which I made wrong because I used a heavy whipping cream that had 1 carb per 1 tbls serving (I used 3/4 cup!)  - I calculated this to be about an 8 (as I only had a one ounce serving)  UGGH.  If I had just read the label...I forgot and just bought Heavy Whipping Cream.  That'll teach me.

Lunch. -
Had a cheese stick because of the "Nogurt" issue,but realized,  didn't eat breakfast until 11;00 (just wasn't hungry till then) and by the time lunch rolled around it was dinner time anyway.

Five Guys cheeseburger - minus the bun!  Delish!!!  (no fries either).   0 Carbs!  WHoo Hoo

Total 11 ( much too it is now 9:00 pm. and I am hungry.  Think I'll have some turkey on a La Tortilla with  Mayo.)
Total 14 for the day
Weigh in  tomorrow...I'll let you know

General Discussion / Delicate suject
« on: March 04, 2011, 08:55:46 AM »
OK, so here is the question...

Did anyone have any problems going to the bathroom at the beginning of this?
Could my body be reacting to the change in protein? plus the elimination of fruit? 
Just wondering? 

Feel free to delete this after we have found an embarrassing!  :-[

General Discussion / Finally!
« on: February 28, 2011, 01:03:43 PM »
It's gone...the three lbs I gained last week!  GONE GONE GONE! 

Stay the course
(and I am not hungry!)


General Discussion / Plateau so soon?
« on: February 25, 2011, 11:22:19 PM »
I lost 10 lbs in the first week, went through the headaches and shaking of withdrawal from sugar on days 2 and 3. I haven't changed anything from what I've been eating for 2 weeks and I haven't lost anytning.  I have gained 3 lbs.  I don't know if the 10lbs was a true loss or if my scale is off...but how can I possibly gain 3 lbs. when I am keeping my carbs under 20, exercised at the gym 3 days and we all went skiing the other day of the entire day.

Ugh...Not giving up...just a little deflated.    ???

Has this happened to any of you ?

General Discussion / How much and how long?
« on: February 17, 2011, 01:18:45 PM »
I love in Doug's book where he says watch the weight "melt off."  Having been on this lifestyle change journey, I have already lost 6 lbs. in 5 days. (loving the melt and not starving!)

It is always a great motivator to see how much people have lost and how long it has taken.  Some of the tickers show lots of progress.  It would be fun to see how long the process has taken you.

6 lbs. 5 days

General Discussion / Felt like a hero!
« on: February 17, 2011, 11:28:10 AM »
I introduced "Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes" to my family for dinner last night (with a delicious steak and some broccoli...(I passed on the broccoli). 
I Just steamed the cauliflower, added some garlic and butter and mashed it up!  The kids devoured it! 

I felt like a hero because they loved this new invention and it was sugar free!


~PS.. down 6 lbs since Sunday start.

General Discussion / New today!
« on: February 14, 2011, 02:14:16 PM »
Hi, I'm new here.  My husband bought me this book for Christmas  ???  and I won't lie, I was pretty mad at him!  Needless to say, it took me a few months, but I finally read the about 2 hours!   I couldn't put it down.  I have tried to put it to use in the last 2 days and I think I am doing well.  Can someone point me in the direction of a great grocery list.  I am searching my kitchen and realizing I HAVE NOTHING TO EAT!  Everything needs to go! 

Thanks for the help!

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