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Messages - gabrielle

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Sheripie-you , and everyone, is just so nice. Thank you.  Just got the book downloaded and now it is time to dive in... Can't wait!

Oh My Gosh-sooooo cute!!!!!  Thanks for sharing that picture :)

 ShihTzuMom1 -thank you so much!!   I used to have shih Tzus as well and just loved them.  We have dashunds now but I keep trying to talk my husband into getting another shihtzu :)

Everyone, you have been so supportive.  Sherripie, Doug, ShihTzuMom1, Joagain, and Umpa- Thank you very much!!!!!!!
Thanks for all of the feedback on the gluten issue.  I was afraid that the diet was based on eating the crispbread and that would have left me out.  So glad to hear that I can follow this especially since there is a wonderful supportive group here in the forum.

Sherripie-My doc wants me to get the weight down because of weight mostly.  I am on a high blood pressure pill but since I have been faithful in exercise and once I lost 15lbs they had me cut it in half.  I don't really need it any more but until more weight is off they won't officially take me off of it.  It happens to be a medicine that would harm a baby so I have to get off of that med first.  But, thank you for the encouragement.  I feel certain that if I could get another 15lbs off the docs would eliminate that med.

Umpa-thank you so much for offering to help.  I will be getting the book today and after I have read it I  will probably have some questions.  Thank you for being so kind

Feel like I am home already!!  Thanks everyone and especially Doug for creating this program  :)

     I found your site today because I was I was searching for a high fiber, low carb program.  I am in a desperate situation.  I am 305lbs, 5'8", and  a month away from my 41st birthday. My doctor has informed me that if I could get my weight down to 250lbs I could try to get pregnant with my first child.  For the last two years, I have been doing everything I can to get the weight off and have only been able to get off about 25lbs on my own.  What I have learned over the last two years is that I need low carb foods and high fiber seems to be important as well.  I just can't seem to get the whole picture though and I am tired of struggling on my own. 
     The big problem I have is that I have Celiac's disease so getting fiber from wheat, barely, or rye is out.  I actually found your site through the GG Bran Crispbread website but sadly it is a product that I can not eat.  My question to you is do you ever work with people who can't eat gluten?  I've been told that taking in fiber from things like beans is just too high in carbs to be effective on a low carb diet.  So, would your program still work for me??
     I would really appreciate any advice or feedback that you could provide.  I am really trying to do all of the right things.  I am willing to work really hard to get this weight off, I just need to be pointed in the right direction.

 Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!

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