Lean On My Shoulder > Girly Girl Talk

Help for flattening out the tummy and toning the arms!

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I'm so close to where I want to be but my tummy still isn't flat!  My whole life it's been my biggest personal complaint, and I guess my upper arms are right up three too.  Maybe to me it's all more noticeable because I have a small bust line and a petite frame.  Do I just have to be patient?  Do I do sit-ups?  Do I start some cardio?  Do I lift weights for my arms?  Do I need to eat more of something or less of something?  It's swimsuit season here and I just don't feel confident with a bikini yet.  I'm blessed the weight has more easily come off from my rear and legs.  But some things look loose on me because I need the waist to be bigger but then the legs and seat end up being loose.  So ... My tummy and arms are something I'm struggling with.  There I said it ... Anyone have any suggestions?

I tried a Pure Barre class for a first timer they did a $10 rate.  It's small moves designed to tone the body.  It was challenging and I was a bit sore the next day.  I'm scouring the internet and really being diligent about staying away from sweets.  I still have some Psyllium Husk capsules left so I'm going to use those once a day to take full advantage of all fiber has to offer.  And I have a resistance band I use for my shoulder therapy and I'm going to use that more regularly.

Well done Sunshine.  These are tough areas to work on.  Enjoy the 'burn'  ;D :D

To work definitions of your body you need to add some HIIT (Hi interval training) or cardio for the results that you want with some weight training to burn the remaining fat and enjoy your bikini.

Doug Varrieur:
Hi Sunshine, " Do I do sit-ups?  Do I start some cardio?  Do I lift weights for my arms? "  YES weight loss is one thing toning is another. If you want that hard body you're seeking then you'll need to work for it  8)


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