Fat To Skinny

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: morgan on March 15, 2014, 02:26:39 AM

Title: big girl panties
Post by: morgan on March 15, 2014, 02:26:39 AM
Well, life has truly sucked lately.  Comfort eating (aka eating everything in sight) hasn't done anything except undo all the good work I'd done and made me feel worse about myself.  C'est la vie (that's life).  Big girl panties on - here I go again. Today is today and tomorrow is a fresh start.  I can't control the circumstances of my life, but I can control me (fingers crossed  :) ).  Emptied the fridge/pantry, mindset getting into place.  Deep breath ...........

nb - weekly reports will be filed!
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: Doug Varrieur on March 15, 2014, 08:08:02 AM
Hi Morgan, You've heard me often say that sugar is as addictive as heroin....and it is. Lest we forget we're ALL addicts! Being such we can easily fall off the wagon and once we have a mouthful BAM!!!!!!!!!! 

It usually starts with, "I've been good, one piece of bread won't make me fat" and you'd be correct....but like picking up that one cigarette after quitting for a while it will certainly lead to the whole pack. It's not the actual bread or cigarette that causes the trouble with the addiction, it's the starch (sugar) in the bread and the nicotine in the cig that nails us.

I know it's always a tough place to be, where you are right now but begin again and no worries!   
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: umpa on March 15, 2014, 08:28:17 AM
Your hand in mine Morgan, we will get through this ;)
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: morgan on March 15, 2014, 08:57:27 AM
I keep forgetting that "addict" part.
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: mouseissue on March 15, 2014, 10:42:08 AM
I keep forgetting that "addict" part.

Never forget, we're in this with you, Morgan.
So please DON'T ever feel your going this alone.

We are recovering carboholics.
We are NOT perfect!... But we are determined.
You CAN do this!

I continue to hold you in my prayers.
You will survive this rough patch and be much stronger for it.
One day, it will be but a memory. :)

Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: Stephanie on March 15, 2014, 05:34:15 PM
Sending love and positive vibes ! ❤️
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: o0OSusieO0o on March 16, 2014, 10:31:01 AM
I fell off the wagon so many times & so glad I got right back on.
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: mouseissue on March 16, 2014, 02:14:57 PM
I fell off the wagon so many times & so glad I got right back on.

Susie, that is the secret to health and weight loss (http://www.fattoskinny.com/) success with the FTS lifestyle! ;D ;D ;D
Our lives are not perfect.
That's why we need FTS because it allows for "bumps in the road".

FTS allows us to, VERY occasionally, fall off the wagon.
And as long we get back, we'll continue our journeys.

Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: Sunshine on March 16, 2014, 09:55:50 PM
On one of medications it says a side effect is an unusual craving for sweets.  Great, so not fair.  I've found that I have to be sure to eat until I am satiated.  I've found increasing my level of healthy fats helps lessen the cravings.  My other crutch is diet root beer.  If I pour it over ice with a splash of heavy cream I feel like it's an ice cream float.  I also keep zero carb candies in my purse and suck on them.  I'm crazy about my water - a gallon a day - to help.  And of course, I search out the lowest carb but richest desserts I can find and take a mini spoonful when nothing else will do.  And lastly - sugar free jello - I have 2 Flavors on hand with whipped cream at all times.  This is just a glimpse into my battle with sweets.  I'm here in this journey too!
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: mouseissue on March 16, 2014, 10:44:36 PM
Hi, Sunshine! :)

By eliminating sugars in your meal plans, you'll find the cravings for sweets decrease.
This is true for the majority here.

Although you're taking a med that may cause cravings for sweets, you can beat it anyway! :)
Remember that most patients that are in prescription drug studies are NOT eating in the FTS lifestyle.
Once you're completely past sugar detox, you should have MUCH easier go of it!

Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: Elizabeth779 on March 17, 2014, 02:59:43 AM
Hi Morgan.  I'm with you on this one gal.  I fell off and back into major and uncontrolled carb bingeing.   So here's to Day 1 of sugar detox....
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: morgan on March 17, 2014, 03:53:57 AM
Hi Elizabeth - your hand in mine as umpa says.  Here we go.  Just breathe...

Day 1 was mainly a headache.  I had a garden club meeting - a whole tableful of non-fts food to resist.  I'm glad none of it really appealed to me, so resistance was not futile.  While they all ate there little hearts out, I had  lemon and ginger tea (teabag). 

I baked a small loaf of low carb bread, boiled some eggs, made a chicken & leek casserole and some sugarfree strawberry jam. 

Hope your day was successful too.   :)
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: rennard on March 17, 2014, 04:07:17 AM
Hi Morgan,

I have similar situation like you. Sometimes, I can't resist the temptation of eating more carbs. So as much as possible I don't want to look at any food store when I'm outdoor. I always have green tea with me.
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: umpa on March 18, 2014, 09:28:00 AM
Welcome back Elizabeth! :)
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: Elizabeth779 on March 19, 2014, 04:40:30 AM
Hi morgan and umpa AND the rest of FTS family  

Yes ive been away a bit  -- didnt want to disappoint anyone I had gained so much back...

Morgan  I started the day with a doc appointment.  I went in as a followup to (just had to get off tablet and onto laptop -- hate typing by poking one key at a time)

Morgan, I haven't shared before that I have a couple medical problems I've dealt with the last few years.  One of them is extreme fatigue -- falling asleep during day time even....this is how bad it could be.  I was at a pistol range with some friends from work, and a couple of them were about 15 feet away from me shooting 45 caliber pistols.   I was 15 feet away but on the other side of the glass.....and fell asleep!!!  I was also falling asleep at traffic lights.  It has been determined I have sleep apnea (something else that was much much better when I lost FAT).  But there is something else going on too.  It's not low thyroid, and doc says my brain neurotransmitters do not communicate correctly....and he says I can call it that or major depression. 

I'm not unhappy though.....except for about my weight issue and being so tired issue.  I do work a midnight shift which doesn't help with thesleep problem now either........ I've been to many docs trying to figure out what was wrong....and it was better but recently has been worse again, and so went to the doc on this monday....my first day back on low carb -- now this is absurb and weirdly funny, but we were talking about my current sleep difficulties...when he told me he wanted me to try Abilify for sleep....OH MY GOSH....I took one-half of a 5 mg tablet (he told me I'd be able to go up to 30 mg)....and two things happened instantly...INSOMNIA -- total INSOMNIA, AND THEN RAGING HUNGER!!!  This in some sick way is hysterical to be so determined to eat FTS again that first day and then to have this happen.  I could have eaten everything in this house and then burglarized my neighbors for anything they had.  I had some FTS LC brocoli soup that didn't help and then I succumbed to a PBJ and glass of milk...and the carbs just put me in snoooooooooze haven finally.   Except woke up early THIS morning for endodontist appointment and the doc did this PROBING on my back molar (there are still pieces of my fingernails in the ceiling of that exam room).  The endodontist then decided I'll have to have that removed.  So I returned home with a very sore mouth/jaw....and decided something soft and carby would be good (I know, I know, I'm incorigible).  So the moral of this story is stay away from docs and dentists????  hahaha

But on the way home I went to the store and got my salad, and protein, and HWC stuff and fresh veggie stuff, put a roast in the crockpot and made some taco meat so I can have some taco salads.....my house and fridge are packed ready for all the low carb food I need and I don't have junk around to tempt me. 

and now mouth is feeling better (still sore, but it's manageable) so tomorrow, I'm having scrambled eggs, and couple slices of bacon, and some bullet proof coffee.....

then at work I'll have a salad and also some roast and broccoli.  IF I have time in the morning before work (in the afternoon), I'll make myself some FTS cheesecake and slice up some berries to take with me.  Also I'll have a couple of boiled eggs that I can devil up at break time and a couple cheest sticks.  That will get me through Day 1. 

So gal you're right, we can make it.....we just need to be strict to get into nutritional ketosis -- I LOVED that stage a year ago when the cravings decreased, energy increased, and then I just coasted along staying on track and the weight came off.....this on FTS a few days then off FTS a few days and in CARB HELL is just keeping me spinning my wheels....and I'm so tired of that.  Want to get on with it and get going.....

Hmmmmmmmmmm I guess I need to update my ticker to show I'm 285 now.....sigh....but I'll get back to my weight on my ticker soon enough IF I stay on track. 

And how was your day?  And, how close are you to being back in nutritional ketosis?  If I eat strict and do some even light exercise I'll be starting back in about 3-5 days.....of course it takes a couple weeks to fully get there where you're in total healthy and fat-burning mode FTS WOL. 

Well it's 2:00 A.M. and I'm getting off this puter and going to try to read and to get some sleep. 

I wish everyone a good day.......hug
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: Stephanie on March 19, 2014, 05:39:48 AM
Hi Liz I admire your honesty , let's face it none of us are perfect . You know what you need to do to get your head back in the "game" so put your game face on and let's do this my friend! :)
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: morgan on March 19, 2014, 06:10:12 AM
Day 3 - I'm in the angry 'it's not fair /why am I giving up everything I enjoy and everyone else is eating stuff/it's too hard and costs too much' stage.  On the plus side I have stayed TRUE.

You have sleep issues in sleeping all time and I sleeping just enough (maybe/or not).

Just when you think you're back on track you get meds that mess you up.  Not fair I know, but that's how life goes.  I agree with the comment about Drs and especially dentists.

Preparation and organisation is the key Elizabeth  and 'we is gonna do it' girl.
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: mouseissue on March 19, 2014, 12:19:40 PM
Hello, Elizabeth.

We are NOT perfect!
We are recovering carboholics.

Do NOT beat yourself up over slipping no matter what caused it (meds, insomnia, etc.).
You hold the keys to get back on track and lose what you've gained.

And we'll be right here to help you! :)

Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: Elizabeth779 on March 19, 2014, 05:15:19 PM
Thank you doug   so true about recovering carbaholics .

Morgan  its interesting I was thinking about the "fair" thing.  I was thinking how unfair I have been to my health, metabolism, the parts of my life I gzve up due to carbs addiction... I used to be obese BUT healthy and had a good fitness level.  At 60 and 285 lbs of fat (and losing muscle mass fast) I need to be faur to myself real quick to ward off some ugly looming health issues.   I ws thinking it is time to be fair to my health, my needs, my body.   And I was thinking I need to start thst soon and as a major change insread of a diet .  Its like "ive been dancing too long and now its time to pay the piper." 

What are you eating today moegan?

Excuse fat finhers on tablet withiut autocorrect  lol 

Have a blessed day  ya'all  and esoecially you morgzn 
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: Elizabeth779 on March 19, 2014, 05:18:41 PM
Ohhhhhh that was you tony  pardone mi  I just woke ip 

Stepganie  I like what yiu said aboutvgame face .   Heading to work and going to "ruminate" on that and everything you have all said . 

Oy vey I need a keyboard for this tablet!!
Title: Re: big girl panties
Post by: mouseissue on March 19, 2014, 07:18:30 PM
Ohhhhhh that was you tony  pardone mi  I just woke ip  
Oy vey I need a keyboard for this tablet!!

No problem, Elizabeth! ;D

By the way, tablet PCs are fine for videos, music, and casual web surfing.
But they are NOT very practical if you're trying to do something constructive.
That's why Microsoft released Windows 8.1 so soon after 8.0.  ;)
