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Erythritol/Truvia and carbs

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A facebook friend was asking me about Truvia as it's he only stevia product in her area.  It says 3 carbs on it.  I explained it comes from erythritol so it's not pure stevia.  My question is about whether truvia's claim that erythritol carbs don't count.  See below.

"Unlike sugar which provides 4 calories per gram, the body does not use erythritol for energy, so it does not contribute calories. In other words, the caloric value for erythritol is zero calories per gram. Truvia does not increase blood sugar. The body does not metabolize or use Truvia the same way that it uses sugar and other carbohydrates. The body cannot convert Truvia to glucose or blood sugar. Therefore the grams of carbohydrates don’t count. The net carbs in Truvia natural sweetener are zero. Please continue to visit our website for more information."

I thought truvia had cane sugar in it.........

That's why I'm asking Doug... lol ::)

Subtract the sugar alcohols ;)

Thanks Umpa...just wanted to make sure I was passing on correct information.


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