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Topics - SweetMama

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Hi everyone, . 

I'm new to the plan, today is my third day.  I thought it would be a great idea to have a single thread to post all of my thoughts, successes, struggles and whatever else.  I'm a 38 year old wife and mom to 2 awesome little boys, ages 5 and 9.  I've had a weight problem most all my life, and have been on most diets known to woman.  I'm always on one thing or another.  I've lost 20-50 pounds and gained it all back plus some through the years. 

In April of this year, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.  This diagnosis came after months of being unnaturally thirsty, jittery and nauseous all the time, and suffering with unbelievable fatigue.  After finding out what my problem was, I knew that I needed to do something about it, other than taking the metformin my doctor prescribed.  But I kept eating all the things that got me to this point.  I guess I've been in denial, I didn't want to believe that I had this disease.  Well, after finding out, my fasting numbers were usually between 130 and 140.  The worse I ate, the worse that fasting number became.  The morning before I began this plan, it was 168.  So I said no more, this has to stop, or my children will be without a mom. 

I was thinking about doing the Atkins diet because I had had the most success on it than any other diet.  I remembered feeling terribly deprived on that diet, and dreaded doing it again, until I came across a post on another low carb forum about Fat to Skinny.  I immediately googled  it and downloaded the ebook.  The very next day, I started the plan.   I've been so satisfied at every meal, I'm never hungry, and the insane urge to binge that I constantly had  seems to be under control.  I'm very excited about this plan and I think I've just found the thing that will free me from Type 2 and this prison of fat!

General Questions / Journal/Diary Threads
« on: July 09, 2010, 09:02:51 PM »
Would anybody mind if I posted a journal thread here?  Just like one thread that I could post my progress, struggles, successes, etc.?  I don't know, maybe something like that would be better suited for the support forum?  Not sure, but I wanted to ask before I did it, as I have yet to see any other such threads.

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