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Topics - Novoflux

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General Questions / Will power vs. Family
« on: June 04, 2011, 10:03:51 AM »
I completely understand how Doug's methods work, and believe that I could really finally achieve a healthy weight from them. If I were single and living alone this would be a sinch, but I don't. My husband is not very supportive of the idea of removing allot of our common staples from the kitchen, which in turn makes it hard for me to not eat whatever is around. I like the fact that if I don't buy it I don't eat it, but there are things I know my family could not be separated from. How can I put it into a perspective where I can actually turn away from things a really don't need to eat while watching my family eat them instead? How do I convince my husband that using lettuce instead of buns isn't ridiculous?

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