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Topics - SeaGail

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / 12 hours short of a week - drum roll please!
« on: September 01, 2013, 09:27:59 PM »
I was shocked, I tell you, shocked - and surprised - and ecstatic.  As of this morning, I have lost 9.5 my first week back!  AND I'M 62 years young!  I am so thankful that you encouraged me to start right away Doug and not try to finish the Medifast fake food.

Thank you thank you thank you!  I got the "new" book and that has proved inspiring as well.

Here's to continued success!

General Discussion / Day 3 - Yes!
« on: August 28, 2013, 02:45:00 PM »
It's been a LONG time since I've had 3 straight low-carb days, but for some reason (I guess I'm really ready), it is working!  Of course it always worked before ... it was just my mind that did a number on me.  Feeling very good - taking magnesium & probiotics and I have not had the common problem among many on low carb (constipation) so far, so that's very encouraging.  That's one thing that would sometimes lead me astray.

Getting my new and improved FTS book today - yea!

I am even going to a wedding shower at lunch today, but I canceled the Gardenburger that I ordered and will absolutely, positively not partake of the cake!  I'm taking my water and a piece of string cheese to get me through the event.   Previously (the past few weeks anyway), I have been unable to avoid the goodies at work, so this is a positive step back in the right direction.

Gail in WA

I downloaded the cookbook on my Kindle yesterday and noticed that you were able to produce recipes that were perfectly block indented (something that doesn't happen well when converting from Word/Mobi to Kindle format).  I recently published a book on Kindle for a friend and I could never get that look - it always wrapped back under the number.  I saw that you can format indented numbers in html language, but wasn't sure whether it would convert properly, so I didn't take the time to try.  If you don't wish to share how you accomplished such a professional looking result, I'll understand.  It was just so frustrating that it looked so good in Word, but not so good in Kindle.


Gail in WA

I did lose 41 lbs on Medifast, but I am so sick of the prepackaged dried "food" and can't wait to get back to REAL food.  I have two more weeks remaining of food I purchased, and I just can't waste $150, so once that's done, I'm comin' back - back to real food, good food, healthy food, and food that will help me get rid of the rest!  I just watched a video on Amazon streaming called something like The Perfect Human Diet, and it is low-carb, whole foods, etc.  It helped me work my way back to what I know works and what I know is so much better for me, although getting rid of 41 lbs I am very thankful for.

I will come back on a regular basis once I get started again and I hope I can join Sherrie Pie as a big success and motivation for others, as she is for me.


Gail in WA

General Discussion / First mini-goal!
« on: August 15, 2011, 01:20:28 PM »
So I didn't get going seriously with extreme focus until the past week and a half, but to see -10 is wonderful (and actually, from my all time high it's almost 20, but that was a month or two ago, so I'm just counting my late July-Aug start weight).

Truly, the hunger is just not there after I eat my 3-egg/bacon breakfast and I easily go until I get home at night for dinner.  Of course if I were to get hungry during the day, I would eat but as long as I'm not, I'm not gonna force it.

As always, the key to success for me is planning planning planning (and the occasional "legal" treat)!

Thanks Doug and Umpa!!!  I know it's taken me too many starts, but I have finally taken off and plan on finishing this race!

 ???  I purchased the Fat-to-Skinny recipe books a while back - both Regular and Baking ones.  I don't know how it happened, but somehow the folder disappeared in the transfer from my old PC to my new one at work.  I was even able to go back to my original PC and it was GONE.  I recently looked at it too.  Is there anyway I can get another copy of each one.  I was so disappointed today when I went looking for the folder and it was gone.  Several other files mysteriously disappeared as well.  I think there's a gremlin in my PC!

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.  DANGIT.  At least I have a few of my favorite recipes printed out, but I do want to have it as a resource forever.  If I am able to get them back, you can bet I will back them up on a CD!

General Discussion / Thoughts kind of day - here I go ....
« on: August 01, 2011, 05:46:54 PM »
I was just thinking ... how did I find Fat to Skinny?  Truly I don't remember how I came upon it!

I think I was meant to find it ... directed to it by something outside of myself ... a solution to the problem I've been fighting almost all my life.

THANK YOU Doug, Umpa, and the power (God, an angel, spirit, or whatever it was) that led me to you  and to all the wonderful people on this forum.

General Discussion / Finally!!!
« on: July 29, 2011, 12:09:01 PM »
I know have had many false (or no) starts, but I'm here to report, that I am into Day 4!  Yes, I finally got it together and I'm so pleased so far (and losing 5 lbs so far my first week helps too).  I have not only physical urges for food, but plenty of psychological ones too, so I have fight that second one every day.  However, what has worked for me, and I certainly don't advocate it, is that I eat a really big breakfast (probably 3 eggs and bacon or sausage).  Then I am not hungry until dinner.  I eat a nice dinner - big enough to fill my psychological need, but not too much - and so far I have only had a few slices of ultra thin ham or turkey as an evening snack (formerly my downfall).  This may not be a normal approach, but I think for me, I have found what works.  I am so encouraged.  The past several months I couldn't seem to string much more than one day at a time, but perhaps something has awakened in my brain that tells me first, it can be done, and second, I can still enjoy food at the same time.  I don't get bored with eating the same thing almost every night, and the dish I made this past week I have enjoyed every single evening.  It's a one-dish meal that's made of hamburger, cream cheese, sour cream, onion, Rotel tomatoes, and taco spices/seasoning.  Spicy and yummy!

I'm so glad I can really feel part of the group now - I kept trying, but to no avail, but I never gave up completely and voila!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and stays cool - frankly I'm lovin' this cool Pacific NW summer - I would be happy if we never reached 80 the rest of the so-called summer (plus it makes mowing the yard enjoyable - yes, I actually do enjoy mowing when I'm not sweating profusely).

General Discussion / The kick/encouragement worked!
« on: June 30, 2011, 10:58:07 AM »
Last night my DH mentioned going to Trader Joe's (and another grocery store to pick up anything we couldn't get there) tonight for our weekly grocery shopping.  I took that as a sign - START TODAY!  There's no need to wait.  So I went by one of our eating establishments in the building where I work and got scrambled eggs and bacon - had half of it (probably 1-1/2 eggs & 1 slice of bacon).  I plan on getting a salad with baked chicken slices for lunch.  I'm on my way!!!  I will be throwing out the meatloaf I made a few days ago, which contained 3/4 cup breadcrumbs, but I won't feel bad about it because it really is that important, in so many ways, to get going on getting healthy!

Feeling so positive and I know coming back and "talking" to you guys when I might lose a little resolve is part of the mix.  But for some reason, I think this is the time.

Gail in WA

Okay, I never really got started before, but I am going to be coming back with a vengeance.  As so many can testify to as well, I've tried any and everything, and as much as I know it, I just wouldn't listen to what really works.  In my absence I did ediets fresh delivery, diet-to-go fresh delivery, sensa, and although I did lose about 10 lbs, I did not feel like I was making any real progress after that first bit.  My 60th birthday is coming up on July 7, so that should be one heckuva wakeup call, huh?

I will be going shopping this weekend and I've got my FTS cookbook and dessert book that I am going to use.   The main key for me is to make food ahead of time so I can easily heat up when getting home from work.

Look forward to sharing my success with you all and to continue reading about yours, which is such an inspiration.

I know it can be done - I know I can do it - I will do it!

Gail in WA

General Discussion / Question re Eggs-Egg Beaters
« on: April 01, 2011, 02:22:28 PM »
I noticed in the cookbook that Egg Beaters are primarily used.  Is there any reason, if there are no cholesterol issues, that full-fledged eggs can't be used?

Thanks.  I'm finding LOTS of good recipes - it will be hard trying to decide which ones I will go with next week, but at least I have many choices.

Gail in WA

General Discussion / Never REALLY got started, BUT ...
« on: March 31, 2011, 05:31:54 PM »
The light has come on ... I know that this will work and that it will work better for me than anything else I try (or have tried ... just about everything).  Back from vacation in Texas to see the grandson (and where I indulged plenty) and I vow that I will NEVER ask for a seatbelt extender on the plane ever again!  I will make my grocery list and get everything ready for next week this weekend.  I cook ahead so all I have to do is reheat after getting home from work.   I have so far to go, but I love the fact that I can eat real food, not have to eat birdlike portions all the time, and not be hungry.  I'm rarin' to go and I will do it this time.  What with all the successes here, there's no doubt that it is the way to go.

Get ready - get set - GO!

Gail in WA (the state)

General Discussion / I will overcome!
« on: February 07, 2011, 10:58:28 AM »
Okay, so I had my lunch all packed up this morning and walked right out the door without it, but not a problem.  I bought two hard-boiled eggs at the "little store" (that's what I call the convenience store in our building) and I do have some sausage in the refrigerator at work, so I'm good for breakfast.  I'll buy a can of tuna (and we have some packets of mayo at work), and I'll just get some lettuce and I'll be good to go - the only thing missing that would make my lunch complete would be the pickle and pork rinds on the side.

But I'm rarin' to go and am feeling confident, excited, and ready to lose!  I will NOT be a slave to the scales, however, and will make sure I weigh once a week at the most.  In the past, that has been one of my downfalls, but not this time.  T-minus 4 weeks and two days until my trip to Texas to see the grandson!

Here's to the beginning of a new and exciting journey!

General Discussion / Ready-Set-Lose
« on: February 04, 2011, 12:15:12 PM »
My book arrived yesterday and I just downloaded the Fat to Skinny cookbook & sugar-free baking cookbook.  Now it's just time to start reading - reading - reading.  I am more enthused this time than in a long long time.  Perhaps it's the welcoming community on the forum and the personal interaction with Doug and Umpa, but whatever it is, I feel something special starting.  Can't wait to share my journey with you all and I thank you in advance for all the help and support.

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