Fat To Skinny

General Category => Click Here To Share Your Success Story => Topic started by: downeast on December 30, 2010, 07:36:47 PM

Title: Goal for 2011
Post by: downeast on December 30, 2010, 07:36:47 PM
I've been thinking about what this New Year will bring, in contrast to past new years. For over 20 years I've been carrying this burden of weight around – and the accompanying burdens of guilt, shame, disgust, frustration, failure...   Now, less than 6 months after finding FTS, I am almost half way to my goal and know that I will reach it in 2011. It changes the whole outlook for the new year. I can approach 2011 with a positive attitude, in full anticipation of achieving and maintaining a healthier, happier me. I'm not making a new year`s resolution. I don`t need to. All I need is to keep on keeping on in this FTS lifestyle.

I wish the very best of all things in 2011 to everyone on the forum.

Take care.
Title: Re: Goal for 2011
Post by: mouseissue on December 30, 2010, 10:17:57 PM
That's a great attitude downeast!

If we can all remember that this is a lifestyle and not a diet, we can continue toward our goals regardless of what the calendar says.

And this lifestyle has so many replacement options for the high-sugar foods we used to eat, it really is very easy to live with.
Title: Re: Goal for 2011
Post by: joagain on December 31, 2010, 06:12:23 AM
Tony & downeast I agree with both of you . This is the first time in over half of  my life that I am not starting some kind of diet on January 1st.
 I hope that by the end of this year we will all reach our goals or be close to them anyway !!!!

Thanks Doug and Umpa !!!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year !!!!!  NO DRINKING AND DRIVING!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Goal for 2011
Post by: katary on December 31, 2010, 07:03:07 AM
thats funny:) you are right every year for as long as i can remember my new years resolution was to lose weight (http://www.fattoskinny.com/).......i can check that off of my to do list:) thanks guys 8)