Fat To Skinny

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: KFAITH on September 11, 2011, 11:07:08 AM

Post by: KFAITH on September 11, 2011, 11:07:08 AM
I  weighed this morning and much to my disappointment I gained 2 pounds. I wanted to cry than that old just give up and pig out feeling came over me, but thanks to all of you and the posts I have read these last few weeks I sat there in the kitchen for a few minutes than I said NO and I fixed my FTS breakfast.
As I had told you I had to go to the hills of old Kentucky yesterday for a big family reunion. I thought I did great, I was proud of my myself, I easily resisted much, but somehow what I did have had carbs. I had a deviled egg, chicken that I pulled the skin off of, and green beans.  I did accidentally pick up my husbands tea glass a couple of times and it was loaded with sugar. Also on way home we stopped in Arbys, I got a roast beef and cheddar, took it off the bun put it in a wrap, but it had some type of red sauce on it and I think it was probably sweet. Plus I nibbled on my SF candy on way there and home.  So whatever, something sure messed me up!
Fighting bad back pain last few days too, all stressing me out.
Going to spend lots of time on here today and regain strength, reading that post Jan had made that Doug posted on FB really lifted me up today plus all the comments that had been made. Thanks all.

Post by: shawn116 on September 11, 2011, 11:16:59 AM
Don't be so hard on yourself KFAITH.....  our bodies will fluctuate up and down.   That is why it isn't a good idea to weigh every day.   It may be that you are just retaining fluid today.  Just stay the course and all will be well.   ;) ;)  You are doing so great!   Family picknicks are tough, sounds like you did very well !!  ;D

Also have you taken your measurements??  That was so helpful for me.  When I wasn't dropping weight or even gained, my measurements would be changing.  I'm a very slow loser...LOL
Post by: SherriPie on September 11, 2011, 11:22:39 AM
You could have easily eaten something with hidden sugar and not have known. A lot of people cook with added sugar and who knows about Arbys. Their cheese (that creamy stuff) usually has sugar added and several carbs. Try not to let it bother you too much. I know it seems like a lot, adding two pounds but you'll have it gone in a day or so. You're doing great! Just focus on that and try not to let it derail you. :)
Post by: Maddysmom on September 11, 2011, 12:06:20 PM
KFaith, you will be just fine.  Seriously, my weight fluctuates all the time.  I am not sure why or what causes it, and I don't lose every week.  Sometimes I go for like 3 weeks, then all of a sudden I will be down 3 or 4 pounds.  I know it will happen so I just keep going.  One thing I have noticed is right before I lose, my weight will go UP for a few days.  I have said before that I think it's my body's way of trying to fight to hold on to the weight. ??  I just don't know, but I DO know that FTS works.  Hang in there!!  We are all on this journey together.   ;)
Post by: jen1975 on September 11, 2011, 12:10:01 PM
Hang in there!  Weight fluctuates all the time - hormones, salt intake, who knows.  But with FTS it will come right back off again.  Sounds like you did soo good at the picnic!  Especially to be surrounded by all that other stuff and sticking it out! Just keep doing what you're doing and you will be fine.   :)
Post by: joagain on September 11, 2011, 12:49:44 PM
Kfaith dont get hung up on the number or you will be let down . I know that it is everyones goal to lose 30 pounds in 30 days ,but the reality is it that only happens  for a few lucky folks .  It sure was my goal when I started last year but I have only lost like 40 pounds in a year but there is so many more benifits to FTS then just losing weight .

 I have not had headaches or heartburn in a year .  MY son is using about half the amount of insulin that he was last year . Just kepp on doing what you are doing and weigh once a week if possible at first anyway  ;)
Post by: KFAITH on September 11, 2011, 05:21:29 PM
Thank you all so much for the encouragement, much appreciate. ;D
Post by: binky04 on September 11, 2011, 05:43:37 PM
Please don't be discouraged.  You can succeed!!  Just take it one day at a time  ;D  May God Bless you.
Post by: mouseissue on September 11, 2011, 08:09:59 PM

Like the other members said, when you're losing weight, your actual weight will go down and up.
This is completely normal.

What matters is the long term weight trend.
Over time, if it's going down more than it is up, you're moving closer to your goal.

In the last three weeks, I only lost 0.2 pounds.
But lost 1/2 inch in my waist and hips.
Post by: fredfred41 on September 11, 2011, 08:47:48 PM
Don't stop.....it will start coming off!  Think about how well you did resisting "bad" food! 
Post by: umpa on September 12, 2011, 08:34:50 AM
Fredfred your puppy is too cute! :D
Rosie all will be well it sounds to me like you were in salt overload.Too much salt will make you retain water.All will be well.I am proud of you for not giving up.We are always here for you :)
Post by: KFAITH on September 12, 2011, 09:16:05 AM
Thanks. I got back on track yeterday and doing well so far, got up feeling like I am in the loosing mode again.  Had egg salad I had made last night for breakfast on Josephs pita. I refuse to give up.  Today is hubby's last day of vacation, he is gone now to take our little Yorkie to the Vet. her eye looks infected.
Post by: marylepera on September 12, 2011, 10:08:25 AM
Oh no!  Kfaith, you can't be sad!

I'm glad you are back on track, we are all in this together!  Keep the faith, and keep eating FTS.  I do know how hard it is for all of us, and
those darn family gatherings!  Boy they get us every time.

Good luck, hope you have a great week.

Post by: mouseissue on September 12, 2011, 12:12:00 PM
Umpa's right!... Salt causes water retention which can make the number on the scale go up.

Did you know that only 1 quart of water weighs about 2 pounds!!!
Many of the scale fluctuations we see are a result of how much sodium (salt) we ate the day before.

So as has been said many times on this forum, don't let that number on the scale effect how you feel.
The scale won't know if it's weighing you or the extra water you're carrying.

So carry on and enjoy each day of life to it's fullest because each one is a gift from above! :)
Post by: Alex Cruz on September 12, 2011, 01:30:20 PM

That may be water retention.  I have discovered that some days I have a up to 3 lbs more and when I cut the salt off and drink lots of water, it goes down and even more.

You have my posts where I have even fallen off due to stress, you can do it.. I read a quote the other day that I found to be so appropriate.

Failure is not falling down, its standing down....

I will pray for you and you will see how it will be better next week..
Post by: Maddysmom on September 12, 2011, 02:34:44 PM
Tony, just noticed that you have hit SEVENTY pounds gone!!!  Woo hoo!!!! Way to go!  Doesn't that feel GREAT!!!!  ;D
Post by: mouseissue on September 12, 2011, 07:09:59 PM
Tony, just noticed that you have hit SEVENTY pounds gone!!!  Woo hoo!!!! Way to go!  Doesn't that feel GREAT!!!!  ;D

Yessiree, Jan! ... It really does! :)

Just the other day, I noticed losing 1/2 inch in my waist and 1/2 inch hips but only lost 0.2 pounds.
And this morning, my loss decided to show up on the scale.

Slow but sure is how my progress has been... But I'm absolutely loving the ride!
I think I could do this the rest of my life... No wait a minute... I KNOW I will!!!  8)
Post by: suzlyn454 on September 12, 2011, 07:46:26 PM
Tony, just noticed that you have hit SEVENTY pounds gone!!!  Woo hoo!!!! Way to go!  Doesn't that feel GREAT!!!!  ;D

Hooray Tony!!!!  ;) ;) ;) ;)
Post by: KFAITH on September 12, 2011, 07:52:49 PM
You guys are all so wonderful, thank you so much for your reponses.  I have done great today and have the 'feeling' I am loosing. Love that 'feeling'.
Yeah Tony, that is great... way to go.
Post by: umpa on September 13, 2011, 08:30:18 AM
Tony good for you my friend!!!!!Here is your cheerleader!
Post by: snobles on September 13, 2011, 12:40:55 PM
@Umpa, you are too funny ;D
Post by: shawn116 on September 13, 2011, 02:02:09 PM
 :D :D :D  That is awesome Tony!!  Love the cheerleader Umpa!!  LOL
Post by: umpa on September 14, 2011, 08:37:52 AM
 ;D :D :D :D
Post by: mouseissue on September 14, 2011, 02:31:00 PM
 :D :D :D :D