Fat To Skinny

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: AliciaInTX on February 03, 2012, 11:25:03 AM

Title: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: AliciaInTX on February 03, 2012, 11:25:03 AM

Hey all!
I'm out of Beanit Butter, so it's time to place an order! I saw guar gum mentioned on a thread (to be used instead of cornstarch), so I thought I'd add that to the list. I'd like to order a few items since the shipping is per order and not per item. What are your must-have FTS ingredients?

Beanit Butter
Guar Gum
Golden Flax (seed or flour?)

I already have:
unsweetened shredded coconut
almond meal
flax meal (regular)

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: Amber on February 03, 2012, 12:23:42 PM
I just placed order today!
Erythritol  (want to give it a try currently using Xylitol)
Sugar Free Chocolate chips (you can make your own but these are so handy and great in the OMM)
CarLO CARBiano pizza crust (quick and tasty)
Mama Lupe's tortillas
Dixie Diner Bakesquik
NOW Almond Flour
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: Alex Cruz on February 03, 2012, 12:33:39 PM

Just a FYI, I use soap.com and use promotional codes.. I saved over $20 on my last order
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: Amber on February 03, 2012, 12:39:51 PM
Thanks for info Alex I will check it out! :)
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: AliciaInTX on February 03, 2012, 01:01:38 PM
Oops...I forgot, I do have xylitol and I don't plan to do a ton of baking (I have pretty weak willpower and if the low carb sweet stuff is there, I tend to overdo it...even thought I know I shouldn't!). Maybe once a week or so. I may get some of the sugar free chocolate chips! Thanks for the idea!
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: Rena on February 03, 2012, 01:49:42 PM
Smaps cereal
Sensato SF Nut & Flax Granola
Beanit Butter

That is ... when I order. I don't order online as much. I get by with the IM Healthy 1-carb soynut butter and I make a hot cereal out of flaxmeal.
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: joagain on February 03, 2012, 03:10:42 PM
The dixie diner Smaps are the bomb !!!! With a serving of almond milk & a little sweetner and it is better then ice cream
 When I place a order I get
4-5 bags of Now almond Flour
Lg bag Now Xylitol
Smaps 2 bags
Mixed Berry quest bars box of them
Beanit butter
Un sweet Now coconut
Josephs Flax Pita 4 carb  ( I use these to make pizzas with for tyler )
Sometimes I have to place order every month sometimes not depends how often I bake
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: umpa on February 04, 2012, 09:53:21 AM
Seal Sama Teriaki sauce ;)
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: umpa on February 04, 2012, 09:53:50 AM
Seal Sama  suagrfree Teriaki sauce ;)
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: SarahC on February 07, 2012, 08:09:33 PM
I'm ordering from Netrition - talk to me about Smaps, some of you who know about it. $10 seems high for cereal that I've lived without all these years, but "better than ice cream" and "the bomb" are making me wonder how I got along without it for so long! I have about everything else in this thread on my list...
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: Rena on February 07, 2012, 08:58:47 PM
I'm ordering from Netrition - talk to me about Smaps, some of you who know about it. $10 seems high for cereal that I've lived without all these years, but "better than ice cream" and "the bomb" are making me wonder how I got along without it for so long! I have about everything else in this thread on my list...

Yeah, $10 is a lot for cereal, but if you'll be the only one eating it then it's not that bad. It's kind of hard and crunchy. I always describe it as having the texture Rice Krispies, but harder like Grape Nuts. I like it, but don't order online much. Special K Protein Plus is 9 carbs per cup. I know that's a lot for one meal, but if you have the carbs to spare and you're really craving cereal, it works. It's good, too.
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: SarahC on February 07, 2012, 09:12:09 PM
Thanks, Rena! I ordered it! If I don't have enough stuff to work with now, I never will! I got the oat flour and am anxious to try it out! I wanted to try it since I first heard about it!
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: umpa on February 08, 2012, 09:39:37 AM
I love smaps,and alittle goes a long way.A 1/2 cup serving keeps me full until 3 oclock. ;)
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: SarahC on February 08, 2012, 10:54:44 AM
Do you realize that FTS is a whole different world, food-wise? Before FTS I never even HEARD of 95% of this stuff!
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: mouseissue on February 08, 2012, 01:20:08 PM
Do you realize that FTS is a whole different world, food-wise? Before FTS I never even HEARD of 95% of this stuff!

Yep!... A new yummy world to discover! ;)
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: sweeties on February 08, 2012, 02:19:54 PM
I have never seen the cereal on the website. Ugh I just received my order. I got 4 boxes of the 2gr chocolate chip cookies. Lil nibblets of heaven, corn meal to mix with pork rinds and pound cake which is baking now. I eat too many deserts and it shows on my scale. Atleast I am eating the low carb treats. Carb smart chocolate ice cream in a glass with half a can of zero cherry coke, yum. As for the gg crisp crackers. I rather eat my shoe. I have yet to find a low carb cracker with taste so If anyone knows of one please let me know.
Title: Re: Ingredients from Netrition that you can't live without! :)
Post by: umpa on February 09, 2012, 05:40:30 PM
You need the Fat to Skinny Bakery! it will save you alot of money.At 50 posts you can get one for free ;) There are some great cracker recipes on the forum.