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Messages - que8ball

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Carbs in Veggies vs Snack Carbs
« on: July 05, 2010, 01:44:43 PM »

General Discussion / Carbs in Veggies vs Snack Carbs
« on: July 05, 2010, 10:28:12 AM »
Hello everyone ! Im brandnew to the FTS forum so please excuse me if some questions seem to be irrelevent or "common sense". Ive lost 14 pounds in about 3 weeks and really stoked about this change in my life. I used to workout 5 days a week but results were minimul. After reading this book I now know why I couldnt see the "fruits of my labor". I was working out fairly hard and then eating all the foods I thought was "healthy" because the different mags,cook books,weightlifting books... said they were. Boy was I wrong.  Im really excited because I lost the weight without lifting a single weight. I could just imagine what my numbers will look like when I start working out again. Thanks FTS. I do have a question maybe someone can help me with. Does the carbs in veggies metabolize the same as the carbs in sugarfree snacks that are in the book? And what veggies can I eat an unlimited amount of if thats possible?

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