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Topics - founditatlast

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General Discussion / Having fun making frozen concoctions!
« on: July 14, 2010, 04:26:15 PM »
It's well over 100 degrees where I live so making these.  Love the choco-mocha freeze I posted on earlier... Now adding a little Torani SF syrups for added flavors.  This am tried the Almond Rocha flavor. YYYYUUUUMMMM!!!!

General Discussion / Slow but steady decline in weight
« on: July 14, 2010, 01:45:35 PM »
After the first 2 weeks where I lost 15 lbs. I have been fluctuating a lot but, overall, steadily going down.  It's a lot slower but I feel it is weight that is going to stay off this time so I am okay with that!  I'm currently at the minus 22.8 lb. mark in just over 4 weeks.  woohoo!!!

General Discussion / Diet sodas NOT created equal!
« on: July 12, 2010, 01:44:48 PM »
I picked up some diet Orange Crush to make some orange-cream sicles and discovered that it has 4 carbs per serving (8oz).  I guess I just thought all diet sodas were zero carbs... Obviously, I need to read those lables BEFORE buying!

Desserts and Sweets / Mocha Crunch Freeze
« on: July 12, 2010, 11:49:39 AM »
Made these up as I went last night and HAD to share... the result is to die for!

Mocha Crunch Freeze

½ pint heavy whipping cream  0 carbs
2 tablespoons Sugar free chocolate syrup   <1 net carb
5 sugar free Cappuccino cream hard candies (crushed into tiny bits) 0 net carbs
½ teaspoon vanilla 
½ teaspoon  of a zero carb sweetener (or to taste)

Whip the cream in a chilled bowl
Add vanilla, chocolate and sweetener,
Fold in crushed candies

Place in Popsicle molds and freeze overnight.


Any sugar free flavoring could be used and any SF hard candies
For a twist try adding a few drops of mint extract to the original mix.

General Discussion / Still can't change my ticker!
« on: July 11, 2010, 11:18:43 AM »
This is the end of week 4 for me and I haven't lost anything in a couple of weeks.  I'm sure in the overall picture this is nothing to worry about... just wish I could see the scale go down.  I CAN see a difference in the fit of my clothes, my energy level, my mood, and the lack of headaches!  So I'm not complaining!!!

General Discussion / Margaritaville slushy maker
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:36:26 PM »
Does anyone have one of those Margaritaville frozen concoction makers?  A friend is giving me one and it seems like it should make some great iced treats.  I'm going to try to replicate a 'Starbucks' type mocha from a recipe I found in the forum... Don't remember who it came from, sorry, or I would give you the credit. If you have one could you share some of your FTS recipes for it? Thanks bunches...Diane

Sides and Snacks / Cheeto type Cheese Puffs
« on: July 09, 2010, 11:29:06 AM »
I found this recipe on another low carb site sounds wonderful I've gotta try it to satisfy my late evening craving for crunchy snacks!'s%20Low%20Carb%20Cheatos%20Cheese%20Puffs


Sides and Snacks / Chicken Chips
« on: July 06, 2010, 04:15:04 PM »
1. Preheat oven to 375°
2. Take any and all chicken skins you have on hand - chunks of chicken fat will work, too - spread out flat on the broiler rack.
3. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, or until they get brown and crunchy.  Sprinkle with salt and eat like chips.

No carbs here at all!

I use a cookie cooling rack over a cookie sheet in the oven/broiler... to catch any drips.  Also I use 'lite' salt.  So good you'll want some every day but probably once a week would be better ??

General Discussion / Constipation
« on: July 05, 2010, 11:29:42 PM »
Who are the five most constipated men in the Old Testament?
1) Cain wasn't Abel.
2) Moses went up onto the mountain and took two tablets.
3) King David sat on the throne for forty years.
4) Solomon - neither heaven nor Earth could move him.
5) Noah was at sea for forty days and forty nights and all he passed was water.

All kidding aside, I am not used to so much cheese and getting the above result on a regular bases. I drink lots of water... Today I found a product at Walmart called Fiber Therapy... a natural Psyllium husk fiber. Each capsule has 0.52 grams of fiber... nothing else.  If I take 2 of these does it cancel out one carb from my daily count?

General Discussion / free online food tracker
« on: July 04, 2010, 05:52:12 PM »
Check this site out... great for tracking your carb intake and graphing your weight loss.

  I love bike riding but the last time I was on a bike I popped the tire!  So after only three weeks on the FTS plan I KNOW I can 'go all the way' to my goal.  I love , love , love this eating plan! Already inspired 4 other people to buy the book and start the program, too.
  As an incentive to reach my first big goal of 100 gone, I bought myself a terrific bike.  I may not be able to ride it for a while but seeing it everyday will definitely inspired me take off the next pound, and the next and the next!  For most people 100 is more than they need to lose or it's their goal.  Unfortunately, that is just about 1/2 of what I need to lose.  I know the bike riding will help the second 1/2 come off quickly.

Desserts and Sweets / Skinny Dippers-Popscicles
« on: June 28, 2010, 12:43:41 PM »
I found this 'popcicle' type product at a local grocery store and since it has zero cals, zero net carbs and zero sugar, I tried it.  I tried the Tangy Tangerine flavor.  They are very good... but a bit expensive.  How does one make a popcicle out of say crystal light or similar product that isn't hard like ice?  These Skinny Dippers were 'solid-soft' like a regular popcicle.  Any suggestions? Thanks, Founditatlast

General Discussion / Soybeans
« on: June 25, 2010, 08:16:57 PM »
  I've seen some posts regarding soybeans and products made from soybeans. I looked them up online and it said a 1/2 c. of raw soybeans is 9 net carbs.  This seems too high to use soybeans on a daily bases. I'm I calculating them right?  There seems to be a lot of good soy products but I don't want to eat them if they use up a lot of my daily carb bank account.  Are they only for people trying to maintain their weight?
  Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Founditatlast

I finished week one without going off the new eating plan at all.  I lost 15 pounds!  Since I am VERY heavy it comes off faster at first and I drank water with a capful of lemon juice in it (60 to 80 ozs daily) which was a great diuretic.  But I am excited about the loss and will continue to take it one day at a time! This is the beginning of a new ME!
Founditatlast (really, I found it at last!)

It's now end of week 2 and I'm disappointed in not showing lbs lost on the scale but not surprised.  Those closest to me have seen inches disappear from around my middle!  The old bod just needs to catch up to that great 15 lb loss last week!  
  One thing I've noticed is no more headaches (previously a daily occurrence) and more energy.  Started  'no impact' exercising which is necessary due to back pain.  After only 2 weeks on this new eating plan I am very satisfied and will continue on for the 'long haul'... with less to 'haul' as time passes!! LOL

Happy Fourth of July friends!
Today marks the end of week 3 and I'm happy to report a total of 20.2 lbs. GONE!

Desserts and Sweets / SF Carb Free snow cone syrup
« on: June 18, 2010, 09:25:04 PM »
Hi Umpa,  I love Sugar free snow cone syrups but my local store ran out.  They are pretty expensive anyway.   There is a recipe on-line for it using sugar water and koolaid flavoring. It thickens as it cools.  How would I make this w/o sugar? Is there a way to thicken it a bit w/o adding cals or carbs? And I haven't looked at the Koolaid flavoring packets yet so I don't know their nutritional content.  Not sure if SF powdered drinks would work or how to thicken it. Thanks, Founditatlast

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