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Topics - morgan

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Desserts and Sweets / Flying Raspberry Ice-cream
« on: March 10, 2013, 05:57:50 PM »
Craving a dessert and not wanting to wait (of course) for the raspberries to thaw.  I whipped some cream and then threw in frozen raspberries and kept whipping (had to duck as some came flying out - so beware).  The result - raspberry ice-cream.  The cream got colder and the raspberries a bit softer.  All evened out to a great dessert. 
Yummo  ;D

Meal Plans / Finding the Problem
« on: March 06, 2013, 08:37:33 PM »
Wed 6/3/13
Out all day with a friend - so eating out.


Kebab salad plate - meat/cheese 0
                           salad (lettuce, tomato, onion) 2
                           Tsaziki dip (guessed) 2

*cheese 0
strawberries 2
*homemade omm 1.8
coffee w aerosol cream 1
*additional cream 0.6

*brought from home

9 pm (home again)

oven baked wingettes 0
butter 0
SF sauce 0
coke zero 0

Total 9.7c             

General Discussion / Dr Oz and Weight Watchers
« on: February 20, 2013, 09:19:46 PM »
Just caught part of an Dr Oz episode where he spent about 20 mins 'extolling' the virtues of WW, and having back a couple who were on the show previously with weight issues and who had gone off and done WW. 

Is he the new 'face' of WW?  I was wondering if we were behind the times here downunder.  Usually his segments last 5 mins or so, but this one went on and on and on and I just wondered (bad me) how much he was getting paid for what I considered 'product placement'. 

General Questions / Eating Fat
« on: February 12, 2013, 02:06:43 AM »
I realise by keeping our sugar down, our bodies use up stored fat. 

My question is - if we are eating fat, do our bodies utilise that first before stored fat?

Whilst we don't really watch our fat intake - should we choose leaner cuts and avoid or cut down (saturated) fats?

General Discussion / ANNOYED
« on: February 07, 2013, 04:27:11 PM »
I stopped into the supermarket to buy my favourite seasoning - Lemon Pepper.  Ingredients are basically salt/pepper/food acid/sugar/paprick/etc.  Whilst there is sugar it's not the first item and 1 don't use that much.  Since they didn't have any of the my favourite, I was getting my second choice which didn't have sugar - it's a much chunkier product.  What I found was that they had changed the ingredients to now include rice flour and breadcrumbs.  Not Happy!! I checked all the other seasoning products to find a substitute - they all included rice flour and sugar (including all the other brands of lemon pepper) and these were the first ingredients listed.

Not a happy camper by far.  Was trying to work out a way to make my own.  The lemon flavor is stumping me a bit as I want to make a reasonable batch so I don't have to make it up each time.  If I put a piece of lemon peel in what do you think?

The rant is actually about - why do they insist on taking a good product and ruining it?  They've done it to me a number of times.  Just as well (after having learnt my lesson the hard way) that I now always read the carb count and ingredients.

  I am sooooooo annoyed!!!!!

Monthly check in for my weight.  Well what can I say. Basically lost the weight I gained on holiday.  Why is it easier to put on weight rather than shift it.  We should get 'brownie' points for staying true and resisting temptation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway lost 4lbs and gained a wobbly 1 - which I am attributing to fluid and hot weather (any excuse hahaha).

Talk about the slow route to weight loss!  Trying to re-implement all those strategies doug mentioned when I stopped the loss before my holiday.  It seems I've jammed at the same weight, I was stuck at then.  It must be my bodies preferred weight or something - it doesn't want to let go.

Really should get back on my treadmill and put in some exercise.  Try to walk to shops and wherever I need.  Been doing a lot of work around the house as I have decided to put it on the market; by the time I work on what I need to work on I can't be motivated to walk on a treadmill.  Since having some plaster work done I have furniture all over the place as well - the treadmill folded and out of the way.

See you next monthly posting.

General Discussion / Literally Watching While You Eat
« on: February 04, 2013, 06:10:28 AM »
Do you ever feel that people are more interested in what you eat and when you eat than you are?

I go along in my day, eat what I feel like when I feel like it, not usually conforming to the set meal times, not making  any sort of fuss because its different to others - if I am eating out with friends, I may take my own snack - it's just easier sometimes - but my friends and acquaintances seem to scrutinise what I eat when I eat it. What does it matter.

Usually 'breakfast' isn't until 11am or so because really not hungry, sometimes I just have a muffin for dinner instead of a 'meal', or if I have a piece of cheese for a snack or even if I only have 2 meals - I get comments like 'aren't you hungry yet?', 'that's not enough', 'you need to eat more fibre', 'you shouldn't eat that much fat' 'you'll be too tired', etc, funniest one was today - 'you'll forget how to eat'.  Believe you me that ain't one I gonna forget  ;D  

Tell me, why do they feel they can comment on my choices when I would never make comment on theirs.  I am not interested in their food choices or diets - it is their choice, but my choice is apparently wrong.  Well not wrong but you know what I mean.  

Anyone else with 'concerned' friends.

Just thawed (microwaved) some strawberries and wanted to thicken it up to make sort of a jam.  So just mashed it up a bit and added some glucomannan powder and 2 drops of zero and voila I had strawberry jam.  Was going to put a little squeeze of lemon juice in too, but all out.  Was good.

General Discussion / Valentine's Day
« on: February 04, 2013, 02:16:08 AM »
Hello all - the 'love day' is coming up and I was wondering if anyone had anything special planned.  Any special recipes you are willing to share.

In previous years I would bake heart-shaped sugar biscuits to take with me on my rounds (when I was doing home care) to hand out to my clients (and also for my kids and friends).  A lot of them (clients not kids) lived alone and didn't see anyone.

hmm - wonder if umpadoodles can be rolled and cut into hearts.  (Put the cinnamon on the inside and press pink coloured xylitol on the outside).

Have made heart-shaped cake before.  I'm sure I've seen heart-shaped silicone cupcake pans, but now when want one, probably wont find any.

General Discussion / Body Tuck
« on: February 01, 2013, 02:50:57 AM »
Has anyone lost all their weight and decided on a 'body tuck' to get rid of the excess skin?  I have noticed that parts of my stomach (where I have obviously lost weight) is now very soft and squishy,  whereas it used to be 'solid' if you will.  I can only presume that the fat has gone off to the universe somewhere (anywhere but me thank goodness) and what is left is stretched skin. 

I'm not finished with the losing of the weight, but I have been watching the odd Extreme Makeover show where people are having the 'tuck', and contemplating if I would go this route.  Factors of course being money and more so my age.  If I was younger and still had many many years left (I'm hoping of course I still have many many years left, but these are my mature years not my 'in the prime' years) I would say a resounding YES (maybe) but now, hmmmm, not too sure. 

It would be nice to be trim but that time really has come and gone and lets face it, it is major surgery.  The older you are the longer the recovery, etc.

These type of shows do seem to skip over the hazards of this surgery, but I have seen others and I got to say OWIE OWIE OWIE and that's just watching it.  A friend (in her 60s) has just had a tummy tuck for reasons other than appearance (or so she says) and seems to have had no issues.

Anyone having, had or contemplating?

Product Reviews / fifty 50 blackberry spread
« on: January 27, 2013, 12:21:34 AM »
Can anyone give me an opinion on this product?  I'm tossing up between blackberry and raspberry.  I've been disappointed with the Walden Farm spreads, so asking before buying this time. 

Taste? Texture? Comparison to normal 'jams'?


General Discussion / Expiry Dates
« on: January 26, 2013, 09:40:45 PM »
Can someone help.  I bought some Miracle Noodles last year but didn't get around to using them.  When I got them out of the cupboard the exp date on them was Sept 2012.  Would you think they would still be good to use.  Not sure how they (the dates) work in the States.  We have a best before or use by date on our products - which I usually adhere to when it is a dairy or fresh product.  When it's a vacuum sealed pack/cans etc you can have some leeway.


General Discussion / Gastric Bypass/Banding
« on: January 16, 2013, 05:59:50 AM »
I was just watching a British program about obese patients that undergo either gastic bypass (really major surgery - approx 3 hours) or gastric banding ('minor' surgery of approx 30 minutes).  How they cost the health system a fortune due mainly to medication for high BP, heart conditions and mostly diabetes and that this op is the solution.

I watched these people crying, being horrified and terrified they would not wake up after the event, being on a liquid diet a month before hand to clear up a fatty liver so that the surgeon could see around it to do the proceedure, then in one case (not even a month after) eating his wife's chocolates and  having ice creams when he went out. The other case a woman who moments after coming out of recovery was stating that she was hungry.

It is beyond me that these people would resort to this rather than give up their favourite foods (sugar).  It seemed that they thought that it would be a 'miracle' and they would be slim without effort afterwards.  Whilst they did lose weight it averaged at about 6 kg (14lbs) a month, which really is only 3-4 lbs a week.

It seems that the medical board is pushing these types of surgery as a solution to saving costs in the long run.  Is this what health systems now think is the go;  to do these ops, so in the long run they don't have to pay for medication.

They lost weight in the month prior on a liquid diet (which I think were protein drinks) - why would they not
continue with these drinks to loose the weight rather than the op?

I feel I am being harsh because I know it is desparation that makes them do this and they feel it is a last resort of sorts, but it seems they are ill prepared for afterwards.  They obviously still have major food issues.

General Discussion / Live Life People
« on: December 30, 2012, 06:53:46 PM »
I got some very sad news yesterday morning, a good friend and past neighbour of mine died of a heart attack fighting a house fire with his local CFA (Country Fire Authority).  They had just finished putting out the fire and he hadgone back to the truck to get something when he collapsed and died. 

I always think with so many people qualified with CPR and 1st Aid there would always be someone around to help if you had a heart attack, but even though he was surrounded by many other firefighters, no one saw him go down and he died alone.  He left behind a wife and 2 beautiful girls, he was 46. 

It is sad and it is tragic, but it makes you think of your own mortality.  So people don't sit on your backsides waiting to lose weight before you do anything.  Get up, get moving, make the most of your lives.  Live it, because before you know it, it might be over and you have done NOTHING but sit thinking when I lose weight, I will do this, I will do that. 


Girly Girl Talk / Morning Skin Routines
« on: December 30, 2012, 06:44:23 PM »
Just finished my shower and cleansing, moisturising, blah blah - tedious stuff.  What products do you girls use to keep yourselves young and bootiful?  I've tried a number of things over the years, cheap and expensive.  At the moment I'm using Jurilique (all plant-based).  Smells good, feels good, but making me look 20 years younger - I don't think so haha.

Anyone got a sure fire routine to take those years away and make your skin glow.  Miracle cream?  Come on girls - SHARE  pleasssssseeeee.

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