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Topics - thatbuff

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General Questions / A general question regarding portion sizes
« on: April 07, 2010, 09:05:13 PM »
Let me begin by thanking you for writing such an excellent book. I picked it up in the library and started reading it and within a couple of days I bought the book. I also purchased the three downloadable books that you have on your website and are heavily into reading them now. I have also been online and purchased several items as per your recommendations from Dixie diners and others. The logic in your books makes all the sense in the world to me. It also seems like something that can be followed far easier than many of the other lifestyles and I have checked into. The one general question that I have is in regards to portion sizes. I have always been a BIG eater and have enjoyed large meals. I fully realize that a serving size of 6 ounces of meat is normal but I must admit that it looks like a postage stamp to me. Now, on a "regular" diet portion sizes are completely keyed to calorie count and I can understand why portion sizes are so important. But, on a low carbohydrate diet, logic would seem to me to make this not as important. If I am going for 20 or less carbs a day and there is zero carbs in a piece of chicken, why can't I have two pieces of chicken or maybe even three. I realize that sensible eating is an important part of creating a new lifestyle and I'm sure I can survive on 6 ounces of meat and a lot of other greens etc., but I'm just curious about your take on this matter.

Thanks again for your excellent work and I hope that more people will stumble onto it as I did. I certainly will be one that spreads the word.
That Buff

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