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Topics - Sisbac

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General Discussion / Just getting started
« on: September 15, 2010, 06:53:45 PM »
Hi Everyone, I am just starting Fat to Skinny today. I made Chicken Fettuccine today with the tofu noodles, it was wonderful! I had heard so many people complain about tofu, but as for me I love it. I just wished I would have known about these noodles years ago. I seem to have more energy today than I have had in a long time, it's this is only day one. My goal is to lose about 45-50 pounds and to get healthier. I am in my 50's and have high blood pressure. I hope to be able to get rid of the high blood pressure and medication.
I am looking forward to losing weight and getting healthy with all of you good people. I hope to here about your successes and any advice you may have for me.  :)

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