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Topics - chris

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Ask Umpa / Low Carb Homemade Ice cream
« on: June 19, 2010, 10:43:25 AM »
The "Low Carb" icecream you can buy is not very good. So I bought an ice cream maker and made some low carb chocolate ice cream. For a sweetner I used xylitol. It states you can the same amount of the artificial sweetner as sugar so I did. It was beyond my expectations delicious. As a bonus we added sugar free chocolate covered peanuts in the churning process. About an hour after I had some tummy problems and was running to bathroom several times. I did some research on xylitol and sure enough there it was bloating and etc. Should I eat the rest or was it just that I was not used to it? Anyone ever use this product for ice cream? Should I have used less?

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