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Topics - Agogo

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Ask Umpa / Please Suggest Sweetener Alternatives!
« on: September 23, 2011, 10:31:29 AM »
Do you have any suggestions for baking successfully with Stevia? Can I take all the recipes in Dave’s bakery cookbook and replace the Xylitol with Stevia using the same measurements? If not, what would the conversion for Xylitol to Stevia be exactly? Also, will it taste as good as Xylitol? I need to find another sweetener that doesn’t have the ghastly  (better said is gas’ly) side effects.  I really like the taste of Xylitol but it tears me up. Do you have any suggestions for alternatives?  I have already omitted NutraSweet-aspartame do to its bad history. I eagerly await your response!

Sugar Alcohols / Newby-No weight- loss Yet! Why?
« on: September 21, 2011, 05:52:55 PM »
I am new to this posting board. I bought the book at the bookstore. I loved it; then I went online and bought everything else including the MP3 book download-even though I already have the book, all the cookbooks, carb-counter etc. Now I am reaching out to the forum gurus to get me enlightened. I started this program ten days ago and I have not deviated whatsoever. I work out a minimum of four times a week-weight lifting or participating in a local program that does an assortment of Pilates/yoga/ballet. I drink lots of water, and drink my coffee with heavy cream, and no alcohol-ever. I eat meat and my veggies all within the FTS rules. I do indulged in SF candies periodically and I have actually baked some of Doug’s wonderful breads specifically the spinach bread and the pumpkin bread and his pumpkin pie—all to my family’s terror and shock—they don’t allow me to cook anything without first notifying the local fire department—OK Home Ed. was never my forte. But, I have successfully created bakeries thanks to Doug’s easy to follow directions and his videos when I am feeling especially literately challenged. My question is because I am not losing weight like everybody else here must I simply revert to just eating meat (unprocessed) and the declared low carb veggies? That question includes –do I omit cheese too? I already understand from reading the posts that I have to throw out the SF candies which I love but hey I love ridding myself of excess fat more. Secondly, do I have to cut out Doug’s fabulous spinach and pumpkin bread too??? Please advise I really want to be a happy success story to add to your forum. If it works for me I can inspire and invite family members to do the same. I am 5’5” and weigh 150 pounds. I eagerly await a response.

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