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Topics - longkeylady

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Click Here To Share Your Success Story / 30 lbs. and still going
« on: February 17, 2013, 12:55:39 PM »
Hubby and I seem to be losing at a rate of 3-4 lbs. per month.  Since Aug. 15, he's dropped 35 lbs. and is now well below 200 lbs. for the first time in 8 years.  I'm flirting now with 200 -- at 205 -- and have lost 1/2 lb. shy of 30 lbs.  We're both shooting to land somewhere in the neighborhood of 150, which is a good weight for us both.  The FTS lifestyle been so successful for us that we sing the praises of Fat to Skinny everywhere we go.  Truthfully, this is the only diet my husband would stick with, because he's not fond o veggies and doesn't particularly enjoy fruit.  That said, he's now eating broccoli and caulimash and is positively crazy about wasabi coleslaw. Working together on the plan has made it very successful for us both.  Thanks Doug and Umpa for providing us the tools for success.  The recipes are great, and now that I'm retired, I'm enjoying experimenting with all of them.  About the only thing we really miss is pasta.  My husband is Italian, and it's been a staple for him nearly all of his life.  We did try the one recommended in the book, but found it to be way too much like slimy gummy worms.  Macaphony & Cheese recipe is great.  Also, we found Rao's red sauces at Fresh Market.  They are 3 net carbs and wonderful! 

General Discussion / Five Weeks and Counting
« on: September 11, 2012, 12:25:19 PM »
My husband and I began eating the Fat to Skinny way five weeks ago yesterday.  He's dropped 15 1/2 lbs. and dropped below 200 this morning.  I've lost 13 3/4 lbs. and am going strong.  The recipes are delicious, though they do take time.  Thankfully, I retired a short time ago and  have been enjoying cooking my way through the Fat to Skinny book.  Thanks, Doug, for making this far easier and more enjoyable than we ever thought possible!

General Questions / Questions from "Old" Gastric Bypass Patient
« on: August 20, 2012, 05:53:55 PM »
Had gastric bypass 11 years ago.  Though I'm still down 100 lbs. post-surgery, the additional 60 I'd lost has crept back on over the past 5 years.  Hubby quit smoking roughly the same time I had the surgery and has also gained an extra 50 lbs.  Two weeks ago, we decided to try low carb eating after running across FTS on Amazon while searching out low carb cookbooks.  Ordered it, and it came last Friday.  What I'm wondering is what impact, if any, will my bypass surgery have in trying to follow FTS weight-loss plan and is there anything I need to be doing differently? 

I should also report that since we started trying to blunder our way into low carb eating 2 weeks ago, my husband has lost 7 lbs. and so have I.  Also, since Doug's book arrived, we've been eating a whole lot better than the we did that first week-and-a-half.  Recipes we've tried are fantastic!  Today we began our 3rd week, and we're both feeling great.  Thanks, Doug!

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