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Topics - Tammystein

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / My Dad's "diabetic, low-carb" diet in the hospital
« on: October 15, 2012, 01:28:01 PM »
Hi, everyone
I'm new here, and have just recently been eating low-carb.  I wanted to share the "diabetic" breakfast my Dad was served in the hospital last week, following a heart-attack (he's fine and back home now!):  one whole bagel, one cup of oatmeal, 4 ounces of orange juice, and EggBeaters.
My Mom and I could not believe it!!!   She's been low-carb for years, so will be modifying his diet on her own.  It is mind-boggling that the cardiac unit in a hospital believes that bagels, orange juice, mashed potatos, rolls, etc. are "low-carb".


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