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Topics - mak2408

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General Discussion / carbs
« on: June 28, 2013, 11:37:38 AM »
Hi!  I* am very new to this diet.  I ordered my fat to skinny book yesterday.  I was just wondering how many carbs you are allowed per day.  I really am not that overweight, but I am always 10 lbs over my ideal  weight.  I lose it for about 2 months and always gain it back. Will this diet help me, do you think?  I do eat a lot of sweet things daily.  Cookies, candy, and also have pasta for supper.  Do you have to give up pasta entirely?  I could live without the cookies, but not sure about spaghetti, and pizza.  I like potatoes too, and Im afraid I will have a problem with this diet. Thanks! mak2408

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