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Topics - Skinnysoon

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General Discussion / Need help
« on: August 25, 2013, 09:32:59 PM »
Ok, so I started 3 weeks ago, dropped 10 lbs in about 10 days, regained about 3 and haven't dropped any since. I'm a 46 yr old male, 5'8" and my starting weight was 235.

I read the book and have been very strict. I track my food with the my fitness pal app and have been keeping the net carbs under 20 and sugars (mostly from berries) under 10 a day.
Here's a sample of a days, menu.

Breakfast: 2 eggs with turkey bacon or turkey sausage and half cup rasp or blueberries--4 carbs, 3 sugars.
Snack: 2 oz Lunchmeat (0 carb-2 carb per 2 oz), 0 carb cheese rolled with dill pickle spears--3-4 carbs max, 0 sugars.
Lunch: 6 oz rotisserie chicken salad made with 2 tbs olive oil mayo, romaine leaves.--0 carbs
Snack: 1 oz walnuts or almonds-- 2 carbs
Dinner: 8-10 oz protein (steak, chicken, shrimp, ground beef), 2 cup salad of spinach, romaine, tomato, cuke, 2 tbs blue cheese or 1 carb dressing or 1 cup broccoli/cauliflower mix in place of salad. 6ish carbs, 3 sugars
Snack: sugar free jello

I tend to eat the same thing frequently, there were some variations but like I said I have been keeping near 20 carbs and 10 natural sugars.

The only thing that makes sense to me is that I may really be eating too many calories from fatty steak, bacon or higher fat lunchmeats.?

I'm getting discouraged.

Any thoughts and/or advise?

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