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Topics - JerseyGirl

Pages: [1]
Hello Doug,
Fortunately, a friend led me to your book. I am 72 and have had a weight problem all my life. Over eaters Anonymous got me on the correct path years ago, but I always craved something other than what was on the food plan.
Your book has been such an answer for me. My cravings are gone and I have lost 8 pounds in about 5 weeks.
I am now at the point where I believe I must become more conscience of portion sizes. I believe the cravings have subsided, but I still must deal with the compulsive eating that has been a part of my life for so long.
Now to my question: my daughter and I are going to Disneyworld in September. Vacations have always been about eating and food for me.
What is going to happen if I occasionally have a glass of wine with dinner or want a piece of pita bread with the hummus in the Animal Kingdom buffet?
In other words, I am scared to death of even thinking about eating a simple carb. Help!!
Can you help me? I want to lose about 10 more pounds and I would so content. I do not exercise and know that I should because I just feel I would stand up straighter and be able to hold my stomach in better if I took a weight class and walked more. I know I am being lazy because of the heat. (I am in NJ). I do a lot of gardening and think of myself as an active, blessed, healthy person.
Thank you in advance. You have written a truth that I have not found in any other book. I want to continue down the same path as you, but need a little more help.
Sincerely, Barbara

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