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Messages - ShihTzuMom1

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Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: april 12th
« on: October 06, 2010, 12:26:46 PM »
Gary we will keep our fingers crossed that you 100% have found a job.  I love hearing that you are maintaining your weight, I find it so inspiring.  Let us know when you hear about the job. Good luck!!

Doug:  Please check the ingredients on the Pumpkins Cookies as well.  Thanks.

1)  Cream together in large mixer bowl (using whip attachment):
     ½ cup room temperature butter
     ¾ cup xylitol
2)  Add:
     1 egg
     1 cup pure pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling)
     2 tsp. vanilla
Whip together.
3)  In another bowl, mix together:
     2 cups soy flour or almond meal
     ½ cup protein powder
     1 tsp. baking powder
     1 tsp. baking soda
     3 tsp cinnamon
     ½ tsp ground nutmeg
     ½ tsp ground cloves
     ¼ tsp salt
4)  Add to wet ingredients in mixer bowl.  Mix well with dough beater
5)  Make cookie dough into balls and press down a little with a spoon or fork
6)  Bake on cookie sheet lined with parchment paper at 350º for 20 minutes.

Doug:  I like print versions as well.  I went ahead and printed them out for Beebs & myself.  Could you just verify that I didn't forget anything.  Thanks.

PUMPKIN BREAD - Makes 2 large loaves or 4 small
1)  Stir together:
     4 egg whites
     1 cup xylitol
2)  Add:
     2 cups pure pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling) and whisk together well.
3)  In a separate bowl:
     1 ½ cups soy flour or almond meal
     1 ½ cups golden flax flour
     1 tsp salt
     2 tsp baking soda
     2 tsp baking powder
     1 tsp ground nutmeg
     1 tsp ground allspice
     2 tsp ground cinnamon
     ½ tsp ground cloves
4)  Pour dry ingredients into wet ingredients.  Whisk well.
5)  Pour into 2 greased loaf pans (or 4 small)  
6)  Bake at 350º for 60 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.

Cream together and use for sliced pumpkin bread:
2 Tbsp.  soft butter
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice

Yes, by October 17th, you could already have 10 pounds gone, detoxing finished and well on your way to the new fabulous you!

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Scott in Florida - 5 weeks
« on: October 06, 2010, 08:22:09 AM »
Congrats on the weight loss Scott!  You are doing great!   

Breads and Crackers / Re: One Minute Muffin - OMG, Ya' Gotta Try!!
« on: October 05, 2010, 07:18:47 PM »
I like the idea of using this recipe as stuffing.  I was thinking of making the muffin recipe with poultry seasoning, breaking it in pieces and setting it out to get a little stale or popping it in the oven for a little bit to get stale.  Then I was going to saute a little celery and onions in butter and toss with the stale "bread" pieces, wrap in tinfoil and put in the oven while I had something else in there, that way I didn't have to dirty another pot.
Well I tried this recipe as stuffing tonight and didn't like my results.  I made the batter out of 1/2 tsp butter, 1/4 cup golden flaxseed meal, 1/2 tsp baking powder and 1/2 tsp poultry seasoning (I made 4 of these).  I put the batter in a  4 sandwich size plastic containers and microwaved for 1.5 minutes each.  I then dumped them out on a cookie sheet and broke the "bread" into pieces and put in a 200 degree oven to get stale in a hurry.  I then sauteed onion, celery & red pepper in butter in a frying pan and tossed the bread pieces in it when they were dry enough.  I added more poultry seasoning, chopped fresh sage and parsley.  I transferred the bread mixture to a sheet of tinfoil, closed it up and cooked it in the oven with my chicken.  It was sooo dry.  It may have been better if I hadn't dried the bread cubes first, or maybe if I poured on some chicken broth, or not left it in the oven so long.  I think it would have been good if it hadn't been so dry.  So this was my failed experiment.  Let me know if anyone else tries something similar

Welcome to the FTS forum David.  Wishing success on your journey to a new life!!

Keke, I'm sure you have read on other posts, this is not a diet.  It is your new life and you will feel amazing!!

General Discussion / Re: Sept. 20th Started Again !
« on: October 05, 2010, 08:32:35 AM »
Glad to see you back Jo.  It is wonderful that you are not giving up and realize how much better you feel.  Keep it up, we're all cheering for you!!

General Discussion / Re: Hallowe'en
« on: October 04, 2010, 03:09:40 PM »
If you really "need" some chocolate, 'TREAT' yourself to Russell Stover Sugar Free Candy!  I think it is great and helps get me through my chocolate cravings!
Just don't over indulge!!!  :)  Have a great day!

SouthCarolinaLady (Susie)
Yes, the Russell Stover sugar free chocolates have helped me out before.  I just don't want bags of "regular" choclate bars in the house.  And Umpa, I don't think there is such a thing as chocolate bars that I don't like.  As for giving kids sugar free chocolates, I don't think their parents would appreciate the urgent bathroom trips they may cause (and they are not always fast enough to get there) because I'm sure the kids would eat more than one at a time.  Maybe I'll forget things to eat and go to the dollar store and see if I can find some little trinkets.  I don't get tons of kids and they are mostly family that stop by.

General Discussion / Re: Feeling Great!
« on: October 04, 2010, 11:26:11 AM »
Congrats Maddysmom, sounds like you are on your way and already feeling great.  I find xylitol in my local health food store. 

General Discussion / Re: Daily calorie intake
« on: October 04, 2010, 09:08:57 AM »
Welcome to the forum  SGMK!  I will leave the answer to this question to Doug or someone who can answer it properly.  I have been eating the FTS way since mid-July and have never felt better in my life.  My weight is coming down at a steady pace.  My blood sugars and blood pressure are also waaaay down.  I will be going to my doctors in 2 weeks and I can't wait to see what he has to say.  I eat plenty of food, am never hungry, don't have those crazy craves and when I do want something there is a FTS alternative.  I do try to chose a good variety of the healthy things to eat and not just fill up on low carb treats.  I'm not qualified to answer your medical questions, I just know how I feel...and it's amazing!!

Desserts and Sweets / Re: Best Flour-less Chocolate Mug Cake I've tried
« on: October 03, 2010, 11:13:36 PM »
This the best flour-less chocolate mug cake-try it

1 egg, beaten well

1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 Tbs. heavy cream or half/half or CC milk

2 Tbs. cocoa

5 tsp. of xylitol or 10pk Splenda

1 tsp. baking powder

1 Tbs. softened butter

In a small bowl, beat egg with fork and add in the rest of the ingredients-pour into 8 oz mug and Microwave for one minute

top with homemade whipped cream ;0

I made this tonight and it was awesome.  I wanted something like chocolate cake and this certainly did the trick.  The first time I tried I didn't have a tall enough mug and ended up with a big mess on the bottom tray in my microwave.  This time I used my 2 cup Pyrex measuring cup and microwaved it for 1 1/2 minutes and it turned out great.  Topped with a little ReddiWhip.  Mmmmmmmmmm good.............and no guilt!!

General Discussion / Re: IS IT OK TO ADD TO SOME OF THE RECEIPES??
« on: October 03, 2010, 07:50:47 PM »
The best part of the FTS eating plan is that there is no set menu.  The recipes are just suggestions and you alter things to your taste or as to what is in your cupboard or fridge.  Just stay within the 20 net carbs and try to eat things with the lowest carbs possible so you don't use up all your carbs at one meal.  Go ahead and be creative with any recipe and make sure if you come up with an new idea that you share it with all of us.

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: 5 days in....
« on: October 03, 2010, 10:32:08 AM »
Welcome to the forum Lauren82.  Good luck with your journey from fat to skinny!!

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