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Messages - morgan

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Meal Plans / Re: STALLED or STOPPED?
« on: July 16, 2012, 08:37:19 PM »
Not so much road (trip) as perhaps plane (trip).  Though they say that volkswagons float on water.  Pack the cds, travelling food and clothes.   If you ever make it over you all welcome to stay my place  :D

General Discussion / Re: My daughter is on FTS!
« on: July 16, 2012, 08:33:42 PM »
Can I join that club - I'm 5' 2-1/2" (and I claim every bit of that 1/2" - it's mine ;D). 
It's not fair, every time I have a 'handyman' job around the house I have to drag a ladder or a step to stand on.  Just a couple of inches more and I would be happy.  Unfortunately that ain't gonna happen. 
My brothers are around the 6' high level.  Mum always used to say that it was because I was a good girl and you got a pat on the head (basically keeping you short) and my brothers were - well boys - and got a whack on their behinds (thereby shooting them upwards making them tall).  As a theory - good as any hahaha :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Desserts and Sweets / Re: Carrot Cake From Fat to Skinny Bakery
« on: July 15, 2012, 06:54:55 AM »
Umpa, I don't have any peanut oil in the house.  Is it possible to use canola instead? or is it that the peanut oil gives you the extra peanut taste?

Desserts and Sweets / Re: Chocolate No-Bake Cookies
« on: July 15, 2012, 06:50:55 AM »
I made the recipe this afternoon - carb count a bit higher as I used Peanut Butter and only had walnuts.  Easy peasy it made 11 tspn size but became a bit bigger when I flattened them a out a bit.  Nice treat with my coffee  ;)

General Discussion / FEELING HAPPY
« on: July 14, 2012, 09:37:43 PM »
Today I realised I was happy.  I felt good in my skin and happy in my outlook and I like me.  It's good to tell yourself that.  Some years ago, going through a rough patch, I realised I hated me -that someone I loved had done that to me.  I had always loved me regardless but they had caused me to hate myself.  Well am rid of that person and you know what - I LIKE ME, I LIKE ME, I REALLY REALLY LIKE ME.

So take a moment to reflect your life and tell yourself that you LIKE yourself for the person you are.

General Discussion / Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« on: July 14, 2012, 09:30:15 PM »
My best friend since we were both 13 and starting high school came to stay with me for the weekend.  She comes often but this time brought her husband.  My BF is a big big girl and had gastric banding a few years back (boy did I pray my way through that day - any op on a big person is a big deal and I was so worried).  She initially lost some weight but now stopped.   

I prepared the food; with only slight twist for me, we had the same food.  I was actually able to rid my freezer of frozen waffles and icecream which I served as dessert - I didn't feel the need at all to have any as it just does not appeal to me anymore - also rid of the chocolate I had hidden in the pantry so I wouldn't come across it.  Also made a sugarfree sponge cake with cream and choc 'frosting' which they scoffed without complaint.

As her husband tucked into his big bowl of brekki cereal, crumpets with jam, bacon and milk tea we were chatting about cholesterol (you are definitely getting older when you discuss that and meds over breakfast  :D :D) and the fact I was having bacon and egg for breakfast. 

My friend said when she was young, everyday she would have a poached egg for breakfast and she was skinny - I told her to go back to it.  Medical opinion has reversed their opinion on the cholesterol ramifications on eggs and I went on to say medical opinion is now changing their minds regarding fats in food - that our bodies know how to utilise fat - and that it is actually sugar that is causing the damage. 

The look of disbelief I got from - hmm - my BF told him I had given up sugar.  He went on to say about all the different food fads people go through.  He most definitely is in favour of the cereal and 'healthy' foods pyramid (ps - he has stacked on a bit of weight also) and that if medication is recommended by the doctor you take it.  I didn't even try to argue the point, maybe I should have, but if people are adamant should we bother?  My friend supports me and that's what matters.  It's my choice.

That's my 'vent' for the day.   :)

General Discussion / Re: The Jeans Test
« on: July 14, 2012, 08:38:49 PM »
I've used vise grips before!  :D :D :D
I'm sure glad those days are far behind me! ;)

I thought that sort of thing only applied to girls.....didn't even consider guys might be doing the same thing  :D

General Discussion / Re: My daughter is on FTS!
« on: July 14, 2012, 08:36:25 PM »
Glad to know she's following in her mummy's footsteps.  I'm sure she will do just as well.

General Discussion / Re: Week 3
« on: July 14, 2012, 08:34:17 PM »
 :D :D :D WOO HOO and YAY spatrizio  :D :D :D

TooSweet - love the happy dance soooooo cheesy  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Meal Plans / Re: STALLED or STOPPED?
« on: July 12, 2012, 08:10:57 PM »
Oh - I have peppermint tea.  Must remember that next time (I'd like to think there won't be, but sure there will :D).

I hope your not expecting what was on the music clip Umpa or you're going be mighty disappointed.  Whilst we do have miles and miles of either farming or desert we have got urban sprawl and civilization too. haha

General Discussion / Re: I am back again
« on: July 12, 2012, 07:47:39 PM »
Hi Joagain  :)

Ask Umpa / Baking Chocolate
« on: July 12, 2012, 03:56:25 AM »
It's so hard to get unsweetened baking chocolate in Australia (make that impossible so far).  I almost bought some from Amazon but it was going to cost me approx $60 dollars for postage on a box of 4 Baker's Unsweetened chocolate - hmmm  more than double of what the item costs originally ($26.38).  Anyway I came across a site that says you can substitute 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa with 1 tablespoon oil/butter/shortening (sort of classed as melted).  What I wanted to ask is if I used copha (0 carbs) would that be acceptable?  The copha sets when cool so it would have that solid consistency. Not sure taste wise though - maybe too greasy?

Meal Plans / Re: STALLED or STOPPED?
« on: July 11, 2012, 01:48:28 PM »
PS - how many carbs in a quick-eze (indigestion tablet)?  Oh dearrrr - that pork did so not agree with me - bleah

Meal Plans / Re: STALLED or STOPPED?
« on: July 11, 2012, 01:44:44 PM »
Rashers? As in bacon rashers - a slice of bacon.  For pork rashers it's like what you would call 'ribs' I suppose.  Pork belly cut into 3" x 1" pieces (and boy have I paid the price in indigestion/reflux for that choice tonight).  The sugarfree wafers are made by the Sugarless Confectionery Company.  This flavour is cinnamon, each wafer weighs 4g (17cal) about the size of a GG, protein 0.26g, fat 0.64g, carb 0.024g, malitol 0.056g, lactitol 0.56g, dietary fibre 0.04g, sodium 12mg - wheat flour, vegetable fat, malitol, lactitol, cinnamon 1%, soy lecithin, salt, sodium bicarbinate.

Meal Plans / STALLED or STOPPED?
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:15:07 AM »
I mentioned in General Discussion if anyone had a definition - here is my last 3 days meal plans

*I don't typically eat until 10-11am
* I make up some heavy cream and water to have in my coffees during day
* I don't count the carbs for coffee as I use only 1/4 tspn in a small cup (3-4 in a day)
* about 2 litres (8 cups) water daily is the goal
* I don't usually have the same breakfast 3 days running - I do try to vary

Monday - cream and water                                                  -1.0
              SF wafer                                                            -0.02
12.30pm   4 small rashers bacon (4oz) grilled till crispy on a rack - 0 carbs
              1 egg (as per carb count on box)                            - 0.7
              Mayo (14grams - about heaped tspn)                      - 0.2
3pm        250ml beef stock (0.5) with sliced zucc (1.0)            -1.5
3.30pm    diet jelly/cream                                                    -0.8
6pm         about cup and 1/2 of beef/veg casserole                  -4.5
              herb OMM (about 4/5)                                           -1.0

8.30pm    21g (.4oz) cheese                                                 -0
              sq SF choc (8g)                                                    -0.02
              tiny bit PB (I usually weigh out 25g serving                -0                =9.74carbs
              and use over 3-4days. Carb included in previous day)

Tues       cream and water                                                    0.7
10.30am   same breakfast                                                      0.9
3.30pm    coffee/cream (I was out)                                         0.4
7.30pm    steak (large) really hungry                                        0
             mushrooms/spinach/zucc (1/4 cup each)                      2.3
             1/4 advocado                                                          0.5
             dab butter/cream (to make sauce)                              0.7
8.30pm    sq choc                                                                 0.02
              cheese (about same amount)                                    0                =5.52 carbs 

Wed       same breakfast                                                        -0.9
 10am     cream with water                                                     -0.5
11.30am  herbal tea
2.30pm   good cup of cocktail prawns                                       -0
             SF sauce and 28g mayo                                            -1.3
5pm        PB 25g                                                                   -1.0
             3 x SF wafers                                                          -0.07
6.15pm    baked (on rack) pork rashers                                      -0
              brushed with SF sauce                                              -1.0
              cauliflower/broccoli au gratin                                      -4.4
8.30pm     sq choc                                                                 -0.02     =8.72 carbs   

Comments?  Lack of activity the probable cause since it so cold? 

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