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Messages - skychant

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Meal Plans / Re: Skychant's Mealplan
« on: August 18, 2012, 03:14:11 PM »
I ate whole boxes of ice milk and drank alot of milk...gained 60 pounds in 3 months and it escalated from there. I am not having any cravings for ice cream or ice milk and i feel excellent...i will admit that I smoked a Virginia Slims's gonna be cold turkey for Thanksgiving this year.  Thanks everyone for the encouragement.  I will admit that I am a compulsive overeater.  I want to channel that into my tea drinking.

General Discussion / Re: Garden Goodness Contest!!!
« on: August 18, 2012, 02:56:47 PM »
You did it! ;D .   I am glad Squash won out.  I won second Place in Blumes 2000 for squash casserole....cornbread beat me... it was also a vegetable contest....Blumes is a Farmers Almanac  I got 5o bucks.  I am glad that you won MommaB!!!!

Meal Plans / Re: Skychant's Mealplan
« on: August 16, 2012, 03:00:53 PM »
I am running on the beach...Maybe someday I will in real life.  Except I won't be wearing shorts...a jogging suit.  I used to look like my ticker but I turned 30 and it was all downhill from there.  I want my 40's to be different. good health!

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Over 80 Pounds Lost!
« on: August 16, 2012, 02:54:36 PM »
That is a small person you were carrying around.  It must be amazing to have lost that much weight.  I am so happy for you and your success with FTS! ;D

Meal Plans / Re: Skychant's Mealplan
« on: August 16, 2012, 08:23:05 AM »
This morning I was pleased to be down another two pounds.  I did take a multiple vitamin yesterday and a probiotic.  For breakfast I had a 2 egg omlette with ham,a medium yellow bellpepper' a slice of Kraft Deli Cheese and Sprinkling of Parmesan and a cup of black decaf.  For lunch I am celebrating my 5 pound weight loss with a chocolate one minute muffin  For supper I will probably have the philly lettuce wrap before my evening walk...(if it doesn't rain).  I have alot more energy already, still not craving a Wendy's baconator...Almost through detox! Very excited about fitting in my red suit again...maybe a month or so from now.

Meal Plans / Re: Skychant's Mealplan
« on: August 15, 2012, 04:47:22 PM »
Yesterday I ate this....2 scrambled cheese eggs and 2 slices of bacon and a cup of black decaf coffee for breakfast, for lunch I ate a tomato sandwich with 2 tsp of mayo some salt and pepper, for the bread I used the one minute muffin recipe microwaved in a square container and just sliced it like bread...yummo, for supper I ate one cup of green beans and 3 slices of lite Spam.  I drank plenty of water and lost a pound and a half this morning.

Today I have eaten this...for breakfast I had 2 scrambled cheese eggs and 3 slices of bacon on a Joseph's pita and I drank one cup of coffee with a dash of heavy cream and two packs of stevia.  I finished off the rest of the pot was Duncan Donuts Decaf.  For lunch I ate one cup of green beans and a can of armour chicken vienna sausages and a glass of decaf diet pepsi.  For supper I ate   philly steak and a slice of swiss rolled up in two leafy green lettuce good.  For  a snack I ate 1/4 cup of soy nuts.  I am still drinking plenty of water and find that this helps alot during detox.. I plan on having a cup of green tea later in the evening no sweetener.  I haven't craved any sugar or carbs...its very nice not to be jonesing for carb laden fast food.  I'll see in the morning if I lose anymore weight.  I have been working out.

General Discussion / Re: My First Day!
« on: August 14, 2012, 04:13:21 PM »
Welcome :)  Thats better...I could have swore that I spelled it correctly the first time...hence I am not a computer hacker.
I highly recommend the One Minute Muffin Recipe.  I made it in a square container and sliced it in half and made a tomato sandwich today.

Product Reviews / Re: Vienna Sausage
« on: August 14, 2012, 04:00:25 PM »
I can only find these at Food Lion and Dollar General.  I have been craving them for snacks.

General Discussion / Re: Back at it
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:41:52 PM »
 I am all about quality of days.  I just do not want to be fat when Jesus comes back to take his people to heaven.

Meal Plans / Skychant's Mealplan
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:37:02 PM »
Yesterday I ate this....breakfast was 2 eggs scrambled with cheese and 3 strips of bacon on a Joseph's pita, 1cup of  For lunch I had a chicken breast chopped up with 1 tsp of dill relish and 1 tsp of sugar free sweet relish, 2 tsp of mayo with a smidge of Mrs. Dash garlic and herb seasoning some salt and pepper and a glass of diet pepsi.  For supper I ate 1 cup of fried okra and a tin of sardines in oil.  I drank bunches of water throughout the day. LOSt a pound and a half. 

General Discussion / Re: My First Day!
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:20:00 PM »
Great choice,you will be amazed at how fast the weight falls off and how much better you feel!  Weclome :)

General Discussion / Re: Back at it
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:16:02 PM »
Thank you Tony!  You are proof that slow and steady wins the are just about there because you have overcome your addiction and accept the benifits of the FTS lifestyle.  They definately out weigh the alternative.

General Discussion / Re: How low can you go!?! (Challenge/Contest)
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:11:53 PM »
Do you have Doug's Carb and Sugar Counter?  I have been looking through it to find green beans (fresh from the garden today).  1/2 cup is 2.9 g of carbs and 3/4 tsp of sugar.  Last week I ate two bowlfuls with cornbread a definate no no.  I will definately watch my portion size.  One cup.  They are just so good!  I do have a secret recipe for you and your contest.  You would be suprised how many time sodium is a culprit.  Drink this for a week and you could lose up to 5 pounds.
                                                         16 oz of water
                                                         1 T of sugarfree cranberry juice
                                                         2 T of lemon juice
                                                         1 dandelion root tea bag

                                                         Steep the teabag in the water and remove bag.  Stir in juices.
                                                         Drink that for seven days in a row and easily lose excess
                                                         water bloat.

General Discussion / Re: Garden Goodness Contest!!!
« on: August 14, 2012, 11:53:52 AM »
MommaB ;D you are almost down 50 pounds and halfway to your goal!  That is excellent!

General Discussion / Re: Back at it
« on: August 14, 2012, 11:49:35 AM »
Thanks again everyone....I am so happy to be taking better care of myself.  I am lucky that detox doesn't give me too hard of a time.

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