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Messages - Joagain

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General Discussion / Re: Can Diet Pop (Soda) Cause a Stall?
« on: August 31, 2012, 04:41:32 AM »
I have been drinking diet caff free for 20 years but I noticed that when I started FTS I wanted more of them . I did what tony said swaped one addiction to another . Weird to me how a diet coke can cause cravings for other junk

Lean On My Shoulder / Re: Viva Mexico
« on: August 30, 2012, 12:53:31 PM »
Stephanie  those  4 pounds will come now that you are back home .
You looked very pretty all of you did

General Discussion / Re: Can Diet Pop (Soda) Cause a Stall?
« on: August 30, 2012, 12:50:10 PM »
I had to stop them all together because I would say I am just going to drink 1 a night then it would be well I will drink 1 at lunch too . Well you know the rest of the story ,plus I noticed it made me have cravings for stuff I have not had in 2 years like potato chips ,popcorn just salty junk carbs . So I have not had one it has been almost 2 months .

It is like crack too me I guess it replaced the bred crack I use to use  :D

How To Maintain Your New Weight / Re: Maintaining....Men Versus Women
« on: August 29, 2012, 01:20:41 PM »
Yes it is ! I am just so glad Tyler learned at a early age what to do  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Just wanted to let yall know
« on: August 29, 2012, 01:18:24 PM »
I think that  is kinda like the sugar  alcohols as a diabetic we were told any amount over 6 has to be counted as carbs so it makes the RS candie not so easy to eat  for Tyler he would have to count those 2 pieces as almost 12 carbs .
The time that he has ate them it make his sugar high if he does not take a shot

How To Maintain Your New Weight / Re: Maintaining....Men Versus Women
« on: August 29, 2012, 10:30:22 AM »
I agree Sherri even though I am not losing very fast Tyler will be much healthier and hopefully always thin.
Now if I would just ge very strict on myself like I did when I first started  :-[

General Discussion / Re: Just wanted to let yall know
« on: August 29, 2012, 10:11:53 AM »
Umps I already sent them a email !!! And amber I don't know have never tried those I will next time I order something .
I am gonigto make the almond flour ones again and see if they will make him happy 

General Discussion / Just wanted to let yall know
« on: August 29, 2012, 07:09:48 AM »
We have used the  Carbquick off and on for awhile  not for breakfast . I would just make some of the cheddar biscuits for supper .
Well I made some for breakfast the other morning they were 1 carb per small biscuit Tyler ate 3 with a egg . His sugar was 114  when he woke up and he took one unit of his insulin  2 hours later he was 170 !!!!! 8)  ???
So I said well no more of those he said man those were good let me try in the morning one more time and if i am high again I will never eat them again so I said ok .

Well the next morning he was 108 took 1 unit again ate 3 biscuits again and 1 1/2  later his sugar was 207 !!!!!!

So in the garbage it went and the FTS Type 1 Guinea Pig said NO CARBQUICK FOR ME  :P
maybe it will not do this for others but I have found what raises Tyler's blood sugar raises mine maybe not as high as his but raises it never the less .
Just thought yall  might want to know this .

General Discussion / Re: Jennie-O Turkey Burgers
« on: August 28, 2012, 04:17:16 PM »
Emmit I got  turkey Itailian sausage  at Walmart  ,it was just ok  ;) but I do like the burgers

General Discussion / Re: Diabetis
« on: August 28, 2012, 04:14:24 PM »
And if you are type 1 you need to lower it also . It does not take long at all for you Blood sugars to start changing when you are eating  FTS , my son  went from I think it was 32 units of his 24 hour insulin down to 27 units because his sugar was dropping all the time . Now it only happens when he try's to eat NON FTS and has to take a lot of his mealtime insulin .

Desserts and Sweets / Re: Pumpkin Spice Bars
« on: August 23, 2012, 12:54:14 PM »
They are very good  ;)

General Discussion / What did you eat yesterday ?
« on: August 19, 2012, 07:41:10 AM »
I had  a very late lunch which I call  lupper  , I could eat lupper  everyday and just eat something small later on in the evening but no one here likes lupper but me but today I won and we went to zaxbys for lupper

Zaxbys salad no toast of course and no tomatoes or fried onions ( lunch)

Chicken breast grilled  a carbquick biscuit and RS sugar free candies 2

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Over 80 Pounds Lost!
« on: August 16, 2012, 01:55:09 PM »
Tony i am so very happy for you I just wished I had been as smart and as patient as you I would be where you are now .
thanks for all the help you offer to  me  & to everyone else on the forum
And yes turtles do rule but you are the TURTLE BOMB !!!!!!

we love you tony  ;)

Product Reviews / Re: Vienna Sausage
« on: August 14, 2012, 07:30:56 PM »
My Walmart carries them we love them

General Discussion / Re: Correct me if I'm wrong
« on: August 14, 2012, 07:30:07 PM »
Your first example would be the right one 2 net carbs

If there were no sugar alcohols it would be 3 net carbs

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