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Messages - Maddysmom

Pages: 1 ... 70 71 [72] 73 74 ... 82
Product Reviews / Re: Kroger CARBmaster yogurt! YUMMY!
« on: March 06, 2011, 10:50:39 AM »
Izzet, I had the carrot cake yogurt for breakfast.....It is AWESOME!   I am probably going back to Kroger today for at least 10 more!  The expiration dates are good till like April 7th!  :)  Thanks for letting us know about this low carb yogurt!!  Love it!!!

Product Reviews / Re: Kroger CARBmaster yogurt! YUMMY!
« on: March 05, 2011, 09:12:49 PM »
My Kroger had the CARBmaster yogurt 10 for $4 tonight so I stocked up!  I tried the spiced pear flavor as soon as I got home and it was yummy!   Next I'm trying the Carrot Cake one!  Can you tell I'm tickled to have new treats in the house?  :) 

Happy Birthday BEEBS!!!!  Hope you have a yummy FTS treat to enjoy today!!!  :) 

General Discussion / Re: What vitamins do you take each day!?!
« on: February 28, 2011, 12:07:05 PM »
Wow Sherri!!!  You are amazing!!!     

Forum Member Videos / Re: disclaimer:) better than yogurt:)
« on: February 27, 2011, 06:31:43 PM »
Wow!  How have I missed this??  I LOVE this video!   Can't wait to get the ingredients to make this!   Hmmm...I'm thinking strawberry!   Thanks so much Gary!!

General Discussion / Re: Worrying About Plateaus (Loss Stallouts)
« on: February 27, 2011, 06:18:44 PM »
Owensmath...we ARE gonna get together sometime soon!  I miss you too!

General Discussion / Re: Worrying About Plateaus (Loss Stallouts)
« on: February 27, 2011, 03:18:17 PM »
I agree too Tony & Jo!!  I know that if we stay the course even when we "think" we are stuck, things will eventually happen!  I hadn't lost anything this whole month, then finally last week the scale moved a whopping 2 ounces!  ha ha  Then as of this morning, I am down a total of 4 pounds this week! (4.2 lbs now for the month of February.)  If I had fallen off the wagon while on the plateau, I would have missed out on this GREAT week that was just around the corner!  I am staying on the FTS wagon no matter what!  :) 

General Discussion / Re: What vitamins do you take each day!?!
« on: February 27, 2011, 01:57:10 PM »
I'm with you Rena!  When I read that Sherripie was taking the Centrum Ultra Women's vitamins....I ran right out and got some too!  :)   ha ha

General Discussion / Coconut cake
« on: February 27, 2011, 01:50:06 PM »
Got up early this morning and baked the coconut cake from the FTS Bakery Book (page 139).  Oh my goodness!  I had a square of it with a cup of coffee as my breakfast!  Wow!  It's GREAT!!


Congratulations!!!  What a nice way to start off your weekend!  I know you feel GREAT!  Thanks so much for always being there to encourage all of us!

General Discussion / Re: In The Beginning...
« on: February 25, 2011, 01:38:58 PM »
Welcome to the forum!  It gets easier as you go!  You will love this lifestyle.

General Discussion / Re: Hi Everyone
« on: February 24, 2011, 10:04:22 AM »
Hi TLC and welcome to the forum!  :)  You will love it here!

Bear Den / Re: End of week #3, lost another 3 lbs.
« on: February 14, 2011, 01:00:24 PM »
Yay!!!  Way to go!!!

General Discussion / Re: an easy 20
« on: February 14, 2011, 09:15:35 AM »
Oh Nita!!  I am SOOOO happy for you!!  Way to go girl!   ;D

I'll be praying too......

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