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Messages - Andrea

Pages: 1 ... 70 71 [72] 73 74 ... 79
Meal Plans / Re: Meal plan help
« on: February 23, 2012, 09:01:02 AM »
I've been at this a while and I'd suggest that you take another look at Doug's challenge to eat half and wait 15 minutes to see if you are hungry.  For example, one egg and one piece of bacon might be plenty.  It would be for me. 

In a while, this lifestyle will be second nature.  You've made a great start, now you can start refining your choices.  We all need to re-evaluate every once in a while.

Lean On My Shoulder / Re: I lost it !!!
« on: February 23, 2012, 08:53:07 AM »
Welcome back, Curtain Girl.  My kids are all grown now but I certainly remember the days when everyone else's needs took up all my time.  Controlling what you put in your mouth is the best thing you can do for yourself.  Your success will give you the energy to take on the next challenge. 

Atta girl for taking the right steps. 

General Discussion / Re: Coconut Palm Sugar low-glycemic?
« on: February 23, 2012, 08:44:05 AM »
I'm happy for me, too, except that I HATE to shop and I need one more set of transitional clothes before I get to my goal.  I'm trying out internet shopping and plan to get to know the UPS guy.

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Hi There!
« on: February 23, 2012, 08:42:09 AM »
When I go to the Ticker Factor site and click on the create button, it doesn't take me to a create page.  I thought it was just me but apparently it is a site issue.  That's a relief because I spend my days sitting at a computer and I'm the resident expert in our accounting systems so I feel very inadequate when I'm stymied by internet stuff.  Sometimes I do what always works:  ask the kids.

General Discussion / Re: Coconut Palm Sugar low-glycemic?
« on: February 23, 2012, 08:38:18 AM »
I'd be worried that it would trigger sugar cravings.  The glycemic index doesn't factor that in.

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Hi There!
« on: February 22, 2012, 05:45:55 PM »
I'm so glad it isn't me.  I finally got brave enough to share my progress and I think I found every explanation on the forum but. . . nothing.

So, I have 14.6 pounds to go to my goal of an 85 pound weight loss.  I'll do the math for you, I've lost 70.4 pounds since May 23, 2011.

Well done!  Thanks for experimenting.

This is so cool. Congratulations to the whole family.

General Discussion / Re: Breast Cancer Recurrence
« on: February 22, 2012, 09:26:08 AM »
That is really interesting because starch (basically complex carbohydrate) breaks down into sugar but they didn't find a sugar relationship.

Just add this to the list of proof that we FTSers are on the right track.

PS  I was a biologist before I became an accountant.  The scientific stuff fascinates me.

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Bloodwork success!!!!!!
« on: February 22, 2012, 08:47:39 AM »
We have a tax guy because I got tired of arguing with my husband about how ours should be prepared.  I work in the corporate world now.  It keeps my kids in grad school.

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Bloodwork success!!!!!!
« on: February 22, 2012, 08:38:58 AM »

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Hi There!
« on: February 22, 2012, 08:35:35 AM »
Welcome aboard!

General Discussion / Re: Banana Walnut Muffins
« on: February 21, 2012, 10:40:24 AM »
He's so cute, Amber.  We have 5 daughters and 3 granddaughters so pictures of little boys are at a premium at our house.  If we ever have a grandson, everyone should run out and buy stock in Mattel.  We'll be shopping!

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Bloodwork success!!!!!!
« on: February 21, 2012, 10:30:06 AM »
I make my living with numbers so I'm always happy for someone with good ones.

Congratulations to the whole family!

General Discussion / Re: So disappointed!!!
« on: February 21, 2012, 10:28:08 AM »
FTS is the way we eat to be healthy.  The weight loss is a bonus.

Congrats on your weight loss progress but, more importantly, congrats on developing coping skills.

And, yes, coconut cake is a coping skill.

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