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Messages - morgan

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General Discussion / MENOPAUSE - Exciting Times
« on: June 19, 2012, 04:43:41 AM »
I'm sure many of the ladies out there have hit this wonderous time (or close to it).  You guys too - that certain age - some medical opinions say that men go through PMS, why not menopause? 

What I would like to know is - is it really harder to lose weight when your older? menopausal?  Many reports say that as you get older it is harder to lose weight.  I realise physcially we do slow down (mentally take a stroll as well  :D).  Is is physiological, psychological or just plain bad luck? 

If we still believe we are young can't we just skip that bit?   :P  Wishful thinking.  Or is it just the same for all - if you stick to a weight loss program you will lose weight?  There are No Excuses.  Any ideas?

General Discussion / Re: "firsts" or "finally agains"
« on: June 18, 2012, 07:23:05 PM »
I have been afraid to fly or try to ride roller coasters. I have this awful fear of having to get off because I am too large...or of being asked to buy an extra ticket... in front of a bunch of people. So it will be fun to hop on the rides with the girls at Busch Gardens or Islands of Adventure.  ;D I have also been putting off getting family portraits because of my size... and avoiding as many family gatherings as I can manage. At my Mother's Memorial Service I had an older cousin tell me I might as well put a gun in my mouth as another bite of food. Then she told me I was dying and just didn't realize it yet.   :o Oh Boy, did that send me into a feeding frenzy! When we finally scatter Mom's ashes in December... it will be nice to give that old meanie the stink-eye.  ;)

Hope you crossed her off your Christmas List.  Insensitive people like that just leave me speechless.  Stink-eye all the way from Australia.

General Discussion / Re: "firsts" or "finally agains"
« on: June 18, 2012, 04:37:12 AM »
You ALL know was when I put on that Speedo!  :o :o Growing up as a FAT kid my Mom owned a summer camp called Crystal Camp. It was on Crystal Lake and I was a swim instructor All the kids wore speedos...not me, I wore the kind of shorts that the kids wear now.

Doug - r u aware that in Australia we call speedos 'budgie smugglers'?

I haven't posted my progress (scalewise) since Week 5 (in the general discussion section).  I have taken Doug's advice about weighing in monthly (doesn't stop me from jumping on to check though ;D).  So in the last three weeks -

drumroll (of course) please - 5 lbs (making a total of 17lbs in 8 weeks) consigned to the universe to find a needy person in need of some padding.  From me to you with thanks  :D

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: End of 4th Week Weigh-In
« on: June 18, 2012, 12:53:05 AM »
 :D :D :D :D well done  :D :D :D :D

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Jan's down 115 pounds!
« on: June 18, 2012, 12:51:52 AM »
 :D :D :D :D :D  yayayayayayayayayayay   JAN   :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Product Reviews / Re: Empower lo-carb bakery mix
« on: June 17, 2012, 06:53:42 PM »
Have you tried making your own bread morgan? If you don't have the Fat to Skinny Bakery I will post a recipe for you :)

I do thanks Umpa.  I need to buy "vital wheat gluten", but I had a box of this and gave it a try.  It gave me a real high actually eating bread.  I had to giggle that such a small thing made me so happy.

I'm being a responsible eater Doug.  Left out 2 slices and froze the rest.  1 slice maybe every 2-3 days.

General Discussion / Re: Walt Disney and Nickelodeon
« on: June 17, 2012, 06:49:12 PM »
You would think that would be true.  But we are a lazy bunch and french fries easier to obtain.
Fitting in is a whole other problem.  Looking as though you do easier. 

You are right - the key is education;  but education has changed so much.  They seem to emphasise the least important things. Back in the day  ;D when I was a child, we used to do PE (physical education) almost on a daily basis.  We had a subject called 'health' where food and exercise were discussed.  Though those ideals are certainly dated by todays standards, Health should be reintroduced as a subject. 
Controversy will surround it, of course, as no-one will agree as to what is the best way to go. 

Unfortunately, I think they will continue to spout the same low-fat, pyramid style of eating.  Dietitians are still on board that boat.

I think that you and doug and the fts style of eating are doing a really good thing by donating books, this can only help.   More and more studies are proving that sugar is really really bad for you and teaching our children early is the key:  but it is hard when the rest of the world  is scoffing down fast food and sweet treats (not your recipes though Umpa :D). 

Product Reviews / Empower lo-carb bakery mix
« on: June 16, 2012, 03:19:12 AM »
This is an Australian product - I'm not sure if anyone in the forum has come across it, but thoughts would be appreciated.

Golden Wholemeal lo-carb bakery mix - 2.5 carbs per 44g (1 slice)  - Makes 15 slices

Energy - 509kj                                            Ingredients - wheat protein isolate
Protein - 11.8g                                                              corn starch
Fat - Total 4.9g                                                             soy flour
      - Saturated 0.7g                                                      wholemeal flour (5%)
Carbohydrate - 2.5g                                                        linseeds
  - sugars- 0.1g                                                              sunflower seeds
Dietary Fibre -  6.1g                                                        soy fibre
Sodium - 165mg                                                              salt
                                                                                   poppy seeds
                                                                                   whey protein concentrate
                                                                                   emulsifier (471, 481)
                                                                                   thiamine (vitamin B1)

General Discussion / Re: Swerve sweetener
« on: June 15, 2012, 08:46:46 AM »
When we were talking about Ray Stevens I had "The streak"in my head for days!! :D :D :D Bookatdat,Bookatdat!!

Far out - now I've got the 'streak' singing around in my head.   :P

General Discussion / Re: Walt Disney and Nickelodeon
« on: June 15, 2012, 08:43:24 AM »
As with the fts program - perhaps they should provide substitutes. 

Kids like junk food and you will not be able to stop all children everywhere from eating it.  If your  peers are eating it you will eat it as well:  but if the makers of junk food provide alternatives (and not alternatives that look healthy - supposedly fat-free low fat burgers loaded with cereal filler on a sweet bun) but say small meatballs (made of actual meat - no filler) on a stick (example only as I don't think they are going to go as far as making a bun with no sugar).  Chicken nuggets dipped in egg white and fried making it a bit "puffy".

Realistic alternatives would go a long way.  If their resources (scientists/chefs-those that formulate the meals) can 'invent' foods that are sold now, surely they can 'invent' alternatives that with the right advertising will appeal to children. 

You will never get rid of fast food, there are just some people who will never be able to put an actual meal together regardless of how many cookbooks or tv cooking shows they read/watch. 

It's all in the sales pitch after all isn't it.

Ask Umpa / Substitute for Almond Milk
« on: June 10, 2012, 06:39:48 PM »
Hi umpa  - low carb or 0 carb almond milk is impossible to buy here (so far), is it ok to substitute the LC milk (made up from powder) in your recipes?  or cream diluted with water?

General Discussion / Re: Hi All Newbie here Great Site!
« on: June 10, 2012, 06:34:49 PM »
Hi Lilyzin - Welcome.  I'm sure you'll do great.  The people or 'family' here are great and will help in whatever way they can.  :)

General Discussion / Re: Doug and Umpa on the road
« on: June 10, 2012, 03:40:52 AM »
ok BigTex  - LMAO?  Need translation please.

General Discussion / Re: Doug and Umpa on the road
« on: June 09, 2012, 08:56:49 PM »
R we there yet?
R we there yet?
R we there yet?
:D :D :D :D :D

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