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Messages - morgan

Pages: 1 ... 71 72 [73] 74 75 ... 79
General Discussion / Re: Question - Silk Almond Milk
« on: June 07, 2012, 07:32:18 PM »
Welcome Tinkerbell2 - congrats on the loss.  I'm sure you will do well.  Everyone here is great and willing to help. :D

General Discussion / Re: Question - New to FTS
« on: June 07, 2012, 07:29:50 PM »
Welcome cmills - I usually buy all my stuff online as I live in Australia. The ones that I use are iherb and  some that are based in Australia.  Dixie Counters and Netrition are popular also.  I'm sure many from the forum will tell you their favourites.  You can do a search online.  A lot of the  healthfood stores here don't stock the flours - not enough demand, that's why I go online.

Welcome again  :D :D :D :D :D

General Discussion / Re: Anyone up for a low-carb-a-thon?
« on: June 07, 2012, 07:50:49 AM »
 :D :D :D :D :D Happy Birthday MommaB :D :D :D :D :D
My goodnes that's a lot of water !

General Discussion / Healthy Lunchbox Option?
« on: June 07, 2012, 07:47:51 AM »
I was reading our local newsletter and found that the local school had run two sessions on Healthy Lunchbox Options (run by a chef and a dietitian) and they gave the recipes for the 2 most popular 'options'.  The first - vegetable scroll -  vegetables and cheese rolled in a wholemeal flour dough - whilst not low carb seemed reasonable.  The second - muesli/cornflake cakes - truly suprised me.  I wouldn't have thought it was healthy in any respect let alone a Healthy Lunchbox Option.  The ingredients were cornflakes, brown sugar, sultanas, honey, golden syrup, oats, plain flour and oil.  So much sweetness/sugar - how is that healthy?  If a dietitian actually thinks this sugar fix is healthy, no wonder so many of our school kids are hyped up and overweight.  Maybe they were going for 'natural' (barring the white flour) or thought it was better than a chocolate bar.  Is this direction really where dietitions think we should be heading towards?

General Discussion / Salt Intake
« on: June 05, 2012, 08:58:53 PM »
I was reading an article the other day that people on low carb lifestyles suffer more from the lack of salt in their diets due to not eating as much processed foods.  This can lead to more headaches, fatigue and cramps.  They not suggesting that you run off and have tablespoons of the stuff, but to just remember to shake the salt container and not be afraid of the stuff. 

I gave thought to that fact because my daughter (and her husband are both very health conscious) eat very little processed food and she has followed me in not using much when cooking - suffers constantly from headaches.  I suggested this to her and awaiting to see what happens - if the salt helps.

Does anyone else notice the lack of salt?

Congrats to you both - YUM  :D

General Discussion / Re: Motivation
« on: June 04, 2012, 04:14:08 AM »
Hi lance, I also have only been going for a short time like csmith71.  Regardless of how long you are going I think you need motivation all the way.  If only a short time it's motivation to continue and not just give up because it's all too new/too hard.  The longer it is, they say it should become a habit.  I think perhaps you have to review why you were doing it in the first place.  Have you succeeded in your plans/goals?  Do you want to continue or go back to what made you that way in the first place?  Why would you want to stop?  It is a lifestyle change is it not?  Or do you consider it still a diet that when you reach your goal you just stop and go back to your old habits?  How does this way of eating make you feel?  I'm sure that those that have been doing this longer will have many suggestions for you to stay on track - perhaps trying out totally new recipes.  Good luck, but I'm sure you will do well - look what you have achieved so far.  YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY :D :D

General Discussion / Re: "firsts" or "finally agains"
« on: May 31, 2012, 04:26:47 PM »
You ALL know was when I put on that Speedo!  :o :o Growing up as a FAT kid my Mom owned a summer camp called Crystal Camp. It was on Crystal Lake and I was a swim instructor All the kids wore speedos...not me, I wore the kind of shorts that the kids wear now.

Doug - you were just ahead of your time. Broadshorts r very in ;D

General Discussion / Perception
« on: May 30, 2012, 06:58:33 PM »
How do we perceive ourselves?  I often think overweight people are like those suffering anorexia. Anorexics have a distorted mind image of their bodies- even when shown how emancipated their bodies are, they only see that they are fat.  I don't know about others but I feel I do too - in the sense that I know I am overweight, the evidence is in the mirror, the scales and the occasional comment from doctor or my mother to lose weight.  But in my mind's eye I don't see myself as that larger person, I see me - a thinner person (obviously trying to break out  :D). So the outside person now has to reconcile with the inside person and come to an agreement of the outcome - maybe we can meet midway.  Here is hoping. 
How do you perceive yourself?  Do you go by what others say to you or how they treat you?  Or what's in your mind's eye?

General Discussion / Re: "firsts" or "finally agains"
« on: May 30, 2012, 06:44:57 PM »
The thing I am looking forward to most is to wear jeans again.   I know, I know, you don't have to be thin(ner) to wear jeans.  I just don't like the look.  A fat behind and thunderthighs is not a good look on me  :D and if I don't want to look at me then sure as anything no one else does either!  My mainstay is skirts and believe me, I sick of them.

General Discussion / Re: What convinced you to try FTS?
« on: May 30, 2012, 06:40:21 PM »
Actually it was by chance (or divine intervention), I was looking up a book that I had heard of - another weight loss one (can't even remember what it was called now) - and on the page was the FTS book as well.  I read through the little spiell that they give you and wasn't too convinced.  I then read the FTS bit and thought it sounded so simple and straightforward.  The lure of quick weight loss and no exercise - how can one resist  :D :D :D  Previous to this I had purchased the 17 Day Diet (boy was that complicated) -  needless to say that got sent on its merry way without even a try. I actually think what tipped me over the edge to give it a go was the forum.  As with most people I tried lots of other weight loss plans.  Some with reasonable success but come off it, and it all comes back.  And, because on these plans you have to cut out so many things, all you want is the things you can't have.  I needed a life plan not a quick fix.

General Discussion / Re: Dusting off my FTS book
« on: May 29, 2012, 07:03:18 PM »
Hi ho and welcome.  You remind me so much of me.  I'm 5'2-1/2" (that half inch is sooooo important :)) and I started off at 251lb.  I also bought the book, read it and somewhat ignored it for a little while;  then decision made, off I started.  Everyone on the forum is great.  Questions answered, encouragement given, someone to listen if you want to rave or whinge.  I'm sure you will do so great.  The hardest part I think is making the decision to start.  Food is so versatile.  Yesterday, for breakfast,  I had pancakes with raspberries and whipped cream and SF maple syrup - what more can you ask for?  Good luck (though you won't need it).  :D :D

YAYAYAYAYAY to you  :D :D :D :D Good on you.  Well done. Don't sell yourself short, I'm sure you will do well this week as well.

If you had read this in a novel you would have believed it as true fiction. I don't know which would be worse -if it was drugs or a psycological problem.  Drugs are not good but there is hope to be able to kick them, but if it's in your 'psyche' then it pretty much stays there.   :(

General Discussion / Week 5 - Confusing scales
« on: May 28, 2012, 02:03:21 AM »
Week 5 - 'golly gosh'  :) time just seems to fly.  As much as I enjoy eating the FTS way, cravings just want to linger.  All I imagined this week was a huge bowl of fettucini cabonara.  Yum. Please don't tell me to substitute with zuccini - I would rather just skip it.  How accurate are scales anyway?  I weighed myself this morning about same usual time and had lost some weight, but when weighed myself about 3 hours later (no food or drink in intervening time) just before my shower I hopped on and it dropped down  a significant amount.  (joyous) Disbelief. Hopped off then on and up it went.  Poo!  Decided to disregard that effort and went with the earlier (smaller) loss - I figured if it was more it can catch up to me next week.

Well here we go - ta dah -  another 2lb is consigned to the universe to find a new home. 
A total of 13lbs donated in a good cause.  :D

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