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Messages - morgan

Pages: 1 ... 72 73 [74] 75 76 ... 79
Ask Umpa / unsweetned bakers chocolate
« on: May 27, 2012, 04:32:24 AM »
Hi umpa - u  frequently say unsweetned bakers chocolate - can you please tell me what brand (to see if I can buy online) and what the weight would be for 2 squares.  I can get SF chocolate here (though it is pricey about $5.99 a 100g block)  but not sure if the squares would be the same weight.  At that price you do savour small quantities  :D

Ask Umpa / Re: Flaxseed Meal/Flour as Breadcrumbs?
« on: May 26, 2012, 08:20:43 AM »
Thank you for your suggestions everyone - decided on a mixture of goldenflax and pork rinds.  Great combination and looked just like breadcrumbs.  Tasted great too.

General Discussion / Re: Week 4 - Called a Truce with the Scales
« on: May 26, 2012, 04:02:20 AM »
Heavy cream!

What more is there to say?  You don't need to mess with other "milks."  Dilute the cream if it is too thick.

Talk about the obvious Andrea - I make up a small jug of diluted cream for my coffees that I have during the day, but never thought to use a larger amount.  doh! and duh!  Back to the kitchen for me.

General Discussion / Silicone Bakeware
« on: May 26, 2012, 03:56:03 AM »
Just tried out my new silicone muffin tray and I gotta say - wonderful product.  Popped into microwave and cooked rasberry, macadamia, white and dark choc muffins.  Great, no sticking at all.  They justed popped out.  To be honest I thought they might stick a little but they didn't - yay!  I never eat a whole OMM so I thought muffin size.  Used double the recipe and ended up with 4 muffins.  Perfect size for me.  Was wondering if anyone had tried the 'quiche' silicone shape to make a quiche in microwave and if it turned out okay.

Ask Umpa / Re: Banana Cookies, Umpa?
« on: May 25, 2012, 10:55:01 PM »
YAYAYAY 'nanas  :D :D :D :D :D

General Discussion / Re: Anyone up for a low-carb-a-thon?
« on: May 25, 2012, 03:54:58 AM »
So sad owensmath - prayers are with you and his family

 :) :) :) :)  YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY Andrea  :) :) :) :) :)
What is that (gift wise) for a One Year Anniversary at FTS (like Paper for 1st Wedding Anniversay)?
Perhaps 'GG Crispbread' Anniversary or 'Zero (no guilt)' Anniversary, 'SF Cupcake' Anniversary?
Go Andrea - looking good.

General Discussion / Re: its official
« on: May 24, 2012, 06:26:06 PM »
How are you going Dannie2ove? - I know when I first started it all seemed a bit confusing.  Trying to find substitutes for both food and habits.  Just remember we are all here to listen and to help. :)

General Discussion / Re: Week 4 - Called a Truce with the Scales
« on: May 24, 2012, 12:07:16 AM »
Thanks SarahC, cupcakes a good option.  How they taste frozen  :D I may not be able to wait while they thaw. haha
I toyed with the idea of almond milk for the cappacino, but the carb count is 6c/250 ml (the lowest available that I can find locally).  I've got some low carb milk powder that I bought from LC Foods so going to give that a whirl.

Ask Umpa / Re: Flaxseed Meal/Flour as Breadcrumbs?
« on: May 24, 2012, 12:03:43 AM »
Thanks BigTex, did think of that but wondered how they fried up?

Ask Umpa / Flaxseed Meal/Flour as Breadcrumbs?
« on: May 23, 2012, 11:17:06 PM »
Umpa - is it possible to use the flaxseed meal/flour as breadcrumbs?  I love tuna patties, I'm swapping the mashed potato in them with mashed steamed cauliflower - think that should work.  Tuna, little onion, egg, S&P are fine, it's just the breadcrumbs that are the sticking point.  Other than that I thought perhaps crushed GGs.

General Discussion / Week 4 - Called a Truce with the Scales
« on: May 23, 2012, 11:07:46 PM »
Well Week 4 has rolled along.  This week a little tougher because I was out of my comfort zone (home) again.  Strolling through supermarkets with my mother and more donuts and cakes on display than my little area at home not to mention all the little cafes.  So much more temptation.  But, honestly, all I saw was packets and cans and jars of sugar.  So wasn't tempted really.  What I realised was that what I missed was the comfort of a hot cappacino and cake. That's what my favourite was - my compensation for life's ills.  It made me feel cosy warm and safe.  Dammit! I know this is better and I feel better and I'm losing weight but trying to replace that feeling is hard.  The kids have moved out and have their own lives, I quit work and moved house and live alone.  I've been trying to find work but hard in a small community.  I try to throw myself into working on the house and garden, but that 'secure' feeling that 'habit' food gives you - hard to break.  Even knowing there are substitutions (does make it easier) but I'm a little scared if I make a cake or something I will be tempted to eat more than I should.  But to more cheerful things -

Drum roll please - 2lb (total of 10lbs for the month) consigned to the universe to find a new home
(hopefully on some weight deprived person who will appreciate it).

That's so cute  :D
Better than grandma and grandpa.  When my kids have children we already agreed on Nanna T (hopefully not like Mr T) and since they didn't like 'Goddess' which I thought was really fun - I saw it on a tv show and it stuck. Grandma/pa is absolutely dreadful.

General Discussion / Re: Dreaming about FTS
« on: May 23, 2012, 03:53:55 AM »
I'm not so much dreaming  about fts as seeing sugar everywhere.  Walked through the supermarket yesterday and all I saw was cans and jars and packets of sugar everywhere I looked.   I had to sort of shake my head to get rid of the imagery.  Once you realise how much sugar is out there you just can't stop seeing it.

General Discussion / Campbells Beef Stock - Double the Carb Count
« on: May 23, 2012, 03:02:02 AM »
It really pays to read the nutritional information on products even if you have used them before and often.  Was making up a cup of soup with Campbells Beef Stock (250ml with some grated zucc) when I just glanced at the carb count.  It had almost doubled - from 2.1 to 4.0 for 250ml.  I promptly got on the phone and was told that yes Campbells had reformulated their 'recipe'.  I said so they added more sugar as a reformulation.  Yes - if the carb count is up then yes.  Why in the world would they add more sugar to a product that many many people use when it is absolutely not necessary.  Who would think there would be sugar in stock?  My elderly dad is a diabetic and chances are he is not going to read the label.  How many other people are going to be taken unawares. I asked them to register my comments and that I would no longer be using their product.  It's a bit like an elderly friend of mine who went out with friends for coffee and ordered a scone (usually no added sugar).  She got home and wasn't feeling well and her sugar had spiked badly.  She couldn't place what she had eaten wrong and rang to ask how the scone had been made - would you believe - lemonade.  Why do they keep adding sugar to things that don't need them.  Wait - I know - so you crave more.   I'm so cross!!!! >:(

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