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Messages - ShihTzuMom1

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Good health, long life and being able to put on a pair of size 10 jeans without have to lie down on the bed to zip them up (ladies I'm sure you know what I mean) and not having that giant muffin top fluffing out over top of the waistband.

General Discussion / Re: What is Jicama? What is best way to make it?
« on: September 13, 2010, 09:55:43 AM »
Well I made Jicama french fries for dinner last night.  I loved them.  I had never heard of jicama before and hadn't been able to find it in any of my local grocery stores.  I am fortunate to live in a border town and picked some up in Buffalo, NY.  I almost needed a chainsaw to peel it and was surprised with the texture of the flesh inside, it is quite potato-like.  I usually put ketchup on fries and instead used malt vinegar.  I wasn't able to find the carb count for malt vinegar, I saw white vinegar, red wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar and cider vinegar.  I may have put about 1 tsp., just a light sprinkle.  I don't use table salt because of my high blood pressure, so I needed to put something on the fries.  If someone could let me know the carb count on malt vinegar that would be great.  So I still have more jicama, maybe tomorrow I'll have hash browns with my breakfast.

Well I did have a 1/2 pound weight loss last week, which is not an amazing loss, but is still a loss.  That includes going to a wedding on Saturday.  I was very careful to plan ahead.  I ate my lunch around 2:30pm so I wasn't starving when we sat down to dinner.  At dinner I think I made pretty good choices.  When the basket of buns came around, I sent them on by.  I did have salad, but it came with Italian dressing already on it.  The dressing was sitting on top, in the middle with chopped tomatoes neatly encircling it.  I was the first to take salad so I tried to dig around the sides to not get dressing.  I did get a little, so I'm sure there was sugar in it.  I suppose I should have asked for some salad without dressing, but I thought of that after.  I passed up the pasta and meatballs (I'm sure they had breadcrumbs in them).  I took a piece of boneless chicken breast that was stuffed with jalapeno cheese and wrapped in bacon, and the vegetable that they had was carrots.  I took about 1/4 cup because I know they have hidden sugar, I suppose I shouldn't have taken them, but I did and didn't take any roasted potatoes.  At dessert time I took Doug's suggestion and put some SF candy in my purse instead of hiding in the bathroom when the dessert came around.  So when the others were eating a ricotta stuffed crepes with raspberry sauce, I had my favourite Russell Stover SF Peanut butter cup.

I'll be honest and tell you I did have 2 cocktails, but chose vodka & club soda as opposed to wine.  I understand that it has zero carbs but still may hinder weight loss, but still was a better choice and I did plan before I went that this is what I was going to do.  I did get out on the dance floor and I'm sure burnt off a few calories.  I was feeling very good about myself so I was not uncomfortable to get up and dance whereas before I would sit out on the fast dances that all the girls get up and do because their husbands will only dance slow (like my husband).  

The hard part came when they brought out a late buffet.  They had platters of sweets.  I had to walk by them enroute to the ladies room and I could feel myself start to salivate.    When I walked back to my table I saw that they had also put out pizza, so I got some for my husband and I, and sat down and picked off the cheese and pepperoni with my fingers and ate it.  I know it's not very lady like, but I don't think at that time of night anyone even noticed.  It did the trick.  I felt content and didn't go near the sweet table.

I felt that I had a very successful evening.  I was quite proud of myself that I just didn't just give in and just eat everything and tell myself that I would get back on track the next day.  I didn't feel like I missed out on anything and had a great time.

Have a great week everyone!!!

Desserts and Sweets / Re: double chocolate cake
« on: September 11, 2010, 12:00:13 PM »
Sounds yummy and very easy.  I'll have to try this too!

You will find that it gets even easier as you go along and you feel better and better.  Getting healthy is one of the many benefits of the FTS lifestyle.  Congrats on getting started and your weight loss.

General Questions / Re: Stomach Ache?
« on: September 10, 2010, 05:03:19 PM »
Welcome to the forum Alemacks and congrats on the weight loss!!!  I lost my appetite in the beginning and felt a little blah, but I thought that was a good thing because I wasn't racing to the fridge for food.  Eating just seemed unimportant instead of the "most" important thing in my life. I just ate the basics in the beginning just to get used to reading labels and counting net carbs.  After I felt comfortable with my new lifestyle I started to experiment with the many wonderful recipes and ideas I got from the book and the forum.  You will find a lot of help from the forum members.  Enjoy your new journey!

Ask Umpa / Re: Gravy
« on: September 10, 2010, 10:02:00 AM »
Turkey, gravy, stuffing, cranberries, dinner rolls, mashed potatoes, cabbage rolls, corn, acorn squash, sweet potatoes, baked beans, coleslaw, devilled eggs, veggie tray, pumpkin pie, lemon meringue pie, apple pie...carbs, carbs, and more carbs...OMG I just gained 10 pounds typing these food items.  No wonder I put on weight!!!

I already know what to do for the gravy, stuffing and mashed potatoes.  And I'm sure I could figure out some cabbage rolls made with cauli-rice (I made stuffed peppers with this a few weeks ago).  I can live without corn, sweet potatoes and baked beans.  I just think I need help with coleslaw dressing and a fall-like dessert, does not have to be traditional pie with crust.  Something pumpkiny maybe.  I did come across a recipe for Lemon Fluff that was just heavy cream and SF lemon jello, that may take care of my lemon meringue pie needs.  Maybe something cinnamony would be a good substitute for apple pie.

I still will have to make some traditional mashed potatoes and baked beans for my husband.  Unlike you and Doug, it does appear that I run a restaurant here.

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Scott in Florida - 1 week
« on: September 09, 2010, 10:25:32 PM »
OK this sounds yummy, I'll have to try it!!

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Lost 6 lbs in first 6 days!
« on: September 09, 2010, 10:16:00 PM »
Welcome to the forum J.Perry.  It is amazing how this works.  You will enjoy the forum as the members are all very helpful and supportive.  There are great suggestions and recipe ideas here too.  Good luck with your journey and enjoy your new lifestyle!!

General Discussion / Re: Carbs vs. Calories
« on: September 09, 2010, 04:05:08 PM »
No, not planning on increasing my carb intake, I just want the weight to come off faster.  I know it sounds like I'm being impatient because I know it took more than a few months to put on, I just wanted to help move things along at a faster pace (I guess that is being impatient).  I'll just continue to do my walking.  I have been going to the gym this week because I have a wedding to go to on Saturday and just thought it would make me feel a little better  if I was a little firmer (I know this also won't happen in a few days, I just feel better trying.)

Speaking of attending a wedding, any suggestions on how to be prepared for the dinner.  I know to stay away from the potatoes, pasta and buns, there will probably be chicken, maybe even beef, should be salad and vegetables.  If there is meatballs, they probably have bread crumbs in them.  Maybe I'll duck into the washroom when dessert comes around.  Any suggestions on what anyone else has done while attending a wedding would be much appreciated.

General Discussion / Re: Just starting
« on: September 09, 2010, 03:50:23 PM »
Hi Scott,
Thanks for your response. I am having trouble navigating the site - not sure how to reply directly to a post. Any suggestions? How is your second week going?

If you're asking how to make certain you are responding to a particular post within a topic like I am here, simply click "reply" then scroll down until you find the exact post you want to respond to....notice it says "insert quote" on the right hand side. Click that and the original post will be highlighted within the body of your answer. Type your answer as I have here and click "post"
Oh, I didn't realize this either.  Thanks, I learned something new too!

General Discussion / Carbs vs. Calories
« on: September 09, 2010, 12:15:10 PM »
I know we are supposed to increase our activity to try and burn off more carbs than we take in.  How do we know how many carbs we are burning off.  My pedometer and the equipment at the gym all tell you how many calories I am burning, but not carbs.  I just would like a rough idea how to determine this.

Ask Umpa / Re: Gravy
« on: September 09, 2010, 12:11:14 PM »
Our Thanksgiving is more than a month earlier than yours.  This year it is on Monday, Oct. 11th.  I usually do my big dinner on the Sunday of that weekend.  Not that I want to rush you, but just "food for thought".

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / Re: Newest pic of progress
« on: September 09, 2010, 07:27:28 AM »
Looking good!!

Desserts and Sweets / Re: Magic Bars Fat to Skinny Bakery
« on: September 08, 2010, 05:51:35 PM »
Yum, chocolate chip cookies!!!  That is what I am missing most!!  Can't wait for that recipe!

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