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Messages - TabyTaby

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General Discussion / Re: What Keeps You From Going Off The Rails?
« on: July 07, 2013, 04:13:07 AM »
I LOVE all these reasons...and I"d like to add one if you don't mind. For 10 years I've waited for God to call me into the overseas mission field, I thought when I married and had kids, the dream was over. Recently I got invited to go to Haiti and help teach children, work with children in foster care, do some social work, help with clean water, and bringing the gospel to the people there...well, there are a few things I have to do first, I have to raise 1600 dollars, and lose weight, because we are planning to go in July of next year, and we all know Haiti is hot and fat and hot don't mix  :D :D so that is helping spur me onward!!!

Breakfast Recipes / Re: Grain-Free Low carb Hot Cereal
« on: July 07, 2013, 12:28:48 AM »
Okay great thanks...I didn't realize that LOL you could imagine my surprise when I thought...this is a soup! LOL

General Questions / Re: giant salad question
« on: July 06, 2013, 09:18:17 PM »
No worries Maidmarian...I too have the diagnosis of vomiting and nausea NOS (not otherwise specified) so much makes me sick. You can make it. Tell me what you want to eat and let me get at it :) I'll do the best I can!

Breakfast Recipes / Re: Grain-Free Low carb Hot Cereal
« on: July 06, 2013, 09:13:56 PM »
Yes it is great to check out some old stuff I missed while I was backsliding LOL sooo the one you posted with unsweetened vanilla almond milk, chia seeds, brewed tea and sweetener is a drink? I was wondering :)

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 06, 2013, 08:36:01 PM »
OM!!! The black soy bean chili is my FAVORITE dish either! I finally feel like I'm getting this right...and not starving :D so mine came out with about 8-9 carbs a cup, mainly because I'm vegetarian and there is no meat to make it stretch so I get less servings out of it...but I topped it with cheddar and I am SO impressed. I used a can of Rotel tomatoes, Muir Glenn crushed fire roasted tomatoes, black soy beans, and a chopped red bell pepper (1 cup) and then all the appropriate seasonings...Best. Dish. Ever. In LOVE  :-* So, for the day today I ended up with 1 cup of chili (8/9 carbs) 1 cup of Breyers CarbSmart ice cream with sugar free Hersheys (8 carbs) and a diet Snapple tea (1 carb) :) if I get hungry later I'm going to try the chia seed hot cereal that is zero carbs :D

Hey Morgan...just found this thread and was going to add to your recipe a little :) if you mash it up and sweeten it and then add 1 Tablespoon of chia seeds :) they will gel up and help it thicken and add that extra yummy omega 3s!!! :D

Meal Plans / Re: TooSweets quest for un-sweetness
« on: July 06, 2013, 06:50:01 PM »
Thanks Too Sweet! You too!!!

Breakfast Recipes / Re: Grain-Free Low carb Hot Cereal
« on: July 06, 2013, 06:45:14 PM »
See've been holding out on me! HA! You DO know something that is vegetarian and zero carb ;) I'm going to try both...but TooSweet, does your version come out soupy? Seems like a bunch of liquid...

Meal Plans / Re: TooSweets quest for un-sweetness
« on: July 06, 2013, 06:32:37 PM »
You go girl...I made it to day 6 and then got ice cream...if I see my weight affected I'll not do that again :)

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 06, 2013, 05:28:29 PM »
Soooo I finally decided after 6 days of no sweets...I had to have something because very soon, like Morgan, I was going to turn into a ravenous deranged cookie monster! So I picked up some CarbSmart Bryers ice cream, sugar-free Hershey's chocolate syrup, and some Snapple diet half and half tea/lemonade. So what I have eaten today is 1 cup of CarbSmart Bryer's ice cream with the choco syrup (8 carbs) and for dinner is black soy bean chili with cheese and a diet Snapple (1 carb). I realized I used half my day's carbs on the dessert, BUT it was worth it because it kept me from doing something stupid like eating the pretty colorful frosted sugar cookies my hubby has  :o sooo I'm trying not to feel guilty although I was trying not to eat any sweets. One question often should we use a dessert like that? I was thinking no more than 3x a week...any other thoughts on that? Thanks for your input!

General Questions / Re: giant salad question
« on: July 06, 2013, 05:23:45 PM »
No you don't girly! Like I said...I can help you convert almost any recipe to be vegan friendly, low-carb, AND gluten free! I did it all the time for a kid I watched that had major allergies...sugar and gluten included. I promise I will help you as much as I can do it, I promise! There's a whole line of food for people called Vegiacs...they are vegan celiacs and I've learned to convert recipes for those are going to make it!!! I promise. As long as you aren't allergic to nuts or flax or soy, because those will be your best friend! Most of the converted recipes I made used almond or coconut flour, nuts, and flaxseed and or chia seeds ;)

Lean On My Shoulder / Re: I am very discouraged
« on: July 06, 2013, 02:10:48 AM »
Maidmarian...I don't know if I mentioned it somewhere else, but I was a vegan for almost 3 years, in pregnancy I went back to vegetarianism in pregnancy due to cheese cravings :) but when I did FTS, I was a vegan, a STRICT vegan. I am proud to tell you, even though I quit the lifestyle and am starting over again, my heart is great. I have terrific blood pressure (unless I'm swollen), cholesterol is awesome, I've had almost every heart test ran on me because of issues I had during pregnancy, and it turned out to be lung problems but my heart is perfect :) granted I wasn't eating meat and still don't, I've been a vegetarian for 16 years...but I believe this eating lifestyle is safe. I'm not a doctor, I'm a licensed master social worker, but I've worked in healthcare for years...if you have concerns about the diet because of meat, you can always do it as a vegetarian :) or just sub some of your meat for soy meats! You'll probably find them very tasty and satisfying and comparable to real meat. I'm sure there are people out there who have given low-carb a bad name by overeating meat and using too much fat...but anything that is abused, even veggies can have a negative affect (ever seen an "orange" person due to too much carotene?) I think you will be's certainly the best thing for someone with diabetics from what I've observed from working in healthcare and like I said, you don't have to go meat crazy persay...there are lots of other options that still work with FTS :)

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 06, 2013, 01:06:03 AM »
Oh thanks a ton!!! This is very helpful! I finished off today with a pizza. I used 1/4 cup of sauce (1.5 carbs) and 1 LaTortilla Factory Tortilla (6 carbs) and some parm and mozzella with Italian seasonings and 8 pepperjack cheese cubes. I've decided that if I'm still hungry after I've eaten, or think I want more, I will test it by drinking 750ml of water, and 1 cup of almond milk, that way I'll know if I was really hungry, or just thirsty or bored and tonight it worked...I thought I was hungry so I drank the water and milk and cleaned the house and realized...nah just bored! LOL

General Questions / Re: giant salad question
« on: July 05, 2013, 11:10:45 PM »
You certainly have to do what keeps you sane  ;) as for me, I'm the opposite...if I don't know EXACTLY how many carbs I'm getting...I get crazy! I obsess all night about how I'm going to wake up 300lbs in the morning!!! I hate that I do that...but I know as I lose more I won't be as nutso!

General Discussion / Re: Break Your Sugar Addiction!
« on: July 05, 2013, 08:42:58 PM »
Usually, when I restart the FTS lifestyle (so sad I've done this more than once >:O) I abstain from sweeties for a month...because with me, there is no's either a whole pie or no pie at all...FTS friendly or not. It's best I live as much as possible without real sweets. I just turn to my yogurt instead. Maybe one day I'll have the strength to make it without totally.

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