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Messages - Maddysmom

Pages: 1 ... 79 80 [81] 82
Desserts and Sweets / Re: BEST Sugar Free Macaroons Ever!
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:56:25 AM »
My order of Xylitol came yesterday, and I made this recipe last night....WOW!!!!  Delicious!  (Tasted so good, I felt like I was cheating!)  If anyone is having trouble finding the unsweetened coconut, I found it at Publix!


General Discussion / Re: Before Pic
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:44:57 AM »
The picture is GREAT, but she looks even MORE beautiful in person!  Wish you all could spend an afternoon with Donna.....she totally inspired me!   

KeKe, I was one of those folks who always said, "I'll start a diet on Monday."  Then the next Monday and the next, but the perfect Monday never comes.  I'm only on week 4 of FTS, but when I decided to give it a try....It was on a Friday!  This isn't a diet.  It's a GREAT way to eat!  I would have never believed that the craving for sugar goes away....but it does!!  You won't be sorry if you jump in here with us! 

Desserts and Sweets / Re: Best Flour-less Chocolate Mug Cake I've tried
« on: October 05, 2010, 10:28:50 AM »
I made this last night, and it was AMAZING!!!  When it was done, I put a few chopped walnuts on top.  Also, I found that Land of Lakes makes a "redi whip" with no sugar!  I piled it high, and it was totally delicious.  I am not missing the sugar at all!!   Wow!!! 

General Discussion / Re: Bragging Rights
« on: October 05, 2010, 10:12:09 AM »
Wow Paula!  How precious of her to do that for you!  What a blessing....sounds yummy too!   

General Discussion / Re: Feeling Great!
« on: October 04, 2010, 12:06:52 PM »
Thank you!  I will probably go ahead and order it from Amazon.  I should have it in a few days.  I have coconut cream cheesecake bars on my mind! ha ha

Oh....after that pattymelt (without the bun) Saturday in addition to everything else I had that day....I was down another pound Sunday morning!  This is getting fun!   

General Discussion / Re: Feeling Great!
« on: October 04, 2010, 11:36:34 AM »
We don't have a health food store in town. I probably should have checked around Atlanta over the weekend. We only have GNCs here.  I just called them, and they only carry something called "stevia".  Anyone  know anything about that?

General Discussion / Feeling Great!
« on: October 04, 2010, 11:14:07 AM »
I have just finished my 3rd week on FTS, and I am feeling GREAT!  So glad I didn't quit while going through detox.  For me, the first 3-4 days were the tough ones.  I'm down 13 lbs (total 37 lbs when added with what I lost during my "dreary calorie counting" since April.)

I had the wonderful opportunity to have dinner with Owensmath (Donna) on Saturday!  SHE LOOKS AMAZING, and she brought some FTS snacks....Jicama, Crisp Bread, strawberries, cinnamon crackers, tortillas, and 2 kinds of sugar free choclate!  She is SUCH an inspiration, and she really got me thinking about new things I can try!  I am planning to make butternut squash soup, and I printed a few recipes from this forum too!  I can't wait to get to the grocery store.
By the way.....where do you find Xylitol?  I saw that it can be ordered online, but I would love to use it in a recipe tonight....

Thanks FTS (and Donna).  I am so excited!!


General Discussion / Re: All Day Seminar
« on: September 28, 2010, 08:47:54 PM »
Oh...I have seen "The Book of Eli", and I agree....the ending was awesome!       

General Discussion / Re: Your diet compared to the Atkins Diet
« on: September 26, 2010, 05:14:04 PM »
Great video!  Thanks for!

I am LOVING the Redi whip on my sugar free jello & pudding!  It's really a tasty treat!  I've made it 2 weeks & 2 days now, and I don't feel like I've missed out on anything!   

General Discussion / Re: Your diet compared to the Atkins Diet
« on: September 25, 2010, 11:52:55 PM »
I had never heard about sugar being a "fertilizer" for cancer until just recently.  I work with a lady whose husband has cancer.  Just recently they did a PET scan to see if the cancer has spread.  For the days leading up to the scan he couldn't eat anything with sugar.  Then before they did the scan they gave him an IV of glucose (sugar).  The glucose goes directly to the cancer and that's how the PET scan marks the spot where the cancer is!!  I had no idea!   

General Discussion / Re: New here...Thanks to Owensmath!
« on: September 24, 2010, 02:45:57 PM »
Thanks for your kind words Susie!   We have met the most wonderful people by being a part of the "Navy Family".  This is how I got to meet Donna!

My dad was Army Reserves when I was a baby, but otherwise, the military is all new to me.   However, now days......when I see an older gentleman wearing a "Veteran" cap or t-shirt, I just want to go up, shake their hand, and say "THANK YOU!"  I understand more about their sacrifce now.  To say the least....I am ALOT more patriotic now. ha ha

I sure am enjoying this Forum! Everyone has been so nice and welcoming!           

General Discussion / Re: New here...Thanks to Owensmath!
« on: September 24, 2010, 09:35:17 AM »
I will definitely check out your column Umpa!  I watched the video on how to make the low carb chicken parmesan, and that looked yummy!  Who would've thought you could do that!  I already love pork skins anyway.

General Discussion / Re: out of the driveway ... not idling any more
« on: September 23, 2010, 02:58:04 PM »
Sounds good to me!

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