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Messages - TabyTaby

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Goodness...I don't think I'm strong enough to have looked at that as long as I did  :o :'(

Breakfast Recipes / Re: Jenny's Better Than Boxed Low Carb Pancakes
« on: July 05, 2013, 06:37:31 PM »
Thanks Umpa...I actually have. I made it alot the first time around when I was a vegan...minus the egg. This time around I tried it with the egg and it tasted really eggy to me :\ I couldn't finish it, it made me gag :( I hate the taste of egg and it came out very eggy...I think I will just keep on with it without the egg...when you take out the egg it has no carbs, as long as I use flaxseed! It doesn't rise as much but it doesn't taste eggy either :D

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 05, 2013, 06:35:07 PM »
Thanks friends! I appreciate it! Where is the portion sizes Umpa? I don't think I've seen that! I thought about measuring some veggies in my hand, taking photos and labeling on the photos what size of portion it was, and making a little photo book to carry with me! I survived again today...we met my husband in the next town over for lunch...and he decides to go to my FAVE Italian restaurant >:O they serve bread as an appetizer and have all my favorite dishes...BUT I stuck to it with a glass of water and a salad with fresh shredded mozzarella, black olives, tomato, and used oil and red wine vinegar as the dressing :) Starting to gain some momentum...then, it made it all worth when I took my baby girl to see my old coworkers...most of them were extremely hateful to me, they printed out my FB statuses and spread them around the building and sent them to our corporate office :\ what's the best revenge? Seeing that even though I had a baby, I'm almost the same size I was when I left and seeing that they all have gotten FAT!!! LOL good day indeed ;)

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 05, 2013, 12:40:45 AM » I SURVIVED the 4th of July feast...there were so many, many, many yummy desserts and foods, it took every ounce of self control I have...BUT I made it, I think. This is where my question comes in, but first, here's what I ate:

I had 8 asparagus stalks, small and grilled, and then 5 blackberries, then we went to someone else's house who had a smorgasborge of food...I almost caved...but my church family knows I'm trying to do right...SO everyone helped keep me away from the bad stuff :) so once there I ate from the veggie tray, I had broccoli, cauliflower, chopped cherry tomatoes, green olives, and celery with a ranch dressing (vegetarian) lots of cheese and sweet tea sweetened with Splenda (someone else made it and it upset my stomach >:O). Here's my question, when you eat from a veggie do you know how many carbs you are eating? I can't tell you how many carbs I had because I didn't measure the broccoli or cauli or tomatoes or cheese or any of it...I had no way of knowing how much it do you handle that friends? What is the way you all figure it out when eating from a veggie tray? I hope I didn't go over, but to be honest, I am not sure  :(

Breakfast Recipes / Re: Jenny's Better Than Boxed Low Carb Pancakes
« on: July 04, 2013, 03:58:38 PM »
Thanks TooSweet, I'll try it soon and report back LOL

Product Reviews / Re: dreamfields pasta
« on: July 04, 2013, 03:57:07 PM »
Thanks Tony! I found it to be such a revelation, just what they were saying. I think, if anyone doubts, they should read that article. That person has nothing to gain from telling the truth, only the benefit of knowing he's helping others! I found it after my aunt who does semi-low carb was telling me about it...and I had to give her the link to help her understand the truth! It's disgusting how they can lie like that. Not cool.

General Discussion / Re: Doug why is it harder
« on: July 04, 2013, 03:54:14 PM »
Yup, that's why I failed...I added carbs back thinking I was safe...and BAM  (in m best Emeril voice) the fat PACKED back on. Everything everyone is saying is true. With my professional experience with addicts, I would see someone who had been clean from drugs for 7 months, someone would come over with crack and they would tell me, "I thought I was safe with just a hit" before you knew they were restarting the program all over again. It seems to be the same with sugar...never safe with carbs. Not to mention when you fall, its much harder to recover and you physically feel least I do, it makes my stomach sick and I get backed up and all sorts of nasty stuff. We can do it together.

General Discussion / Re: Need help with food ideas...
« on: July 04, 2013, 03:49:07 PM »
Thanks ladies...Yeah TooSweet I figured that out after I typed it when I looked up carb counts online :\ I found a couple things...cheese (yes morgan I LOVE cheese) and the OMM without the egg, only flax and butter on top...but that was all I came up with :\ oh and Boca patties...I forgot the boca patties...the vegetarian style have the same number of carbs as fiber so it makes it zero! Thanks for trying and thanks for the cheese crisps morgan...I could put the Boca patty between those crisps :D

General Discussion / Need help with food ideas...
« on: July 04, 2013, 04:23:58 AM »
Hey everyone! I need a list of some foods or recipes that have 0 carbs...sometimes when I'm up really late with my babygirl (like tonight) even though I may have had dinner, and may have used 20 carbs already, I find myself very hungry (like now), and like tonight, my stomach is burning, growling, and nauseated (I'm also on a med that I have to take late that is supposed to be taken with food) so I need some ideas on something I could snack on a little just to keep the tummy happy...nothing big, just a little there anything out there? I've heard Kale is zero carbs...and I could make Kale, but I didn't know if it was true and what to do with it besides boil it or try to make kale chips...Thanks for your help! Oh, and P.S. for those of you that don't know...I'm vegetarian ;) so any meats are out of the question.

Breakfast Recipes / Re: Jenny's Better Than Boxed Low Carb Pancakes
« on: July 04, 2013, 04:18:37 AM »
Okay...quick question before I make they come out eggy? I cannot stand the taste of eggs...I gag and puke it up immediately...totally icks me out, and every "baked" or cooked or "bready" low-carb product I've made tastes very eggy :\ how does this one taste? Is it floppy and rubbery like an egg product is? Even the OMM came out eggy to me so I just left out the egg on it...but how does this come out? TIA!!!

Hey friend! Congrats on your loss! I bet you'll find you lose weight faster than you are anticipating!!! Here are some ideas I got from another forum, so I can't take credit...but maybe they will help you out, it was from another trucker who was low carbing...

meatloaf cooked in muffin tins
chicken wings
frittatas cooked in muffin tins
chef salad
chicken ceasar salad
cobb salad
cream cheese dips & cut-up veggies

Mini pizzas made in muffins tins ----Lay 4 pepperoni in tins add sauce , cheese, mushrooms,blck olives , sausage , anything he likes on pizza bake and put in air tight containers.

Ham and cheese roll-ups

Grill up a chicken breast or pork chop, with a dry seasoning on it and then when it has cooled cut it in to strips, generally these aren't finger foods but the aren't that messy, nothing a nearby napkin couldn't fix. Also slices of cheese, strips of raw veggies, such as celery, pepper etc... If you use low carb wraps you could make some of those pin wheels by wraping meat cheese veggies etc...into a tight wrap then sliceing it into bit size pieces, lay the pieces flat in tupperware for him. I think this works best with softer cheeses, they help the roll stay rolled.

I hope that helps some :) and I think the low carb chili would do fine even if it sat out a little while, you could stop at place and heat it up in a microwave as long as you had preground hamburger meat that you could prepare when you are at home maybe. Best wishes to you...YOU TOO can do it!

Product Reviews / Re: dreamfields pasta
« on: July 03, 2013, 10:10:40 PM »
I just wanted to share this article I found exposing the truths about Dreamfields Pasta...just in case anyone doubts this is a good research and review ;)

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 03, 2013, 10:06:11 PM »
So, today I ate 8 pepperjack cheese cubes (2 carbs) for a snack, then I ate two vegan tamales with salsa (12 carbs) so then I wanted something sweet and I wasn't paying close enough attention, I had 1/2 cup of yogurt (4.5) and 1oz of chopped pecans (1 carb) usually I add one strawberry to the mix and that's it...well, the strawberries were prechopped and I threw some in there, after I went back to see about how much it was, post meal, because I started having concerns...I think it was about 5 berries :( I'm hoping that didn't blow my carbs too far above my limit! Anyhow, I still did decent minus the frustration over the darnded strawberries >:O. I have to come up with a plan for my meal tomorrow...because going there blindly won't work! I'm thinking a small salad, a couple cheese sticks, a couple pickled asparagus and not sure what else yet.

General Discussion / Re: Doug why is it harder
« on: July 03, 2013, 06:20:08 PM »
Let me add out of that 100 pounds I lost...I gained ALL back but 20 :\

General Discussion / Re: Doug why is it harder
« on: July 03, 2013, 06:18:45 PM »
Oh friend...I can SO relate on SO many levels. As you've probably read, I went from 286 to 186 in like 4 to 5 months on FTS...I was motivated and determined...then I donated a kidney and when I did that part of the testing was to double the average person's carbs a day to see how kidneys handled the stress, because carbs stress out our kidneys...whodathunkit? Once I got a taste..I couldn't go back. The good Lord knows I tried...but I couldn't. Then I got pregnant...then I almost died and I thought, well if I'm going to die I might as well enjoy the sugar ride along the way...too bad for me, not only did I not die (that's a good thing) but I couldn't get off the fricken sugar turned into a daily festival of "This is my last sugar meal...I promise" and everyday I made that promise. So I gave myself two months post partum to get it together...So June 1rst came. I made a commitment...I was doing really well, then two weeks in I got in a bad position with no low-carb food at a party and caved. I tried to go back the next day...same story, stuck on the sugar train. Sigh. So for a week I did well, then not so well, and my mom and husband kept offering me food I wasn't supposed to have (I cook all the meals in this house and I'm the only one needing to lose weight and get healthier...100 pound hubby eats whatever he wants >:O but I have to cook it). So, now I have restarted AGAIN on July 1 because I kept yo-yoing. Sigh. I know plenty about addictions, I am a licensed master level social worker (LMSW) and was addiction counselor at a methadone clinic...the same advice I gave to my clients, I now give myself. I was driving with my hubby the other day and I broke down in tears...this is kind of what I said, I'm going to share it because it might inspire someone, "I'm going to have to admit to myself, that there's always going to be a thought of just one more meal, just one more bite, just one more's not going to go away, I must beat it into submission. It is simply my flesh rising up against me, and I must make it mind it's master. There will always be a fabulous, carb-loaded meal that is new and improved coming out, a new cake I've never tried, a new bread, something that will always be a source of temptation...each time I give into it, I pay the high cost of stomach ache, diarrhea, cramping, bloating, headaches, weight gain, and cravings. I'm going to have to get over it. I'm going to have to get over the fact that there are people (like my hubby and son) that can eat whatever they want and their body reacts differently than mine. I cannot change that...I simply must accept that I am different and thus must adhere to different lifestyle. As long as there is a restaurant open, a party, a holiday, a gathering of friends, fellowship, and food, there will be a temptation and craving...I must chose my fate and stick to it. I can only change myself, my desires, I cannot change what other people do or offer." I seriously said all of that, out loud to myself, and cried while I did it. What is different this time around? What is different July 1, than June 1...I'm a very faith based and devout person to my faith, so I had my husband pray with me and he decided to abstain from video games for 1 month and I decided I would low-carb for a whole month without going over 20 net carbs a day for a month and we prayed together and took an oath before God, and that is the ONLY reason I haven't caved. I know that I will not break an oath to my Lord...but I'll break one to myself. I figure, if I can make it a month, by then my cravings and weak moments will be lessened and I can battle against it by that point. Sometimes we have to get a little running start and some strength behind us to finish the race ;) You can do it...and we'll be doing it with you!

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